COVID and Being Medically Fragile with a Disability

Hi, my name is Meishy and I live at home with my mom, Cheryl. She is helping me write
this because I am a quadriplegic and unable to write and dysarthric and unable to speak. However, I want to tell you about my experiences of surviving in the world of Covid 19. I know all of you are having to survive this as well, but I am on a ventilator 24 hours a day, so if I get this virus, I have a 99% chance of dying, so that is scary to me. I want to tell you about all the things people have done to try to protect me and keep me safe so you know what people can do to help keep you safe too.

I have not left my room since February 18 of last year when I went to see Dr. Tolley at the pain clinic at Riley Hospital. That was right before Covid burst on the scene. In March I was told by my doctors that I needed to stay in my house and not leave for any reason; that my mom, who is a nurse, and my nurses would need to take care of any problems at home. The doctors made sure that I had all the medications that I needed (antibiotics, meds to thin my mucus, etc.) were on hand so they could be started if I needed them so I did not have to make a trip to the emergency room. I am a palliative care patient because I no longer have any veins that are good enough for IVs, so all my antibiotics must go through my stomach tube.
I have needed these medications a couple of times during my isolation period, and it has been wonderful to not have to go to the hospital to get them. My doctors have also been great about doing all my doctor visits via virtual visits. Mom holds the phone up and we talk with the doctor about what has been happening with me and we are able to do our appointments that way. It has been amazingly effective.
Another important thing is that the only people that I have seen since I left the house are my mom, my two nurses, Steve and Shannon, my therapist Jaime, and my aunt Susan. All of them do things like wearing masks and gloves when they get close to me if they are not feeling well. Mom even had to take care of me in November when she had Covid and managed to keep me from getting sick. She wore her mask, her gloves, and washed her hands a lot. She also kept herself in the other room except when I needed something bad, just so she could keep me safe. I did not get sick at all.
I cannot say it has not been a little lonely, but I have my iPad and my DVDs to keep me busy and happy. Those are the things that I really enjoy. I plan to keep on doing what I am doing for as long as I need to do it, and I hope you will all do the same. Please remember that masks and social distancing do work. I am proof of that and stay safe.

Woman with brown skin and long black hair, wearing a pink dress with a fierce look on her face.

About the Author:

Meishy was born in Philadelphia and lived in a foster home there until she met her adoptive mom. They flew home to be a family on 9/20/2001, right after the planes started again. Meishy attended Shelbyville High School. She loves all things Disney, but especially the princesses. She spends her days watching movies and surfing the internet.

Taking Up Space

*Image description* Child in a pink wheelchair with blue jeans and a pink shirt that reads ‘Warning! I always win at musical chairs’ with her hands atop her head, and her mouth open wide in a silly face.

Too much. Too loud. Too vocal. Drawing attention. Advocating loudly. Never satisfied.

In the space of a few weeks, these words became loud in my mind. Back to school meant lots of conversations, text, and e-mails. Needs. Disagreeing with people, and working really hard to come across diplomatically. My mind bent over gasping for air while trying not to throw up. Not because it was bad. Or, received poorly. But, because advocating is hard. And, scary. Necessary. While invoking fears that if things are pushed too hard, too loudly, or we just take up too much space, my children could suffer the repercussions. Part of me wants to apologize for speaking up at all. Making waves. I can feel it. It’s too much space out of a whole lot of kids with needs. We’re not staying in our area.

A trip to the park buzzing over the excitement of a new swing. One I can roll a wheelchair up on, and watch my daughter lean back and smile in the breeze. I pull up, and immediately feel all the blood rush to my face. They’ve built a swing. A whole separate area for kids with disabilities. I can’t believe it. How did this happen? So I speak up. I arrange meetings and have hard conversations. I listen, and try to understand. I tell them what I want, knowing the cost is astronomical in a Midwestern city that has lost its factories and is struggling to survive. And, I know, I’m taking up too much space in the financial agenda of a city.

We’re out. My daughter is excited. She makes her noises. Grunty and screechy. Over and over. It’s loud. People move away or stare. They don’t know how to respond to it. She’s just communicating. We’re used to it. But, all of a sudden, I know. Too much space. We are occupying more than our share of the noise level.

Sunday morning. Front row during worship because that’s where my daughter wants to be. She can see all the instruments. The singers. There’s room to dance. And, a few times, she makes her way on stage and just sits there, watching everyone, dancing, and sometimes even singing. I breathe deep and purposeful to slow my heart, thankful I can’t see anyone behind me. She darts quickly to make an attempt at grabbing the guitar, and I sprint on stage and grab her. This sort of thing repeats a few times, amidst her other antics of trying to get me to hang her upside down, do flips, and use me as a jungle gym. I can feel it. Sweat is starting to pour out of me. We’re taking up more than our share of space. Drawing attention away from the things people want to be focusing on.

The tears are no longer staying just behind the surface. They spill out onto my cheeks. I’m reminded how long it took for people like her to be allowed any space in society at all. Their space used to be one that hid them away. Gave them less area than was theirs. Took a family, an education, self worth, outdoors, human interaction, dignity, and at times, their lives.

I drop her off at Sunday school, and slink into the back of the church. The weight of the past week of advocating, and feeling too much settles in. I’m self conscious from the worship time, and uncertain whether bringing her in for it, no matter how much she begs, is truly the right thing to do. Our pastor stands up, talks a little about the set up of Sunday school, who goes where, when. And, out loud, in front of everyone, welcomes my daughter by name to be part of worship as she sees fit.

It’s okay for her to take up more space now. To grab back what was denied to so many before her. To loudly declare that she is alive, and has worth. This is her time. Her place. And, we will be here, taking up more than our share of space.

About the Author:

Image Description: Andrea has long light brown hair and is smiling broadly. She is wearing a white top, a silver necklace, and dangling earrings. Trees are in the background.

Andrea Mae is a mom, advocate, writer, and special education aid. She spends time caring for her three children: juggling therapies and specialists, reading, hiking, kayaking, hammocking, eating Reese’s, and being followed around by her dog-Daisy.. She is active in her neighborhood and community, advocating for the rights and needs of people with disabilities, and speaking on the topics of disability and theology. She is currently obtaining her degree in special education.

Dismonsterize Disability

A one panel cartoon in black ink with a plain white background featuring a cerebral palsy man holding a picket sign that reads “DIS – MONSTERIZE DISABILITY ” The man is looking straight forward standing on the sidewalk. At the right of the panel is written “DANIEL AARON HARRIS” in the far right bottom corner is written “ (C) 2021 Daniel Aaron Harris

Dis – Monsterize Disability 

Monsterize is defined as

To make something or another into a monster or the appearance of


To give another very bad reputation, demonize, vilify.

As a cerebral palsy man I have experienced monsterization along with a lot of people with disabilities. As an artist and children book author my mission is to change the narrative of people with disabilities are viewed and betrayed in media outlets. I chose “Dis instead of De” for a impactful a word play. Bobby Blue is a cerebral palsy character created by me to help people big and small see the value within the disability community.

Photo of Daniel Aaron: a white man siting in a chair in front of bookselves. He has brown hair with a beard. He has a serious expression. He is wearing a yellow t-shirt that says “Fallen Walls”. He has a tattoo of a lion on his left arm.

Daniel Aaron Harris as an artist, actor and author aims to change the narrative of disability. He lives in Memphis TN, where he runs a ministry called Fallen Walls. Daniel has written 7 children’s books and is currently working on his doctorate of ministry at Western Theological Seminary.

Facebook- Daniel Aaron Harris
Instagram and Twitter- danielfw901
YouTube – Daniel Aaron Harris

Help us bring your voice to the forefront!

Request for Submissions

The Indiana Disability Justice Task Force ( or “IDJ”) is looking for contributors for the online Disability Justice and Violence Prevention Resource Hub!  We can compensate you for your participation. If you are selected to be published, you will receive $250!  (Please be aware this could affect benefits and services for those who have them. Please seek out guidance.)

The IDJ Task Force is always looking for:

Along with your submission as outlined below, please also include:

  • The name you’d like associated with the publication.
  • Any organization or agency affiliation that you’d like included with the publication.
  • A brief bio that can be included with the publication.
  • A photo with an image description that can be included with the publication (if submission is in written, not video format).  If you’d like to learn about image descriptions and how to write them, please Read This.
  • Additional information about where people can find you and support your work, such as social media handles, website, etc.

Please submit questions and publications to Submissions will be accepted year-round on a rolling basis.  Please note that Online Hub coordinators are mostly volunteer-based, so please be patient as you wait for a response.  Once submitted, a Task Force member will confirm receipt.  Shortly after, you will receive edits or a confirmation that the submission is ready for publication along with an expected publication date.  Please be sure to confirm you are prepared for publication.  Once published, please share widely!


Publication Guidelines written by Skye Ashton Kantola, Assistant Director at Multicultural Efforts to End Sexual Assault,