Voices from the Margins – People with Disabilities on Desire

Elevatus is more than a training facility for sexual health competency for people with developmental and intellectual disabilities; it is a wealth of resources. The Elevatus newsletter is always full of free sexual health resources and goodies and this week’s newsletter is no exception. Click on the button below to access “Listening to Self-Advocates Voices: How Shameful, Negative Messages, and Fear-Based Sexuality Education Puts People At Risk”

Please read the Elevatus article and if you can, track down the original article  Restrictions, Power, Companionship, and Intimacy: A Metasynthesis of People with Intellectual Disability Speaking About Sex and Relationships by Rhonda S. Black and Rebecca R. Kammes, (Intellect Dev Disabil. 2020 Feb;58(1):65-81), pass it on!


Post written by  Cierra Olivia Thomas-Williams, Prevention Specialist, Indiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence (ICADV), cwilliams@icadvinc.org.

Webinar 7: Mental Health, Neurodivergence, and Sexual Violence Prevention Panel


Learn about the lived experiences of a panel of neurodivergent and mentally ill self-advocates and listen to them discuss how society can prevent sexual violence against those in these communities. Video with CC coming soon.

Webinar Outline
  • 5-10 minutes: Housekeeping & introductions
  • 60 minutes: Moderated panel discussion on Mental Health, Neurodivergence, & Sexual Violence Prevention
  • 10 minutes: Attendee questions
  • 5-10 minutes: Closing, resource sharing bonanza
  • Skye Ashton Kantola (she and they, Facilitator), Program Coordinator, Multicultural Efforts to End Sexual Assault, kantola@purdue.edu
  • Vita E. Cleveland (they and she, Panelist), percussionist, educator, poet, vocalist, and activist
  • Cénix C. Callejo (they/them, Panelist), environmental activist and biologist
  • Nick Dowling (he/him, Panelist), Purdue undergraduate student who is 50% sick, 30% math, and 20% memes
  • Teht Ashmani (they/them, Panelist), creative writer & scholar of cultural theory & literature
  • AJ Lewis (he/him, Panelist), survivor & self-advocate
  • Cierra Olivia Thomas-Williams (she/her, Tech Moderator), Prevention Specialist, Indiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence

Closed Captions & Transcript created by Skye Ashton Kantola, MESA Program Coordinator


Webinar 6: Sexual Violence Prevention with People who Are Deaf and Hard of Hearing


Learn about creating anti-violent policies and practices that support Deaf and Heard of Hearing survivors, prevention of sexual violence against Deaf and Heard of Hearing communities, and trauma-informed interpretation.

Webinar Outline
  • 15 minutes: Housekeeping & introductions
  • 20 minutes: Creating Protective Environments
  • 20 minutes: The Shelter System
  • 20 minutes: Training ASL Interpreters
  • 15 minutes: Closing, resource sharing bonanza
  • Holly Elkins (she/her, Presenter), Deaf and Hard of Hearing Outreach Coordinator, Indiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence, helkins@icadvinc.org
  • Skye Ashton Kantola (she and they, Tech Moderator), Program Coordinator, Multicultural Efforts to End Sexual Assault
  • Cierra Olivia Thomas-Williams (she/her, Tech Moderator), Prevention Specialist, Indiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence

Closed Captions & Transcript created by Skye Ashton Kantola, MESA Program Coordinator


Cierra’s annotated PPT Slides