A photo from the beginning of webinar 4. On the left is a video of Jody and Skye sitting next to each other. To the right is a slide with the title, "Best Practices for Working with People with Disabilities." Underneath the title includes text, "Disability Justice & Sexual Violence Prevention Webinar 4 of 5; A collaborative project by ICADV, MESA, ICESA, IMHC, and many disability advocates! Today's Presenters: Jody Powers, Disability Advocate and ICADV Collaborator; Skye Ashton Kantola, Multicultural Efforts to End Sexual Assault.

This webinar will address interpersonal and healthy intimate partnerships, professional policies and implementation, medical and social services, and notes on prevention.

  • Skylar Ashton Kantola (she and they, Facilitator), MESA Program Coordinator, Multicultural Efforts to End Sexual Assault, kantola@purdue.edu
  • Jody Powers (she/her), Consultant with Indiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence
  • Kirat Sandhu (she/her, Tech Moderator), Indiana Coalition to End Sexual Assault and Human Trafficking

Closed Captions & Transcript created by Skye Ashton Kantola, MESA Program Coordinator & Reshma Sunil Rawlani, MESA Graduate Student Worker

Webinar 4: Best Practices for Working with People with Disabilities