What is this Resource? Below is a list of service providers, crisis centers, and hospitals, arranged by county, that are invaluable resources to those impacted by sexual and domestic violence. This list also includes campus resources available across the college and universities in Indiana. Many offer 24-hour crisis hotlines, on-going advocacy, medical support, as well as information on legal advocacy and community outreach. They are there to help. You are not alone.
How to Find What You Are Looking For: The fastest way to find resources relevant to you is to scroll down to the county where you live (counties are listed in alphabetical order). Another way to find resources is to access this list on a computer and hold down “control” and tap the letter “f” (for PC) or hold down “command” and tap the letter “f” (on Mac). These keys will bring up a search bar and you can type any search term, such as the county or specific services. Then click “next” in the search bar to scroll through every found matching term.
Statewide Sexual Violence & Domestic Violence Prevention & Intervention Resources
Indiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence (ICADV)
- Type: state domestic violence coalition
- Mission: Indiana Coalition to End Sexual Assault (ICESA) empowers Indiana communities to prevent sexual assault and serve those impacted by it through comprehensive training, advocacy, increased public awareness and coordinated sexual assault services.
- Services: prevention education, toolkit, and resources; legislative advocacy; technical assistance and support to member programs; Indiana Victim Assistance Training Project; Batterer Intervention Programs (BIPs); legal support, education, and resource referral; State Homicide Reduction plan; Deaf and Hard of Hearing outreach and provider education; survivor lead guidance
- Shelters by County: http://icadvinc.org/domestic-violence-programs/
- Locations: 1915 West 18th Street, Suite B, Indianapolis, IN 46202
- Phone: 317-917-3685
- Email: http://icadvinc.org/contact-us/
- Website: http://icadvinc.org/
Indiana Coalition to End Sexual Assault (ICESA)
- Type: state sexual violence coalition
- Mission: Indiana Coalition to End Sexual Assault (ICESA) empowers Indiana communities to prevent sexual assault and serve those impacted by it through comprehensive training, advocacy, increased public awareness and coordinated sexual assault services.
- Services: training’s and webinars, annual conference, campus consortium, sexual assault response team (SART) support, “Speak Up Speak Out” primary prevention campaign and education, human sex trafficking prevention and intervention through the Indiana Protection for the Abused and Trafficked Humans (IPATH) Task Force, educational resources, resource referral, policy education and updates
- Service Directory by County: https://indianacesa.org/icesa-resources/service-directory/
- Locations: 9245 N. Meridian Street, Suite 227, Indianapolis, IN 46260
- Phone: 317-624-2370
- Email: https://indianacesa.org/contact/
- Website: https://indianacesa.org/
Multicultural Efforts to End Sexual Assault (MESA)
- Type: prevention education and community mobilization
- Mission: MESA is a statewide program that focuses on the primary prevention of sexual violence in under-served and traditionally marginalized communities. MESA focuses on organizing, engaging and mobilizing communities in an effort to create positive social change which will lead to healthier relationships, families and communities.
- Services: free on-site workshops and webinars in Indiana for communities, non-profits, service providers, educators, businesses for various topics including: working with marginalized communities, technology literacy, food security and sustainable agriculture, connections of various forms of violence, buiding healthy relationships and communities, gender, body, and sexuality inclusive safer sex and healthy sexuality, intentionally anti-violent leadership, among others; technical support for prevention efforts including marketing; resource consolidation and dissemination; community organizing and coalition building; guidance and support in developing and implementing evidence-based and -informed best practices and policies/policy implementation
- Locations: 915 W. State St, Rm 4-401, LILY Building, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47904
- Director (Kimber Nicoletti) Email: knicolet@purdue.edu
- Program Coordinator (Skylar Kantola) Email: kantola@purdue.edu
- Website: www.facebook.com/PurdueMESA/
Adams Wells Crisis Center
- Type: domestic violence shelter
- Mission: provides food, shelter, clothing, and essential and supportive care in a safe and secure environment.
- Services: Through an extensive referral network of resources in Adams and Wells Counties, assistance with basic needs are addressed, including: housing, employment, training and job placement, education and counseling; weekly support groups; domestic violence and safety planning;
- Mailing Address: PO Box 253, Decatur, IN 46733
- Office Phone: 1-877-728-9800
- Email: ShelterMgrAWCC@gmail.com
- Website: http://www.adamswellscrisiscenter.com/
Center for Nonviolence
- Type: domestic violence prevention and intervention education and support
- Mission: The Center for Nonviolence provides education, support, and advocacy to end domestic and other forms of violence while modeling equality and power sharing.
- Services: women’s support and education programs; Mujeres Unidas; mother’s intervention program; women’s intervention program; batterer’s intervention program; anger management/violence intervention program for youth; critical thinking program for youth; FACES leadership school-based program to prevent violence among elementary school children; LGBTQ+ youth support group
- Location: 235 West Creighton Avenue, Fort Wayne, Indiana, 46807-1311
- Phone: 260-456-4112
- Fax: 260-456-1086
- Email: http://www.centerfornv.org/ContactUs.aspx
- Website: http://www.centerfornv.org/
Fort Wayne Sexual Assault Treatment Center
- Type: sexual assault crisis center and medical facility
- Mission: We listen and offer choices for healthcare needs, reporting options, and resources to begin a journey of healing. We are forensic nurses making a difference for victims of sexual assault in Northeast Indiana.
- Services: medical forensic exams for children and adults; therapy referrals; information and referrals for college/university students and military personnel
- Location: 1420 Kerrway Ct., Fort Wayne, IN 46805
- Phone: 260-423-2222
- Fax: 260-423-2220
- Email: info@fwsatc.org
- Website: https://fwsatc.org/
Center for Nonviolence
- Type: domestic violence prevention and intervention education and support
- Mission: The Center for Nonviolence provides education, support, and advocacy to end domestic and other forms of violence while modeling equality and power sharing.
- Services: women’s support and education programs; Mujeres Unidas; mother’s intervention program; women’s intervention program; batterer’s intervention program; anger management/violence intervention program for youth; critical thinking program for youth; FACES leadership school-based program to prevent violence among elementary school children; LGBTQ+ youth support group
- Location: 235 West Creighton Avenue, Fort Wayne, Indiana, 46807-1311
- Phone: 260-456-4112
- Fax: 260-456-1086
- Email: http://www.centerfornv.org/ContactUs.aspx
- Website: http://www.centerfornv.org/
Fort Wayne Sexual Assault Treatment Center
- Type: sexual assault crisis center and medical facility
- Mission: We listen and offer choices for healthcare needs, reporting options, and resources to begin a journey of healing. We are forensic nurses making a difference for victims of sexual assault in Northeast Indiana.
- Services: medical forensic exams for children and adults; therapy referrals; information and referrals for college/university students and military personnel
- Location: 1420 Kerrway Ct., Fort Wayne, IN 46805
- Phone: 260-423-2222
- Fax: 260-423-2220
- Email: info@fwsatc.org
- Website: https://fwsatc.org/
YWCA of Northeast Indiana
- Type: community center; domestic violence and sexual assault shelter and crisis center
- Mission: YWCA Northeast Indiana is dedicated to eliminating racism, empowering women, and promoting peace, justice, freedom, and dignity for all.
- Services: addition recovery; domestic violence services: safe shelter, a 24-hr domestic violence crisis line, case management, safety planning, advocacy and aftercare for anyone affected by domestic violence; sexual assault services: crisis intervention, counseling and support groups, 24-hr sexual assault crisis line; Dress for Success; free community education
- Location: 5920 Decatur Road, Fort Wayne, IN 46816
- Phone: 260.424.4908
- Fax: 260.420.5202
- Domestic Violence Crisis Line: 800.441.4073
- Sexual Assault Crisis Line: 260.426.7273
- Email: https://ywcanein.com/contact-us
- Website: https://ywcanein.com/
Indiana Institute of Technology – Wellness Clinic
- Mission: Indiana Tech takes pride and the utmost responsibility in the safety of our students and campus community. To help keep everyone safe, the following measures have been implemented.
- Service: Primary counseling resource for students. Staffed by a licensed mental health counselor through Parkview and Nurse Practitioner
- Location: 1600 E. Washington Blvd. Fort Wayne, IN 46803
- Email: counseling@indianatech.edu
Indiana State University – Title IX
Indiana State University – UAP Clinic – ISU Health Center
Purdue University Fort Wayne – Health and Wellness Clinic
Purdue University Fort Wayne – Title IX
- Mission: Title IX helps to foster safe and respectful University environments that better protect students, faculty and staff from incidents of sex-based discrimination and sexual harassment, including sexual violence, relationship violence and abuse
- Title IX co-ordinator: Christine M. Marcuccilli
- Location: Kettler Hall, Room 110P 2101 E. Coliseum Blvd. Fort Wayne, IN 46805-1499
- Phone: (260) 481-6109
- Email: marcuccc@ipfw.edu
ASSIST Indiana
- Type: domestic violence and sexual violence crisis center
- Mission: ASSIST Indiana provides Advocacy, Specialized Services, Interventions and Support to Trauma victims. Utilizing proven efforts through trauma informed care approach along with best practices, we eliminate the negative effects of violence in our community by serving victims and their loved ones directly.
- Services: aftercare, therapy, counseling, community resource referral as well as crisis intervention, victim advocacy and case management
- Location: 198 E. Jefferson Street, Franklin, IN 46131
- Phone: 317-739-4456
- Email: https://assistindiana.org/contact-us/
- Website: https://assistindiana.org/
Jennings County Council on Domestic Violence
- Type: domestic violence and sexual violence crisis center
- Mission: Empowering those in crisis with the necessary information
- and resources to stay safe and free from domestic violence.
- Services: Harm assessment and education; Listening with a non-judgmental ear; Information and Referral; Outreach Materials; Court Advocacy including help filling out and filing Protective Orders; Community Education; Business and School Presentations; Support Group; emergency shelter
- Location: Not listed
- Phone: 812-346-1592
- Email: http://www.jccdv.org/contact.php
- Website: http://www.jccdv.org/
Turning Point Domestic Violence Services
- Type: domestic violence and sexual violence shelter and crisis center
- Mission: to work towards the prevention and the elimination of dating and domestic violence.
- Services: 24hr crisis line; emergency shelter; transitional housing; Children’s program: Family case management, support groups, domestic violence education, safety planning, tutoring and school liaison services; non-residential services: goal setting and advocacy, danger assessments, information and referrals, domestic violence and sexual assault information, educational support groups, legal advocacy, case management, and individual safety planning; legal support; Servicios de albergue de emergencia; prevention programs and education for community and professionals; additional resources and referrals
- Mailing Address: P.O. Box 103, Columbus, IN, 47202
- Office Phone: 812-379-5575
- 24hr Crisis Line: 1-800-221-6311
- Website: https://www.turningpointdv.org/
No known sexual violence or domestic violence resources exist in Benton County. Please refer to Jasper County, Newton County, Tippecanoe County, Warren County, and/or White County.If you know of any relevant resources in this county, please let us know by sending them to indisabilityjustice@gmail.com.
A Better Way
- Type: domestic violence and sexual violence shelter and crisis center
- Mission: To reduce domestic abuse, sexual assault and suicide in our community through shelter services, crisis intervention and prevention initiatives.
- Services: shelter and services for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault, a walk-in Rape Crisis Center, advocacy, individual trauma-informed counseling, support groups, transitional housing, a 24-hour crisis line for persons in any type of crisis, education + referrals, a suicide hotline, bullying, teen dating violence and domestic violence prevention programs, and a check-in call service for elderly or disabled homebound persons.
- Location: Muncie, IN
- Office Phone: 765-747-9107
- 24-Hr Crisis Line: 765-288-4357
- Email: familynetw@aboutspecialkids.org
- Website: https://abetterwaymuncie.org/
Fort Wayne Sexual Assault Treatment Center
- Type: sexual assault crisis center and medical facility
- Mission: We listen and offer choices for healthcare needs, reporting options, and resources to begin a journey of healing. We are forensic nurses making a difference for victims of sexual assault in Northeast Indiana.
- Services: medical forensic exams for children and adults; therapy referrals; information and referrals for college/university students and military personnel
- Location: 1420 Kerrway Ct., Fort Wayne, IN 46805
- Phone: 260-423-2222
- Fax: 260-423-2220
- Email: info@fwsatc.org
- Website: https://fwsatc.org/
Domestic Violence Network
- Type: domestic and sexual violence education and capacity building organization
- Mission: to change the culture that leads to domestic violence through advocacy, education, and collaboration in the community at large.
- Services: community education, webinars, and requested trainings; education and technical assistance for schools, resources for parents, and education for youth; community action network; Baker One initiative to pre-emptively identify and prevent domestic violence; protective order assessments; Service Equality Task Force to ensure LGBTQ+ inclusion in domestic and sexual violence prevention and intervention efforts; Higher Education Impact Team and Title IX education; resources and networking opportunities for advocates
- Location: 9245 N. Meridian Street, Suite 235, Indianapolis, IN 46260
- Phone: (317) 872-1086
- Email: https://dvnconnect.org/contact/
- Website: http://www.dvnconnect.org/
Family Crisis Center
- Type: domestic and sexual violence shelter & crisis center
- Mission: To provide quality emergency shelter and transitional living in a supportive environment with prevention and intervention services while advocating for the rights of survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault
- Services: 24 Hour Crisis Hotline; Case Management; Referral Services; Youth Services; Legal Advocacy; Sexual Assault Advocacy; Emergency shelter and transitional housing; Clothing Pantry; Weekly Support Group; Community Outreach and Education
- Mailing Address: PO Box 254, Crawfordsville, IN 47933
- Phone: 1-800-370-4103
- Email: andyf@familycrisisshelter.org
- Website: https://sites.google.com/site/familycrisisshelter/home
Family Support Services of West Central Indiana
- Type: family services; child maltreatment prevention and intervention; domestic and sexual violence crisis center
- Mission: to prevent child abuse, neglect and domestic violence through education, guidance, intervention and supportive services.
- Services: healthy families program with life skills and child care support; free child care (TOTS Time); youth council (CYCLE); court Advocacy; Protective Orders; Safe Shelter; Domestic Violence Education; Safety Plans; Referrals; Women’s, Teen’s and Children’s Support Groups; On-going Support; Educational Groups and programming; prevention coalition
- Location: 16 South Jackson Street, Greencastle, IN 46135
- Phone: (765) 653-4820
- Email: https://fsswci.net/contact-us
- Website: https://fsswci.net/
Sheltering Wings
- Type: domestic violence shelter
- Mission: Extending the love and compassion of Christ to people in circumstances of domestic abuse.
- Services: emergency shelter; community and professional education; Men IN Action; Youth Council
- Mailing Address: PO Box 92, Danville, IN 46122
- Office Phone: 317-718-5460
- Crisis Line: 317-745-1496
- Email: https://shelteringwings.org/stay-connected/
- Website: https://shelteringwings.org/
Desert Rose Foundation, Inc.
- Type: domestic violence and sexual violence shelter and crisis center
- Mission: Desert Rose Foundation, Inc. is a faith-based nonprofit organization whose mission is to provide transitional shelter for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault, as well as the services needed to break the cycle of abuse in families.
- Services: shelter for up to 2 years for women with or without children; free individual counselling for adults and children; case management and life skills development; Domestic and Youth Violence Education; Youth and Teen Support Groups; Youth Tutoring; community outreach and education
- Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1754, Martinsville, IN 46151
- Phone: 765-342-7673
- Email: http://www.desertrose.cc/ContactUs.aspx
- Website: http://www.desertrose.cc/
- Type: child advocacy center
- Mission: To provide a neutral, child-friendly center to investigate alleged child abuse and neglect in Indiana, while keeping the comfort and safety of the child the first priority.
- Services: Child and Family Advocacy; First Responder Training; Mental Health co-located in Avon and Bloomington; Forensic Medical Exams co-located in Bloomington; Darkness to Light Stewards of Children Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Trainings; Body Boundaries – body safety classes for elementary school students; Staying Safe in a Digital World – body/internet safety classes for middle and high school students; My Buddy Therapy Dog program
- Location: 365 S Park Ridge Road Ste. 103, Bloomington, IN 47401
- Phone: 812-822-1570
- Email: https://susiesplace.org/contact-us/
- Website: https://susiesplace.org/
Turning Point Domestic Violence Services
- Type: domestic violence and sexual violence shelter and crisis center
- Mission: to work towards the prevention and the elimination of dating and domestic violence.
- Services: 24hr crisis line; emergency shelter; transitional housing; Children’s program: Family case management, support groups, domestic violence education, safety planning, tutoring and school liaison services; non-residential services: goal setting and advocacy, danger assessments, information and referrals, domestic violence and sexual assault information, educational support groups, legal advocacy, case management, and individual safety planning; legal support; Servicios de albergue de emergencia; prevention programs and education for community and professionals; additional resources and referrals
- Mailing Address: P.O. Box 103, Columbus, IN, 47202
- Office Phone: 812-379-5575
- 24hr Crisis Line: 1-800-221-6311
- Website: https://www.turningpointdv.org/
No known sexual violence or domestic violence resources exist in Carroll County. Please refer to Cass County, Clinton County, Howard County, Tippecanoe County, and/or White County.If you know of any relevant resources in this county, please let us know by sending them to indisabilityjustice@gmail.com.
Family Service Association of Howard County
- Type: domestic violence and sexual violence shelter and crisis center
- Mission: To promote healthy families and empower vulnerable individuals and families through education, prevention, and crisis intervention programs.
- Services: 24 hour crisis line; sexual assault advocates; child safety education programs; Teen Dating Violence Prevention Education; 45 day Crisis Shelter; Rapid Re-Housing Program; Weekly support groups; 1 on 1 case management services; healthy families education and baby care resources and support; Jackson Street Commons (permanent, supportive housing for chronically homeless veterans); youth substance abuse prevention; Prevent Child Abuse Howard County
- Location: 618 S. Main Street, Kokomo, IN 46901
- Phone: 765.457.9313
- Fax: 765.868.4122
- 24-Hour Crisis Line: 877-482-4222
- Email: artinot@fsahc.org
- Website: https://fsahc.org/
Logansport Hospital
- Type: sexual assault medical facility
- Services: sexual assault medical/forensic exam
- Location: 1101 Michigan Avenue Logansport, IN 46947
- Phone: 574-753-1475
- Website: https://www.logansportmemorial.org/
Clark Memorial Hospital
- Type: sexual assault medical facility
- Services: sexual assault medical/forensic exam, Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) available
- Location: 1220 Missouri Avenue Jeffersonville, IN 47130
- Phone: 812-282-6631
- Cost: Free
St. Catherine Regional Hospital
- Type: sexual assault medical facility
- Services: sexual assault medical/forensic exam, Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) available.
- Location: 2200 Market Street Charlestown, IN 47111
- Phone: 812-282-6631
The Center for Women and Families
- Type: domestic violence and sexual violence shelter and crisis center
- Mission: The Center for Women and Families provides trauma-informed advocacy and support for individuals, families and communities affected by intimate partner violence and sexual assault.
- Services: Crisis Response; Emergency Shelter and Transitional Housing; Sexual Assault Services; Advocacy and Support; Children’s Services; community and professional training;
- Location: 4919 Charlestown Road, New Albany, IN 47150
- Office Phone: 812-944-6743
- 24-Hour Crisis Line: 1-844-237-2331
- Email: http://www.codaterrehaute.org/contact.html
- Website: https://www.thecenteronline.org/
Council on Domestic Abuse (CODA)
- Type: domestic violence and sexual violence shelter and crisis center
- Mission: the elimination of domestic abuse and sexual assault through societal change and the empowerment of abused individuals and their minor children.
- Services: emergency shelter, legal advocacy, children’s programs, education for youth, teens, college/university students, businesses, providers, and educators, support services and resource referral, sexual assault victim advocacy, prevention education, internships
- Location: Terre Haute, IN
- 24-Hour Crisis Line: 800-566-2632
- Email: http://www.codaterrehaute.org/contact.html
- Website: http://www.codaterrehaute.org/
Family Support Services of West Central Indiana
- Type: family services; child maltreatment prevention and intervention; domestic and sexual violence crisis center
- Mission: to prevent child abuse, neglect and domestic violence through education, guidance, intervention and supportive services.
- Services: healthy families program with life skills and child care support; free child care (TOTS Time); youth council (CYCLE); court Advocacy; Protective Orders; Safe Shelter; Domestic Violence Education; Safety Plans; Referrals; Women’s, Teen’s and Children’s Support Groups; On-going Support; Educational Groups and programming; prevention coalition
- Location: 16 South Jackson Street, Greencastle, IN 46135
- Phone: (765) 653-4820
- Email: https://fsswci.net/contact-us
- Website: https://fsswci.net/
Clinton County Prosecutor’s Office
- Type: Information/ referral services, legal advocacy
- Mission: accompaniment to court, assist with completion of victim compensation fund form, assist with preparation of civil protective orders, prepare criminal no contact orders, prepare affidavits for court
- Services: provide updates on cases, help with U-visas, translation, safety plans referrals to healthcare, law enforcement, shelter (if needed)
- Location: 475 Courthouse Square, Frankfort, IN 46041
- Phone: (765) 659-6351
- Website: http://www.clintonco.com/prosecutor/
St. Vincent Frankfort
- Type: sexual assault medical facility
- Services: sexual assault medical/forensic exam, Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) available.
- Location:1300 S. Jackson St. Frankfort, IN 46041
- Phone: 765-656-3151
- Cost: Free
Albion Fellows Bacon Center
- Type: domestic violence and sexual violence shelter and crisis center
- Mission: Albion Fellows Bacon Center strategically works to prevent domestic and sexual violence and to empower victims through advocacy, education, support services, and collaborative partnerships.
- Services: legal advocacy, crisis advocacy, crisis response, support groups, emergency shelter for all genders as well as children, prevention education
- Mailing Address: P.O. Box 3164, Evansville, IN 47731
- Office Phone: 1-812-422-9372
- Domestic Violence 24-Hour Crisis Line: 1-812-422-5622
- Sexual Assault 24-Hour Crisis Line: 1-812-424-7273
- Email: info@albionfellowsbacon.org
- Website: https://www.albionfellowsbacon.org/
Crisis Connection, Inc.
- Type: domestic violence and sexual violence crisis center
- Mission: We promote individual accountability and respect to end domestic violence and sexual assault through confidential crisis intervention, victim advocacy, primary prevention education, and collaboration with community partners.
- Direct Client Services: 24-Hour Hotline; Crisis Intervention/Counseling; Safety Planning; Assistance with Filing Protective Orders; Safe Housing Options; Limited Emergency Transportation; Support Groups; access to a Sexual Assault Response Team that includes an exam performed by a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE); Personal Advocacy; Law Enforcement Advocacy; Medical Advocacy; Provide information/referral for Food, Rent Assistance, Back-to-School Supplies; Services to the Deaf; Emergency Translation Services; Pet Care Programs as appropriate; Victim Assistance Services
- Educational Services: Batterer’s Intervention Program for Men and Domestic Abuse Intervention Program for Women who are violent; Primary Prevention Practices; School Curriculum (age-specific) on various topics; Speakers/Resources available for Youth-Serving Organizations, Clubs, Faith Communities, Parents, and other community entities; Professional Resources for educators, providers, and professionals; Natural Helpers Peer-Helping Program Facilitation; Coaching Boys into Men Program
- Mailing Address: P.O. Box 903, Jasper, IN 47547
- Dubois County Office: 812.482.1555
- Perry County Office: 812.547.8878
- Pike County Office: 812.809.4495
- Email: info@crisisconnectioninc.org
- Website: https://crisisconnectioninc.org/
YWCA of Evansville
- Type: community center; domestic violence and sexual assault shelter and crisis center
- Mission: To eliminate racism, empower women, and promote peace, justice, freedom, and dignity for all.
- Services: racial justice, economic justice, and women’s empowerment advocacy; domestic violence shelter; emergency shelter; residential recovery program; youth after school and mentoring program; elder fitness program
- Location: 118 Vine Street, Evansville, IN 47708
- Phone: (812) 422-1191
- Fax: (812) 422-8705
- Email: ywca@ywcaevansville.org
- Website: https://www.ywcaevansville.org/
Crisis Connection, Inc.
- Type: domestic violence and sexual violence crisis center
- Mission: We promote individual accountability and respect to end domestic violence and sexual assault through confidential crisis intervention, victim advocacy, primary prevention education, and collaboration with community partners.
- Direct Client Services: 24-Hour Hotline; Crisis Intervention/Counseling; Safety Planning; Assistance with Filing Protective Orders; Safe Housing Options; Limited Emergency Transportation; Support Groups; access to a Sexual Assault Response Team that includes an exam performed by a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE); Personal Advocacy; Law Enforcement Advocacy; Medical Advocacy; Provide information/referral for Food, Rent Assistance, Back-to-School Supplies; Services to the Deaf; Emergency Translation Services; Pet Care Programs as appropriate; Victim Assistance Services
- Educational Services: Batterer’s Intervention Program for Men and Domestic Abuse Intervention Program for Women who are violent; Primary Prevention Practices; School Curriculum (age-specific) on various topics; Speakers/Resources available for Youth-Serving Organizations, Clubs, Faith Communities, Parents, and other community entities; Professional Resources for educators, providers, and professionals; Natural Helpers Peer-Helping Program Facilitation; Coaching Boys into Men Program
- Mailing Address: P.O. Box 903, Jasper, IN 47547
- Dubois County Office: 812.482.1555
- Perry County Office: 812.547.8878
- Pike County Office: 812.809.4495
- Email: info@crisisconnectioninc.org
- Website: https://crisisconnectioninc.org/
Daviess Community Hospital
- Type: sexual assault medical facility
- Services: sexual assault medical/forensic exam, Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) available.
- Location: 1314 Walnut Street Washington, IN 47501
- Phone: 812-254-8876
- Cost: Free
Hope’s Voice of Knox County
- Type: domestic violence and sexual violence crisis center
- Mission: To work in partnership with other health, law enforcement and social service agencies to (1) effect comprehensive domestic and sexual violence prevention programs, and to (2) empower victims, survivors, and persons affected by domestic and sexual violence through confidential crisis intervention, education, and advocacy in Knox County.
- Services: crisis counseling, safety planning, and advocacy
- Location: 105 Broadway St, Vincennes, Indiana
- Office Phone: (812) 899-4673
- Website: https://www.facebook.com/pg/HopesVoiceCFS/
Safe Passage, Inc. & Safe Place Sexual Assault Center
- Type: domestic violence and sexual violence crisis centers
- Mission: to provide help, healing and hope to build a community free of domestic and sexual violence. Through extensive services and support to victims of domestic and sexual violence and innovative community based prevention programming, we strive to build safe, stable nurturing relationships and communities.
- Services: safe shelter; File a Protective Order; Counseling and Support Groups; Legal Advocacy; Housing, Education, and Employment support; life skills training; domestic violence and sexual violence education; prevention education
- Mailing Address: PO Box 235, Batesville, Indiana 47006
- Sexual Violence Crisis Line: 1-877-733-1990
- Domestic Violence Crisis Line: 1-812-933-1990
- Email: https://safeplaceforhope.org/email
- Website: https://www.safepassageinc.org/
- Website: https://safeplaceforhope.org/
Decatur County Memorial Hospital
- Type: sexual assault medical facility
- Services: sexual assault medical/forensic exam, Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) available.
- Location: 720 North Lincoln Street Greensburg, IN 47240-1398
- Phone: 812-663-1273
- Cost: Free
Jennings County Council on Domestic Violence
- Type: domestic violence and sexual violence crisis center
- Mission: Empowering those in crisis with the necessary information
- and resources to stay safe and free from domestic violence.
- Services: Harm assessment and education; Listening with a non-judgmental ear; Information and Referral; Outreach Materials; Court Advocacy including help filling out and filing Protective Orders; Community Education; Business and School Presentations; Support Group; emergency shelter
- Location: Not listed
- Phone: 812-346-1592
- Email: http://www.jccdv.org/contact.php
- Website: http://www.jccdv.org/
New Directions
- Type: domestic violence shelter and crisis center
- Mission: To increase social consciousness about domestic violence and to assist individual victims by helping them break free from the cycle of physical and emotional abuse.
- Services: Emergency shelter; Danger/lethality assessment; Crisis intervention services; Case management; Food and clothing; Safety planning; domestic violence education; Emergency cell phones; Emergency local transportation; Mobile advocacy; Life planning and goal setting assistance for long-term self sufficiency; Job skills training; Parenting skills; Resources and referrals; Assistance with orders of protection; Court accompaniment/advocacy; Resources and referrals
- Location: 108 S Broadway, Greensburg, IN 47240
- Office Phone: (812) 662-8223
- 24hr Crisis Line: (812) 662-8822
- Email: ndirect@etczone.com
- Website: https://www.mynewdirections.org/
Turning Point Domestic Violence Services
- Type: domestic violence and sexual violence shelter and crisis center
- Mission: to work towards the prevention and the elimination of dating and domestic violence.
- Services: 24hr crisis line; emergency shelter; transitional housing; Children’s program: Family case management, support groups, domestic violence education, safety planning, tutoring and school liaison services; non-residential services: goal setting and advocacy, danger assessments, information and referrals, domestic violence and sexual assault information, educational support groups, legal advocacy, case management, and individual safety planning; legal support; Servicios de albergue de emergencia; prevention programs and education for community and professionals; additional resources and referrals
- Mailing Address: P.O. Box 103, Columbus, IN, 47202
- Office Phone: 812-379-5575
- 24hr Crisis Line: 1-800-221-6311
- Website: https://www.turningpointdv.org/
Center for Nonviolence
- Type: domestic violence prevention and intervention education and support
- Mission: The Center for Nonviolence provides education, support, and advocacy to end domestic and other forms of violence while modeling equality and power sharing.
- Services: women’s support and education programs; Mujeres Unidas; mother’s intervention program; women’s intervention program; batterer’s intervention program; anger management/violence intervention program for youth; critical thinking program for youth; FACES leadership school-based program to prevent violence among elementary school children; LGBTQ+ youth support group
- Location: 235 West Creighton Avenue, Fort Wayne, Indiana, 46807-1311
- Phone: 260-456-4112
- Fax: 260-456-1086
- Email: http://www.centerfornv.org/ContactUs.aspx
- Website: http://www.centerfornv.org/
Fort Wayne Sexual Assault Treatment Center
- Type: sexual assault crisis center and medical facility
- Mission: We listen and offer choices for healthcare needs, reporting options, and resources to begin a journey of healing. We are forensic nurses making a difference for victims of sexual assault in Northeast Indiana.
- Services: medical forensic exams for children and adults; therapy referrals; information and referrals for college/university students and military personnel
- Location: 1420 Kerrway Ct., Fort Wayne, IN 46805
- Phone: 260-423-2222
- Fax: 260-423-2220
- Email: info@fwsatc.org
- Website: https://fwsatc.org/
YWCA of Northeast Indiana
- Type: community center; domestic violence and sexual assault shelter and crisis center
- Mission: YWCA Northeast Indiana is dedicated to eliminating racism, empowering women, and promoting peace, justice, freedom, and dignity for all.
- Services: addition recovery; domestic violence services: safe shelter, a 24-hr domestic violence crisis line, case management, safety planning, advocacy and aftercare for anyone affected by domestic violence; sexual assault services: crisis intervention, counseling and support groups, 24-hr sexual assault crisis line; Dress for Success; free community education
- Location: 5920 Decatur Road, Fort Wayne, IN 46816
- Phone: 260.424.4908
- Fax: 260.420.5202
- Domestic Violence Crisis Line: 800.441.4073
- Sexual Assault Crisis Line: 260.426.7273
- Email: https://ywcanein.com/contact-us
- Website: https://ywcanein.com/
A Better Way
- Type: domestic violence and sexual violence shelter and crisis center
- Mission: To reduce domestic abuse, sexual assault and suicide in our community through shelter services, crisis intervention and prevention initiatives.
- Services: shelter and services for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault, a walk-in Rape Crisis Center, advocacy, individual trauma-informed counseling, support groups, transitional housing, a 24-hour crisis line for persons in any type of crisis, education + referrals, a suicide hotline, bullying, teen dating violence and domestic violence prevention programs, and a check-in call service for elderly or disabled homebound persons.
- Location: Muncie, IN
- Office Phone: 765-747-9107
- 24-Hr Crisis Line: 765-288-4357
- Email: familynetw@aboutspecialkids.org
- Website: https://abetterwaymuncie.org/
Delaware County Victim Assistance
- Type: domestic violence and sexual violence legal support
- Mission: The Victim Advocate Program seeks to provide a variety of services to victims of violent crime through referrals, advocacy, and support.
- Services: Crisis Intervention; Guidance; Case status; Emotional Support; Accompany victims to court; Assistance in filing a protective order; Assistance in filing for victim compensation
- Location: 300 N. High St., Muncie, IN 47304
- Phone: 765.747.4777
- Fax: 765.286.3599
- Email: vap@cityofmuncie.com
- Website: http://www.munciepolice.org/victim-advocates/about-the-program/
IU Ball Memorial
- Type: sexual assault medical facility
- Services: sexual assault medical/forensic exam, Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) available.
- Location: 2401 W. University Avenue Muncie, IN 47303
- Phone: 765-751-1720
Ball State University – Title IX
- Type: Campus Sexual Assault Resource Center
- Mission: Ball State University is committed to assisting students in providing safety and security.
- Services: resources available for educating employees and students on the definition, nature, evidence and consequences of sexual discrimination, sexual harassment and sexual violence
- Location: Administration Building (AD) Muncie, IN 47306
- TITLE IX Coordinator: Katie Slabaugh
- Phone: 765-285-1545
- Email: kslabaugh@bsu.edu
- Website: https://www.bsu.edu/about/administrativeoffices/associate-dean-of-students/title-ix
Ball State University Office of Victim Services
- Mission: The Office of Victim Services (OVS) exists to give Ball State Students inclusive, survivor centered support, through confidential advocacy
- Location: 1500 W. Neely Health Center, Room 205 Muncie, IN 47306
- Hours: 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
- Phone: 765-285-7844
- Crisis hotline(24-hour/confidential): 765-288-HELP
- Fax: 765-285-9063
- Email: ovs@bsu.edu
- Website: https://www.bsu.edu/about/administrativeoffices/victimservices
Ball State University – Student Health Center
- Mission is to aid the diverse community at Ball State University in achieving physical and mental well being by offering quality acute healthcare, preventative screenings and patient education.
- Location: 1500 W. Neely Avenue Muncie, Indiana 47306
- Phone: 765-285-8431
- Fax: 765-285-1103
- Email: healthcenter@bsu.edu
- Website: https://www.bsu.edu/campuslife/healthcenter
Albion Fellows Bacon Center
- Type: domestic violence and sexual violence shelter and crisis center
- Mission: Albion Fellows Bacon Center strategically works to prevent domestic and sexual violence and to empower victims through advocacy, education, support services, and collaborative partnerships.
- Services: legal advocacy, crisis advocacy, crisis response, support groups, emergency shelter for all genders as well as children, prevention education
- Mailing Address: P.O. Box 3164, Evansville, IN 47731
- Office Phone: 1-812-422-9372
- Domestic Violence 24-Hour Crisis Line: 1-812-422-5622
- Sexual Assault 24-Hour Crisis Line: 1-812-424-7273
- Email: info@albionfellowsbacon.org
- Website: https://www.albionfellowsbacon.org/
Crisis Connection, Inc.
- Type: domestic violence and sexual violence crisis center
- Mission: We promote individual accountability and respect to end domestic violence and sexual assault through confidential crisis intervention, victim advocacy, primary prevention education, and collaboration with community partners.
- Direct Client Services: 24-Hour Hotline; Crisis Intervention/Counseling; Safety Planning; Assistance with Filing Protective Orders; Safe Housing Options; Limited Emergency Transportation; Support Groups; access to a Sexual Assault Response Team that includes an exam performed by a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE); Personal Advocacy; Law Enforcement Advocacy; Medical Advocacy; Provide information/referral for Food, Rent Assistance, Back-to-School Supplies; Services to the Deaf; Emergency Translation Services; Pet Care Programs as appropriate; Victim Assistance Services
- Educational Services: Batterer’s Intervention Program for Men and Domestic Abuse Intervention Program for Women who are violent; Primary Prevention Practices; School Curriculum (age-specific) on various topics; Speakers/Resources available for Youth-Serving Organizations, Clubs, Faith Communities, Parents, and other community entities; Professional Resources for educators, providers, and professionals; Natural Helpers Peer-Helping Program Facilitation; Coaching Boys into Men Program
- Mailing Address: P.O. Box 903, Jasper, IN 47547
- Dubois County Office: 812.482.1555
- Perry County Office: 812.547.8878
- Pike County Office: 812.809.4495
- Email: info@crisisconnectioninc.org
- Website: https://crisisconnectioninc.org/
Memorial Hospital
- Type: sexual assault medical facility
- Services: sexual assault medical/forensic exam, Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) available.
- Location: 800 W 9th Street Jasper, IN 47546
- Phone: 812-482-0323
- Cost: Free
YWCA of Evansville
- Type: community center; domestic violence and sexual assault shelter and crisis center
- Mission: To eliminate racism, empower women, and promote peace, justice, freedom, and dignity for all.
- Services: racial justice, economic justice, and women’s empowerment advocacy; domestic violence shelter; emergency shelter; residential recovery program; youth after school and mentoring program; elder fitness program
- Location: 118 Vine Street, Evansville, IN 47708
- Phone: (812) 422-1191
- Fax: (812) 422-8705
- Email: ywca@ywcaevansville.org
- Website: https://www.ywcaevansville.org/
Fort Wayne Sexual Assault Treatment Center
- Type: sexual assault crisis center and medical facility
- Mission: We listen and offer choices for healthcare needs, reporting options, and resources to begin a journey of healing. We are forensic nurses making a difference for victims of sexual assault in Northeast Indiana.
- Services: medical forensic exams for children and adults; therapy referrals; information and referrals for college/university students and military personnel
- Location: 1420 Kerrway Ct., Fort Wayne, IN 46805
- Phone: 260-423-2222
- Fax: 260-423-2220
- Email: info@fwsatc.org
- Website: https://fwsatc.org/
YWCA of North Central Indiana
- Type: community center; domestic violence and sexual assault shelter and crisis center
- Mission: YWCA is dedicated to eliminating racism, empowering women and promoting peace, justice, freedom and dignity for all.
- Services: Financial Literacy; Getting Ahead Classes/Bridges Out of Poverty; Securing and Keeping a Job; 24 hour crisis line; Healing Pathways Domestic Violence Program; substance abuse intervention program; teen dating violence prevention education; services for women who are sexual assault survivors including: emergency shelter, lethality assessments, food, clothing, and personal necessities, case management, legal advocacy, sexual assault counseling, childcare during programming, advocacy and referrals, access to healthcare services, outreach concerning sexual assault and date rape; non-residential services for men who are survivors of sexual assault
- Location: 1102 S. Fellows Street, South Bend, IN 46601
- Phone: (574) 233-9491
- Fax: (574) 233-9616
- Email: ywca@ywcancin.org
- Website: https://www.ywcancin.org/
Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary Title IX
- Type: Campus Sexual Assault Resource Center
- Mission: committed to assisting all members of the AMBS community in providing for their own safety and security.
- Services: resources available for educating employees and students on the definition, nature, evidence and consequences of sexual discrimination, sexual harassment and sexual violence
- Location: 3003 Benham Ave, Elkhart, IN, 46517
- TITLE IX Coordinator: Daniel Grimes
- Phone: 574-296-6266
- Email: dbgrimes@ambs.edu
- Website: https://www.ambs.edu/
Goshen College – Campus resource
- Mission: Goshen College also offers a confidential support group, the Survivor Support Network, that meets weekly in the evenings for discussion, self-care, and support.
- Services: Immediate safety and support, so reaching out to any Goshen College employee, including a resident assistant or club leader, can connect you to the help you need.
- Location: 1700 South Main Street Goshen, Indiana 46526
- Phone: (574) 535-7000
- Email: ssn@goshen.edu
- Website: https://www.goshen.edu/sexual-assault/support-and-resources/
Goshen College – Title IX
- Mission: The purposes of this policy include Prohibiting all forms of sexual misconduct, Providing options for addressing and resolving complaints of sexual misconduct.
- Title IX Coordinator: Beth Martin Birky
- Location: Administration Building Room 13
- Title IX Coordinator contact: (574) 535-7465
- Email: bethmb@goshen.edu
- Website: https://www.goshen.edu/sexual-assault/title-ix/
No known sexual violence or domestic violence resources exist in Fayette County. Please refer to Franklin County, Henry County, Rush County, Wayne County, and/or Union County.If you know of any relevant resources in this county, please let us know by sending them to indisabilityjustice@gmail.com.
Floyd Memorial Hospital
- Type: sexual assault medical facility
- Services: sexual assault medical/forensic exam, Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) available.
- Location: 1850 State Street New Albany, IN 47150
- Phone: 812-948-7484
The Center for Women and Families
- Type: domestic violence and sexual violence shelter and crisis center
- Mission: The Center for Women and Families provides trauma-informed advocacy and support for individuals, families and communities affected by intimate partner violence and sexual assault.
- Services: Crisis Response; Emergency Shelter and Transitional Housing; Sexual Assault Services; Advocacy and Support; Children’s Services; community and professional training;
- Location: 4919 Charlestown Road, New Albany, IN 47150
- Office Phone: 812-944-6743
- 24-Hour Crisis Line: 1-844-237-2331
- Email: http://www.codaterrehaute.org/contact.html
- Website: https://www.thecenteronline.org/
Indiana University – Southeast – Center for Women and Families
Beyond the Violence by Valley Oaks Health
- Type: domestic violence and sexual assault crisis center
- Mission: We listen and offer choices for healthcare needs, reporting options, and resources to begin a journey of healing. We are forensic nurses making a difference for victims of sexual assault in Northeast Indiana.
- Services: Prevention education; Therapy; Case management; Support group at the local women’s safe house; Domestic violence/sexual assault advocacy 24 hours a day; Legal advocacy; Access to the 911 cell phone program; Assistance with writing protection orders
- Location: 41 North Long Avenue, Attica, IN, 47918
- Crisis Line: (800) 859-5553
- Phone: (765) 762-6187
- Fax: (765) 762-6188
- Email: https://valleyoaks.org/contact/
- Website: https://valleyoaks.org/service/domestic-violence/
Family Crisis Center
- Type: domestic and sexual violence shelter & crisis center
- Mission: To provide quality emergency shelter and transitional living in a supportive environment with prevention and intervention services while advocating for the rights of survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault
- Services: 24 Hour Crisis Hotline; Case Management; Referral Services; Youth Services; Legal Advocacy; Sexual Assault Advocacy; Emergency shelter and transitional housing; Clothing Pantry; Weekly Support Group; Community Outreach and Education
- Mailing Address: PO Box 254, Crawfordsville, IN 47933
- Phone: 1-800-370-4103
- Email: andyf@familycrisisshelter.org
- Website: https://sites.google.com/site/familycrisisshelter/home
Hope Springs Safe House
- Type: domestic violence shelter
- Mission: To provide an accepting, loving, home environment in the Spirit of Jesus where residents can recover from the effects of domestic violence.
- Services: Emergency shelter; transitional housing; resources and referrals
- Mailing Address: PO Box 244, Attica, IN 47918
- Phone: 765.764.5212
- Email: HopeSprings076@gmail.com
- Website: https://www.hopespringssafehouse.com/
Safe Passage, Inc. & Safe Place Sexual Assault Center
- Type: domestic violence and sexual violence crisis centers
- Mission: to provide help, healing and hope to build a community free of domestic and sexual violence. Through extensive services and support to victims of domestic and sexual violence and innovative community based prevention programming, we strive to build safe, stable nurturing relationships and communities.
- Services: safe shelter; File a Protective Order; Counseling and Support Groups; Legal Advocacy; Housing, Education, and Employment support; life skills training; domestic violence and sexual violence education; prevention education
- Mailing Address: PO Box 235, Batesville, Indiana 47006
- Sexual Violence Crisis Line: 1-877-733-1990
- Domestic Violence Crisis Line: 1-812-933-1990
- Email: https://safeplaceforhope.org/email
- Website: https://www.safepassageinc.org/
- Website: https://safeplaceforhope.org/
Fort Wayne Sexual Assault Treatment Center
- Type: sexual assault crisis center and medical facility
- Mission: We listen and offer choices for healthcare needs, reporting options, and resources to begin a journey of healing. We are forensic nurses making a difference for victims of sexual assault in Northeast Indiana.
- Services: medical forensic exams for children and adults; therapy referrals; information and referrals for college/university students and military personnel
- Location: 1420 Kerrway Ct., Fort Wayne, IN 46805
- Phone: 260-423-2222
- Fax: 260-423-2220
- Email: info@fwsatc.org
- Website: https://fwsatc.org/
Heminger House
- Type: domestic violence and sexual violence shelter and crisis center
- Mission: to break the cycle of violence and poverty by providing a caring, healing, and educational service for victims of abuse, including safe, emergency housing and related programs. It is our intent to prepare victims, and their families, so that they can learn to make independent, productive choices, which will assist them in living independently in a healthy, positive, and safe environment.
- Services: emergency shelter; residential and non-residential crisis services; support groups; 24 hour crisis line
- Mailing Address: PO Box 4, Plymouth, IN 46563
- 24hr Crisis Line & Office Phone: (574) 936-7233
- Fax: (574) 936-4722
- Email: info@hemingerhouse.com
- Website: https://www.hemingerhouse.com/
The Beaman Home
- Type: domestic violence shelter and crisis center
- Mission: to provide shelter, education and confidential services to survivors of domestic violence, and sexual assault.
- Services: Emergency shelter and rapid re-housing program; case management; legal advocacy; support for those still living with harmful partners and those who have left harmful partners; counseling; self-sufficiency education; SYNC Up! youth healing program;
- Location: 533 N. Niles Avenue, South Bend, IN 46617
- Office Phone: (574) 267-7701
- 24hr Crisis Line: 877-725-9363
- Email: https://www.thebeamanhome.com/contact-us/
- Website: https://www.thebeamanhome.com/
The Casie Center
- Type: child advocacy center
- Mission: The CASIE Center provides a comprehensive and coordinated multidisciplinary team approach to the problem of child abuse, with a particular emphasis on sexual abuse. The goal of the Center is to provide a safe, supportive, child-friendly environment for child victims of abuse and neglect, their families, and the multidisciplinary professionals who investigate and address these problems.
- Services: Forensic interviews; medical clinic with pediatric sexual assault nurse examiners (SANEs); prevention of educational neglect program
- Location: 533 N. Niles Avenue, South Bend, IN 46617
- Phone: (574) 282-1414
- Email: https://www.casiecenter.org/contact-us
- Website: https://www.casiecenter.org/
Albion Fellows Bacon Center
- Type: domestic violence and sexual violence shelter and crisis center
- Mission: Albion Fellows Bacon Center strategically works to prevent domestic and sexual violence and to empower victims through advocacy, education, support services, and collaborative partnerships.
- Services: legal advocacy, crisis advocacy, crisis response, support groups, emergency shelter for all genders as well as children, prevention education
- Mailing Address: P.O. Box 3164, Evansville, IN 47731
- Office Phone: 1-812-422-9372
- Domestic Violence 24-Hour Crisis Line: 1-812-422-5622
- Sexual Assault 24-Hour Crisis Line: 1-812-424-7273
- Email: info@albionfellowsbacon.org
- Website: https://www.albionfellowsbacon.org/
Gibson General Hospital
- Type: sexual assault medical facility
- Services: sexual assault medical/forensic exam, Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) available.
- Location: 1808 Sherman Drive Princeton, IN 47670
- Phone: 812-385-9364
- Cost: Free
YWCA of Evansville
- Type: community center; domestic violence and sexual assault shelter and crisis center
- Mission: To eliminate racism, empower women, and promote peace, justice, freedom, and dignity for all.
- Services: racial justice, economic justice, and women’s empowerment advocacy; domestic violence shelter; emergency shelter; residential recovery program; youth after school and mentoring program; elder fitness program
- Location: 118 Vine Street, Evansville, IN 47708
- Phone: (812) 422-1191
- Fax: (812) 422-8705
- Email: ywca@ywcaevansville.org
- Website: https://www.ywcaevansville.org/
Family Service Society, Inc.
- Type: family wellness center; therapy center; child maltreatment center; domestic violence and sexual assault crisis center (survivor support and treatment for adults and children who cause harm)
- Mission: Family Service Society, Inc. exists to encourage, empower and educate children, adults and families to change their lives for good.
- Services: General Clinical Programs/Family Focused Therapy; assessment of child maltreatment; Employee Assistance Programs (EAP); Managed Care Services (MCS) for companies and organizations; treatment for sexually abusive adults and children; home-based case management; substance abuse treatment program; school based services
- Location: 123 W. Hill St, Wabash, IN 46992
- Domestic Violence Emergency Hotline: 765-664-0701
- Office Phone: 765-662-9971
- Email: famservices@famservices.com
- Website: http://www.famservices.com/
Fort Wayne Sexual Assault Treatment Center
- Type: sexual assault crisis center and medical facility
- Mission: We listen and offer choices for healthcare needs, reporting options, and resources to begin a journey of healing. We are forensic nurses making a difference for victims of sexual assault in Northeast Indiana.
- Services: medical forensic exams for children and adults; therapy referrals; information and referrals for college/university students and military personnel
- Location: 1420 Kerrway Ct., Fort Wayne, IN 46805
- Phone: 260-423-2222
- Fax: 260-423-2220
- Email: info@fwsatc.org
- Website: https://fwsatc.org/
Marion General
- Type: sexual assault medical facility
- Services: sexual assault medical/forensic exam, Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) available.
- Location: 441 N. Wabash Ave Marion, IN 46952
- Phone: 765-660-6900
- Cost: Free
Indiana Wesleyan University – Title IX
- Mission: IWU has a Title IX Coordinator and a team of Deputy Title IX Coordinators to ensure compliance with the legislation, investigate complaints of harassment, discrimination, and other sex-based complaints from students, staff, and faculty.
- Title IX coordinator: NEIL RUSH
- Location: Maxwell Center for Business & Leadership, Suite 212
- Phone: 765.677.2175
- Email: neil.rush@indwes.edu
- Type: domestic violence and sexual violence shelter and crisis center
- Mission: to empower survivors of domestic abuse, sexual violence, and human trafficking through a wide range of supportive services and advocacy.
- Services: emergency shelter; sexual violence support services; legal advocacy support and educational groups; transitional housing; prevention programs; human trafficking support services
- Location: 87 East Spring Street, Bloomfield, IN 47424
- Transitional Housing: 401 S. Washington, Bloomington, IN 47401
- 24hr Crisis Line: (812) 336-0846
- Phone: (812) 384-8769
- Fax: (812) 384-8769
- Email: communications@middlewayhouse.org
- Website: https://middlewayhouse.org/
Alternatives, Inc.
- Type: domestic violence and sexual violence shelter and crisis center
- Mission: Alternatives Incorporated strives to eradicate domestic and sexual violence through education, prevention, and intervention in Central Indiana.
- Services: pre-school program, after-school weekday program during the summer, on-site pet sheltering, provider training, prevention education for teens, bystander intervention training for alcohol-serving establishments, Emergency shelter, Transitional Housing (for a maximum of two years), 24-Hour crisis call center, 24-Hour crisis response team, Emergency and essential transportation, Case management and ancillary services, Sexual assault intervention and treatment, Support, referral, and advocacy for victims of domestic and sexual violence
- Location: Anderson, IN
- 24-Hour Crisis Line: (866) 593-9999
- Email: https://www.alternativesdv.org/contact
- Website: https://www.alternativesdv.org/
Beacon of Hope Crisis Center
- Type: domestic violence and sexual violence crisis center
- Mission: Alternatives Incorporated strives to eradicate domestic and sexual violence through education, prevention, and intervention in Central Indiana.
- Services: Crisis Call Advocacy Support and Referral Services, Criminal Justice advocate support, Domestic Violence Advocacy, Economic Sustainability Program, Foster Pet Program, Prevention Empowerment Program, Sexual Assault Advocacy, Purple Sneakers Outreach and Education Program
- Location: 6920 S. East Street, Suite B, Indianapolis, IN 46227
- Office Phone: 317-731-6131
- Crisis Line: 317-731-6140
- Fax: 317-731-6132
- Email: https://www.beaconofhopeindy.org/contact.html
- Website: https://www.beaconofhopeindy.org/
Domestic Violence Network
- Type: domestic and sexual violence education and capacity building organization
- Mission: to change the culture that leads to domestic violence through advocacy, education, and collaboration in the community at large.
- Services: community education, webinars, and requested trainings; education and technical assistance for schools, resources for parents, and education for youth; community action network; Baker One initiative to pre-emptively identify and prevent domestic violence; protective order assessments; Service Equality Task Force to ensure LGBTQ+ inclusion in domestic and sexual violence prevention and intervention efforts; Higher Education Impact Team and Title IX education; resources and networking opportunities for advocates
- Location: 9245 N. Meridian Street, Suite 235, Indianapolis, IN 46260
- Phone: (317) 872-1086
- Email: https://dvnconnect.org/contact/
- Website: http://www.dvnconnect.org/
Prevail, Inc.
- Type: child advocacy center; domestic violence and sexual violence crisis center
- Mission: Prevail strives to empower victims of crime and abuse on their path to healing, while engaging the community to support safe, healthy relationships.
- Adult Services: sexual assault advocacy; 24 Hour Crisis Intervention; Protective Order Assistance; Domestic Violence Program; Sexual Assault Program; Secondary Victim Services; Self-Sufficiency Services; Court Support; Victim Notification Services; training for professionals, educators, providers; resources and information
- Child Services: Family Violence Program; sexual assault support for children and teens; Teen Dating Violence support; Safe Dates Curriculum; Child Advocacy Center; service and therapy dog (Odle) with command of verbal, hand, and ASL words
- Location: 1100 S. 9th Street, Suite 100 Noblesville, IN 46060
- Crisis Line: 317-776-3472
- Office Phone: 317-773-6942
- Fax: 317-776-3448
- Email: prevail@prevailinc.com
- Website: https://www.prevailinc.com/
St. Vincent’s – Carmel
- Type: sexual assault medical facility
- Services: sexual assault medical/forensic exam, Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) available.
- Location:13500 N. Meridian St Carmel, IN, 46032
- Phone: 317-582-7300
- Cost: Free
St. Vincent’s – Northweast
- Type: sexual assault medical facility
- Services: sexual assault medical/forensic exam, Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) available.
- Location:13914 Southeastern Parkway Fishers, IN 46037
- Phone: 317-415-9180
- Cost: Free
Alternatives, Inc.
- Type: domestic violence and sexual violence shelter and crisis center
- Mission: Alternatives Incorporated strives to eradicate domestic and sexual violence through education, prevention, and intervention in Central Indiana.
- Services: pre-school program, after-school weekday program during the summer, on-site pet sheltering, provider training, prevention education for teens, bystander intervention training for alcohol-serving establishments, Emergency shelter, Transitional Housing (for a maximum of two years), 24-Hour crisis call center, 24-Hour crisis response team, Emergency and essential transportation, Case management and ancillary services, Sexual assault intervention and treatment, Support, referral, and advocacy for victims of domestic and sexual violence
- Location: Anderson, IN
- 24-Hour Crisis Line: (866) 593-9999
- Email: https://www.alternativesdv.org/contact
- Website: https://www.alternativesdv.org/
Beacon of Hope Crisis Center
- Type: domestic violence and sexual violence crisis center
- Mission: Alternatives Incorporated strives to eradicate domestic and sexual violence through education, prevention, and intervention in Central Indiana.
- Services: Crisis Call Advocacy Support and Referral Services, Criminal Justice advocate support, Domestic Violence Advocacy, Economic Sustainability Program, Foster Pet Program, Prevention Empowerment Program, Sexual Assault Advocacy, Purple Sneakers Outreach and Education Program
- Location: 6920 S. East Street, Suite B, Indianapolis, IN 46227
- Office Phone: 317-731-6131
- Crisis Line: 317-731-6140
- Fax: 317-731-6132
- Email: https://www.beaconofhopeindy.org/contact.html
- Website: https://www.beaconofhopeindy.org/
Domestic Violence Network
- Type: domestic and sexual violence education and capacity building organization
- Mission: to change the culture that leads to domestic violence through advocacy, education, and collaboration in the community at large.
- Services: community education, webinars, and requested trainings; education and technical assistance for schools, resources for parents, and education for youth; community action network; Baker One initiative to pre-emptively identify and prevent domestic violence; protective order assessments; Service Equality Task Force to ensure LGBTQ+ inclusion in domestic and sexual violence prevention and intervention efforts; Higher Education Impact Team and Title IX education; resources and networking opportunities for advocates
- Location: 9245 N. Meridian Street, Suite 235, Indianapolis, IN 46260
- Phone: (317) 872-1086
- Email: https://dvnconnect.org/contact/
- Website: http://www.dvnconnect.org/
Families First Indiana
- Type: mental health and violence related family support
- Mission: to ensure equal housing opportunities by eliminating housing discrimination through advocacy, enforcement, education and outreach.
- Services: Mental health counseling for individuals, couples, and families, Support groups, Community education & trainings, 24-hr crisis/suicide intervention hotline, Parenting education, Substance use education & outpatient treatment programs, Domestic violence education & support, Sexual assault survivor counseling & advocacy, Father Engagement Case Management, In-home family preservation counseling & case management
- Main Location: 2240 N. Meridian Street, Indianapolis, IN 46208
- Additional Location: 13 North State Street, Suite 141, Greenfield, IN 46140
- Phone: 317-634-6341
- Fax: 317-464-9575
- Email: info@familiesfirstindiana.org
- Website: https://www.familiesfirstindiana.org/
Albion Fellows Bacon Center
- Type: domestic violence and sexual violence shelter and crisis center
- Mission: Albion Fellows Bacon Center strategically works to prevent domestic and sexual violence and to empower victims through advocacy, education, support services, and collaborative partnerships.
- Services: legal advocacy, crisis advocacy, crisis response, support groups, emergency shelter for all genders as well as children, prevention education
- Mailing Address: P.O. Box 3164, Evansville, IN 47731
- Office Phone: 1-812-422-9372
- Domestic Violence 24-Hour Crisis Line: 1-812-422-5622
- Sexual Assault 24-Hour Crisis Line: 1-812-424-7273
- Email: info@albionfellowsbacon.org
- Website: https://www.albionfellowsbacon.org/
Hoosier Hills Pact
- Type: domestic violence shelter and youth services
- Mission: We facilitate change in the lives of people and we challenge organizational systems for the purpose of improving the change process.
- Services: domestic violence shelter; transitional housing; victim advocacy; juvenile delinquency prevention; youth and family intervention services; intensive case management; community corrections day reporting, community transition, group services, and community service restitution
- Location: 35 N. Public Square, Salem, IN 47167
- Phone: 812-883-3318
- Website: http://www.pactchangeslives.com/hoosier-hills-pact/
Beacon of Hope Crisis Center
- Type: domestic violence and sexual violence crisis center
- Mission: Alternatives Incorporated strives to eradicate domestic and sexual violence through education, prevention, and intervention in Central Indiana.
- Services: Crisis Call Advocacy Support and Referral Services, Criminal Justice advocate support, Domestic Violence Advocacy, Economic Sustainability Program, Foster Pet Program, Prevention Empowerment Program, Sexual Assault Advocacy, Purple Sneakers Outreach and Education Program
- Location: 6920 S. East Street, Suite B, Indianapolis, IN 46227
- Office Phone: 317-731-6131
- Crisis Line: 317-731-6140
- Fax: 317-731-6132
- Email: https://www.beaconofhopeindy.org/contact.html
- Website: https://www.beaconofhopeindy.org/
Desert Rose Foundation, Inc.
- Type: domestic violence and sexual violence shelter and crisis center
- Mission: Desert Rose Foundation, Inc. is a faith-based nonprofit organization whose mission is to provide transitional shelter for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault, as well as the services needed to break the cycle of abuse in families.
- Services: shelter for up to 2 years for women with or without children; free individual counselling for adults and children; case management and life skills development; Domestic and Youth Violence Education; Youth and Teen Support Groups; Youth Tutoring; community outreach and education
- Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1754, Martinsville, IN 46151
- Phone: 765-342-7673
- Email: http://www.desertrose.cc/ContactUs.aspx
- Website: http://www.desertrose.cc/
Domestic Violence Network
- Type: domestic and sexual violence education and capacity building organization
- Mission: to change the culture that leads to domestic violence through advocacy, education, and collaboration in the community at large.
- Services: community education, webinars, and requested trainings; education and technical assistance for schools, resources for parents, and education for youth; community action network; Baker One initiative to pre-emptively identify and prevent domestic violence; protective order assessments; Service Equality Task Force to ensure LGBTQ+ inclusion in domestic and sexual violence prevention and intervention efforts; Higher Education Impact Team and Title IX education; resources and networking opportunities for advocates
- Location: 9245 N. Meridian Street, Suite 235, Indianapolis, IN 46260
- Phone: (317) 872-1086
- Email: https://dvnconnect.org/contact/
- Website: http://www.dvnconnect.org/
Hendricks Regional Hospital
- Type: sexual assault medical facility
- Services: sexual assault medical/forensic exam, Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) available.
- Location:1000 E Main St. Danville, IN 46122
- Phone: 317-718-8857; 317-460-8034
- Cost: Free
Sheltering Wings
- Type: domestic violence shelter
- Mission: Extending the love and compassion of Christ to people in circumstances of domestic abuse.
- Services: emergency shelter; community and professional education; Men IN Action; Youth Council
- Mailing Address: PO Box 92, Danville, IN 46122
- Office Phone: 317-718-5460
- Crisis Line: 317-745-1496
- Email: https://shelteringwings.org/stay-connected/
- Website: https://shelteringwings.org/
Susie’s Place
- Type: child advocacy center
- Mission: To provide a neutral, child-friendly center to investigate alleged child abuse and neglect in Indiana, while keeping the comfort and safety of the child the first priority.
- Services: Child and Family Advocacy; First Responder Training; Mental Health co-located in Avon and Bloomington; Forensic Medical Exams co-located in Bloomington; Darkness to Light Stewards of Children Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Trainings; Body Boundaries – body safety classes for elementary school students; Staying Safe in a Digital World – body/internet safety classes for middle and high school students; My Buddy Therapy Dog program
- Location: 7519 Beechwood Centre Road, Suite 500, Avon, IN 46123
- Phone: 317-272-5696
- Email: https://susiesplace.org/contact-us/
- Website: https://susiesplace.org/
A Better Way
- Type: domestic violence and sexual violence shelter and crisis center
- Mission: To reduce domestic abuse, sexual assault and suicide in our community through shelter services, crisis intervention and prevention initiatives.
- Services: shelter and services for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault, a walk-in Rape Crisis Center, advocacy, individual trauma-informed counseling, support groups, transitional housing, a 24-hour crisis line for persons in any type of crisis, education + referrals, a suicide hotline, bullying, teen dating violence and domestic violence prevention programs, and a check-in call service for elderly or disabled homebound persons.
- Location: Muncie, IN
- Office Phone: 765-747-9107
- 24-Hr Crisis Line: 765-288-4357
- Email: familynetw@aboutspecialkids.org
- Website: https://abetterwaymuncie.org/
- Type: domestic violence and sexual violence shelter and crisis center
- Mission: Alternatives Incorporated strives to eradicate domestic and sexual violence through education, prevention, and intervention in Central Indiana.
- Services: pre-school program, after-school weekday program during the summer, on-site pet sheltering, provider training, prevention education for teens, bystander intervention training for alcohol-serving establishments, Emergency shelter, Transitional Housing (for a maximum of two years), 24-Hour crisis call center, 24-Hour crisis response team, Emergency and essential transportation, Case management and ancillary services, Sexual assault intervention and treatment, Support, referral, and advocacy for victims of domestic and sexual violence
- Location: Anderson, IN
- 24-Hour Crisis Line: (866) 593-9999
- Email: https://www.alternativesdv.org/contact
- Website: https://www.alternativesdv.org/
Community Health Network – Kokomo
- Type: sexual assault medical facility
- Services: sexual assault medical/forensic exam, Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) available.
- Location: 1907 W. Sycamore St. Kokomo, IN 46904
- Phone: 765-456-5733
- Cost: Free
Family Service Association of Howard County
- Type: domestic violence and sexual violence shelter and crisis center
- Mission: To promote healthy families and empower vulnerable individuals and families through education, prevention, and crisis intervention programs.
- Services: 24 hour crisis line; sexual assault advocates; child safety education programs; Teen Dating Violence Prevention Education; 45 day Crisis Shelter; Rapid Re-Housing Program; Weekly support groups; 1 on 1 case management services; healthy families education and baby care resources and support; Jackson Street Commons (permanent, supportive housing for chronically homeless veterans); youth substance abuse prevention; Prevent Child Abuse Howard County
- Location: 618 S. Main Street, Kokomo, IN 46901
- Phone: 765.457.9313
- Fax: 765.868.4122
- 24-Hour Crisis Line: 877-482-4222
- Email: artinot@fsahc.org
- Website: https://fsahc.org/
Indiana University Kokomo – Campus health center
- Mission: Indiana University is committed to leading the fight against sexual violence. We encourage you to get involved, learn more about policies and resources, and find the support you need. Together we can end violence on our campuses.
- Services: Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS), Appointments are available on campus with the Mental Health Counselor.
- Location: 2300 S Washington St, Kokomo, IN 46902
- Phone: 765-455-9364
- Website : http://stopsexualviolence.iu.edu/help-report/iuk/index.html
Center for Nonviolence
- Type: domestic violence prevention and intervention education and support
- Mission: The Center for Nonviolence provides education, support, and advocacy to end domestic and other forms of violence while modeling equality and power sharing.
- Services: women’s support and education programs; Mujeres Unidas; mother’s intervention program; women’s intervention program; batterer’s intervention program; anger management/violence intervention program for youth; critical thinking program for youth; FACES leadership school-based program to prevent violence among elementary school children; LGBTQ+ youth support group
- Location: 235 West Creighton Avenue, Fort Wayne, Indiana, 46807-1311
- Phone: 260-456-4112
- Fax: 260-456-1086
- Email: http://www.centerfornv.org/ContactUs.aspx
- Website: http://www.centerfornv.org/
McKenzie’s Hope
- Type: child advocacy center
- Mission:The Huntington County Child Advocacy Center, Inc. is dedicated to providing a child focused center to investigate child abuse, the coordination of a unified response to child abuse reports so that every child is treated with equal importance and care, and educational information to the community that promotes the prevention of and appropriate response to child abuse.
- Services: child-friendly, neutral facilities with staff that help a multidisciplinary team investigate allegations of child abuse, with a particular emphasis on sexual abuse and serious physical abuse.
- Location: 1175 Etna Ave, Huntington, IN 46750
- Phone: (260) 356-5730
- Website: https://mckenzieshope.org/
YWCA of Northeast Indiana
- Type: community center; domestic violence and sexual assault shelter and crisis center
- Mission: YWCA Northeast Indiana is dedicated to eliminating racism, empowering women, and promoting peace, justice, freedom, and dignity for all.
- Services: addition recovery; domestic violence services: safe shelter, a 24-hr domestic violence crisis line, case management, safety planning, advocacy and aftercare for anyone affected by domestic violence; sexual assault services: crisis intervention, counseling and support groups, 24-hr sexual assault crisis line; Dress for Success; free community education
- Location: 5920 Decatur Road, Fort Wayne, IN 46816
- Phone: 260.424.4908
- Fax: 260.420.5202
- Domestic Violence Crisis Line: 800.441.4073
- Sexual Assault Crisis Line: 260.426.7273
- Email: https://ywcanein.com/contact-us
- Website: https://ywcanein.com/
Huntington University – Title IX
- Mission: Huntington University is deeply committed to providing a safe academic, working and living environment for its students, faculty and staff
- Location: 2303 College Avenue,Huntington, IN 46750
- Title IX coordinator : Ron Coffey
- Phone: (260) 359-4029
- Email: rcoffey@huntington.edu
ASSIST Indiana
- Type: domestic violence and sexual violence crisis center
- Mission: ASSIST Indiana provides Advocacy, Specialized Services, Interventions and Support to Trauma victims. Utilizing proven efforts through trauma informed care approach along with best practices, we eliminate the negative effects of violence in our community by serving victims and their loved ones directly.
- Services: aftercare, therapy, counseling, community resource referral as well as crisis intervention, victim advocacy and case management
- Location: 198 E. Jefferson Street, Franklin, IN 46131
- Phone: 317-739-4456
- Email: https://assistindiana.org/contact-us/
- Website: https://assistindiana.org/
Jennings County Council on Domestic Violence
- Type: domestic violence and sexual violence crisis center
- Mission: Empowering those in crisis with the necessary information
- and resources to stay safe and free from domestic violence.
- Services: Harm assessment and education; Listening with a non-judgmental ear; Information and Referral; Outreach Materials; Court Advocacy including help filling out and filing Protective Orders; Community Education; Business and School Presentations; Support Group; emergency shelter
- Location: Not listed
- Phone: 812-346-1592
- Email: http://www.jccdv.org/contact.php
- Website: http://www.jccdv.org/
Turning Point Domestic Violence Services
- Type: domestic violence and sexual violence shelter and crisis center
- Mission: to work towards the prevention and the elimination of dating and domestic violence.
- Services: 24hr crisis line; emergency shelter; transitional housing; Children’s program: Family case management, support groups, domestic violence education, safety planning, tutoring and school liaison services; non-residential services: goal setting and advocacy, danger assessments, information and referrals, domestic violence and sexual assault information, educational support groups, legal advocacy, case management, and individual safety planning; legal support; Servicios de albergue de emergencia; prevention programs and education for community and professionals; additional resources and referrals
- Mailing Address: P.O. Box 103, Columbus, IN, 47202
- Office Phone: 812-379-5575
- 24hr Crisis Line: 1-800-221-6311
- Website: https://www.turningpointdv.org/
Schneck Medical Center
- Type: sexual assault medical facility
- Services: sexual assault medical/forensic exam, Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) available.
- Location: 411 W. Tipton St.Seymour, IN
- Phone: 812-523-0610
- Cost: Free
Center of Hope – Franciscan Rensselaer Hospital
- Type: Medical facility for sexual assault
- Services: Specialized Medical Care by a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) and Medical Forensic Exam Adults/Adolescents only
- Location: 1104 East Grace Street, Rensselaer, IN
- Phone: (219) 866-5141
- Cost: Free
North Central Indiana Rural Crisis Center
- Type: domestic violence and sexual violence shelter and crisis center
- Mission: to help end domestic violence in Jasper, Newton, and Pulaski counties by providing temporary shelter and services to victims and children of domestic violence and/or sexual assault through education, advocacy, and community intervention.
- Services: Emergency Shelter; advocacy; resources and referrals; education
- Mailing Address: PO Box 212, Rensselaer, IN, 47978
- Phone: (800) 933-0374
- Email: crisiscenter87@gmail.com
- Website: https://www.facebook.com/rensselaercrisiscenter/
Valley Oaks Health
- Type: child advocacy center; domestic violence intervention
- Mission: We listen and offer choices for healthcare needs, reporting options, and resources to begin a journey of healing. We are forensic nurses making a difference for victims of sexual assault in Northeast Indiana.
- Services: The CAC conducts forensic interviews with children between the ages of three to seventeen who have reported instances of sexual abuse/assault, physical abuse, and in some instances have witnessed a crime. The children and their families are referred to mental health services if necessary. The Batterers Intervention Program (BIP) is designed to help participants gain practical information on how to change abusive and controlling behavior, increase willingness to change abusive behavior, develop understanding that acts of violence can be related to attempts to maintain control over partners.
- Location: 131 West Drexel Parkway, Rensselaer, IN, 47978
- Crisis Line: (800) 859-5553
- Phone: (219) 866-4194
- Fax: (219) 866-4197
- Email: https://valleyoaks.org/contact/
- Website: https://valleyoaks.org/service/batterers-intervention-program-bip/
A Better Way
- Type: domestic violence and sexual violence shelter and crisis center
- Mission: To reduce domestic abuse, sexual assault and suicide in our community through shelter services, crisis intervention and prevention initiatives.
- Services: shelter and services for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault, a walk-in Rape Crisis Center, advocacy, individual trauma-informed counseling, support groups, transitional housing, a 24-hour crisis line for persons in any type of crisis, education + referrals, a suicide hotline, bullying, teen dating violence and domestic violence prevention programs, and a check-in call service for elderly or disabled homebound persons.
- Location: Muncie, IN
- Office Phone: 765-747-9107
- 24-Hr Crisis Line: 765-288-4357
- Email: familynetw@aboutspecialkids.org
- Website: https://abetterwaymuncie.org/
Fort Wayne Sexual Assault Treatment Center
- Type: sexual assault crisis center and medical facility
- Mission: We listen and offer choices for healthcare needs, reporting options, and resources to begin a journey of healing. We are forensic nurses making a difference for victims of sexual assault in Northeast Indiana.
- Services: medical forensic exams for children and adults; therapy referrals; information and referrals for college/university students and military personnel
- Location: 1420 Kerrway Ct., Fort Wayne, IN 46805
- Phone: 260-423-2222
- Fax: 260-423-2220
- Email: info@fwsatc.org
- Website: https://fwsatc.org/
Safe Passage, Inc. & Safe Place Sexual Assault Center
- Type: domestic violence and sexual violence crisis centers
- Mission: to provide help, healing and hope to build a community free of domestic and sexual violence. Through extensive services and support to victims of domestic and sexual violence and innovative community based prevention programming, we strive to build safe, stable nurturing relationships and communities.
- Services: safe shelter; File a Protective Order; Counseling and Support Groups; Legal Advocacy; Housing, Education, and Employment support; life skills training; domestic violence and sexual violence education; prevention education
- Mailing Address: PO Box 235, Batesville, Indiana 47006
- Sexual Violence Crisis Line: 1-877-733-1990
- Domestic Violence Crisis Line: 1-812-933-1990
- Email: https://safeplaceforhope.org/email
- Website: https://www.safepassageinc.org/
- Website: https://safeplaceforhope.org/
- Additional information: For a Forensic Medical Exam (“Rape Kit”) a SANE (Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner) is available at High Point Hospital in Dearborn County.
Hanover College Title IX
- Mission: The mission of Hanover College is to educate the whole person in a context that fosters the development of humane values. Hanover College expects that all members of the college community will conduct themselves in a responsible manner that shows respect for others and for the community at large. As a part of the larger community, Hanover College is subject to, abides by, and supports federal statutes, Indiana state statues and local ordinances regarding criminal conduct.
- Title IX coordinator: Casey Heckler
- Location: 484 Ball Dr, Hanover, IN 47243 – Brown Campus Center 214
- Phone: 812-866-6740
- Email: heckler@hanover.edu
ASSIST Indiana
- Type: domestic violence and sexual violence crisis center
- Mission: ASSIST Indiana provides Advocacy, Specialized Services, Interventions and Support to Trauma victims. Utilizing proven efforts through trauma informed care approach along with best practices, we eliminate the negative effects of violence in our community by serving victims and their loved ones directly.
- Services: aftercare, therapy, counseling, community resource referral as well as crisis intervention, victim advocacy and case management
- Location: 198 E. Jefferson Street, Franklin, IN 46131
- Phone: 317-739-4456
- Email: https://assistindiana.org/contact-us/
- Website: https://assistindiana.org/
Jennings County Council on Domestic Violence
- Type: domestic violence and sexual violence crisis center
- Mission: Empowering those in crisis with the necessary information
- and resources to stay safe and free from domestic violence.
- Services: Harm assessment and education; Listening with a non-judgmental ear; Information and Referral; Outreach Materials; Court Advocacy including help filling out and filing Protective Orders; Community Education; Business and School Presentations; Support Group; emergency shelter
- Location: Not listed
- Phone: 812-346-1592
- Email: http://www.jccdv.org/contact.php
- Website: http://www.jccdv.org/
Beacon of Hope Crisis Center
- Type: domestic violence and sexual violence crisis center
- Mission: Alternatives Incorporated strives to eradicate domestic and sexual violence through education, prevention, and intervention in Central Indiana.
- Services: Crisis Call Advocacy Support and Referral Services, Criminal Justice advocate support, Domestic Violence Advocacy, Economic Sustainability Program, Foster Pet Program, Prevention Empowerment Program, Sexual Assault Advocacy, Purple Sneakers Outreach and Education Program
- Location: 6920 S. East Street, Suite B, Indianapolis, IN 46227
- Office Phone: 317-731-6131
- Crisis Line: 317-731-6140
- Fax: 317-731-6132
- Email: https://www.beaconofhopeindy.org/contact.html
- Website: https://www.beaconofhopeindy.org/
Desert Rose Foundation, Inc.
- Type: domestic violence and sexual violence shelter and crisis center
- Mission: Desert Rose Foundation, Inc. is a faith-based nonprofit organization whose mission is to provide transitional shelter for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault, as well as the services needed to break the cycle of abuse in families.
- Services: shelter for up to 2 years for women with or without children; free individual counselling for adults and children; case management and life skills development; Domestic and Youth Violence Education; Youth and Teen Support Groups; Youth Tutoring; community outreach and education
- Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1754, Martinsville, IN 46151
- Phone: 765-342-7673
- Email: http://www.desertrose.cc/ContactUs.aspx
- Website: http://www.desertrose.cc/
Domestic Violence Network
- Type: domestic and sexual violence education and capacity building organization
- Mission: to change the culture that leads to domestic violence through advocacy, education, and collaboration in the community at large.
- Services: community education, webinars, and requested trainings; education and technical assistance for schools, resources for parents, and education for youth; community action network; Baker One initiative to pre-emptively identify and prevent domestic violence; protective order assessments; Service Equality Task Force to ensure LGBTQ+ inclusion in domestic and sexual violence prevention and intervention efforts; Higher Education Impact Team and Title IX education; resources and networking opportunities for advocates
- Location: 9245 N. Meridian Street, Suite 235, Indianapolis, IN 46260
- Phone: (317) 872-1086
- Email: https://dvnconnect.org/contact/
- Website: http://www.dvnconnect.org/
Sheltering Wings
- Type: domestic violence shelter
- Mission: Extending the love and compassion of Christ to people in circumstances of domestic abuse.
- Services: emergency shelter; community and professional education; Men IN Action; Youth Council
- Mailing Address: PO Box 92, Danville, IN 46122
- Office Phone: 317-718-5460
- Crisis Line: 317-745-1496
- Email: https://shelteringwings.org/stay-connected/
- Website: https://shelteringwings.org/
Turning Point Domestic Violence Services
- Type: domestic violence and sexual violence shelter and crisis center
- Mission: to work towards the prevention and the elimination of dating and domestic violence.
- Services: 24hr crisis line; emergency shelter; transitional housing; Children’s program: Family case management, support groups, domestic violence education, safety planning, tutoring and school liaison services; non-residential services: goal setting and advocacy, danger assessments, information and referrals, domestic violence and sexual assault information, educational support groups, legal advocacy, case management, and individual safety planning; legal support; Servicios de albergue de emergencia; prevention programs and education for community and professionals; additional resources and referrals
- Mailing Address: P.O. Box 103, Columbus, IN, 47202
- Office Phone: 812-379-5575
- 24hr Crisis Line: 1-800-221-6311
- Website: https://www.turningpointdv.org/
Franklin College Counseling Center:
Franklin College Campus Minister:
Franklin College Title IX
- Title IX coordinator: June Henderson
- Location: Franklin College Office of Human Resources, 101 Branigin Blvd., Franklin, IN 46131
- Phone: 317.738.8028
- Email: jhenderson@franklincollege.edu
Hope’s Voice of Knox County
- Type: domestic violence and sexual violence crisis center
- Mission: To work in partnership with other health, law enforcement and social service agencies to (1) effect comprehensive domestic and sexual violence prevention programs, and to (2) empower victims, survivors, and persons affected by domestic and sexual violence through confidential crisis intervention, education, and advocacy in Knox County.
- Services: crisis counseling, safety planning, and advocacy
- Location: 105 Broadway St, Vincennes, Indiana
- Office Phone: (812) 899-4673
- Website: https://www.facebook.com/pg/HopesVoiceCFS/
Fort Wayne Sexual Assault Treatment Center
- Type: sexual assault crisis center and medical facility
- Mission: We listen and offer choices for healthcare needs, reporting options, and resources to begin a journey of healing. We are forensic nurses making a difference for victims of sexual assault in Northeast Indiana.
- Services: medical forensic exams for children and adults; therapy referrals; information and referrals for college/university students and military personnel
- Location: 1420 Kerrway Ct., Fort Wayne, IN 46805
- Phone: 260-423-2222
- Fax: 260-423-2220
- Email: info@fwsatc.org
- Website: https://fwsatc.org/
The Beaman Home
- Type: domestic violence shelter and crisis center
- Mission: to provide shelter, education and confidential services to survivors of domestic violence, and sexual assault.
- Services: Emergency shelter and rapid re-housing program; case management; legal advocacy; support for those still living with harmful partners and those who have left harmful partners; counseling; self-sufficiency education; SYNC Up! youth healing program;
- Location: 533 N. Niles Avenue, South Bend, IN 46617
- Office Phone: (574) 267-7701
- 24hr Crisis Line: 877-725-9363
- Email: https://www.thebeamanhome.com/contact-us/
- Website: https://www.thebeamanhome.com/
Stepping Stone Shelter for Women, Inc.
- Type: domestic violence and sexual violence shelter and crisis center
- Mission: We, the members of The Stepping Stone Shelter for Women, alert to the problems of domestic violence existing at all socioeconomic levels in American society and, perpetuating itself from generation to generation, associate ourselves to work toward its elimination and, in particular, to offer refuge and services to its victims in our area.
- Services: Temporary Shelter; Clothing and Food; Crisis Intervention; Legal Advocacy; One to One Support and Support Groups; Rape Recovery Support; Essential Transportation; 24 hour staffing and hotline; “The Bridge” Transition Housing
- Location: Not listed
- 24hr Crisis Line: (866) 879-4615
- Phone: (219) 879-4615
- Email: info@steppingstoneshelter.org
- Website: http://www.steppingstoneshelter.org/
Elijah Haven Crisis Intervention Center
- Type: domestic violence shelter and crisis center
- Mission: to provide a safe, healing, nurturing environment for all individuals affected by domestic violence and to advocate violence-free living.
- Services: 24-Hour Crisis Line; Short-Term Emergency Shelter; Educational and Therapeutic Support Groups; Referrals for Crisis Counseling for adults and youth; Legal Advocacy; domestic violence and teen relationship education
- Location: 201 S Detroit Street, Lagrange, IN, 46761
- Office Phone: 260.463.8700
- 24hr Crisis Line: 1.866.463.3400
- Email: http://www.elijahhaven.org/contact.html
- Website: http://www.elijahhaven.org/
Fort Wayne Sexual Assault Treatment Center
- Type: sexual assault crisis center and medical facility
- Mission: We listen and offer choices for healthcare needs, reporting options, and resources to begin a journey of healing. We are forensic nurses making a difference for victims of sexual assault in Northeast Indiana.
- Services: medical forensic exams for children and adults; therapy referrals; information and referrals for college/university students and military personnel
- Location: 1420 Kerrway Ct., Fort Wayne, IN 46805
- Phone: 260-423-2222
- Fax: 260-423-2220
- Email: info@fwsatc.org
- Website: https://fwsatc.org/
Center of Hope: St. Anthony Medical Center/Hospital
- Type: Medical facility for sexual assault
- Services: Specialized Medical Care by a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) and Medical Forensic Exam Adults/Adolescents only
- Location: 1201 South Main Street, Crown Point, IN 46307
- Phone: 219 757-6310
- Cost: Free
Center of Hope: St. Margaret’s South Campus Hospital
- Type: Medical facility for sexual assault
- Services: Specialized Medical Care by a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) and Medical Forensic Exam Adults/Adolescents only
- Location: 24 Joliet Street, Dyer, IN 46311
- Phone: (219) 865-2141
- Cost: Free
Crisis Center, Inc.
- Type: youth and family crisis center
- Mission: Strengthening communities and empowering families with emphasis on children in need of shelter, safety and support.
- Services: emergency shelter for youth ages 10 -18, Safely Home, Teen Court early intervention program, crisis hotline, professional counseling, community outreach, resource referral
- Location: 101 N Montgomery St., Gary, IN. 46403
- Phone: (219) 938-7070
- Fax: (219) 938-7502
- Email: crisis@crisiscenterysb.org
- Website: www.crisiscenterysb.org
Fair Haven Rape Crisis Center
- Type: sexual violence crisis center
- Mission: to provide faith-focused services to those affected by sexual violence & trauma.
- Services: 24 hour sexual assault advocates available, youth and teen education programs, awareness raising campaigns
- Location: 2645 Ridge Rd, Highland, IN 46322
- 24hr Crisis Line: 219-218-2552
- Phone: (219) 961-4357
- Fax: (219) 513-9988
- Email: https://www.asafeport.org/contact-us/
- Website: https://www.asafeport.org/
Rainbow Ark Shelter (Gary Commission for Women)
- Type: domestic violence and sexual violence shelter and crisis center
- Mission: The mission of the Commission is to ensure that women, who are residents of the City of Gary, the utilization of their talents and full realization of their rights as citizens.
- Services: emergency shelter for women, men, and children; crisis intervention; daily living needs (such as food, toiletries, emergency clothing); residential and non-residential support groups; legal advocacy; referrals; education
- Location: 839 Broadway, 3rd Floor, Gary, IN 46402
- Phone: (219) 883-4155
- Fax: (219) 881-5287
- Email: tgeorge@ci.gary.in.us
- Website: https://garyin.us/gary-commission-for-women/
St. Jude House
- Type: domestic violence and sexual violence shelter and crisis center
- Mission: St. Jude House is a safe emergency shelter and provider of services for victims of domestic violence and their dependent children. We provide housing, advocacy and compassionate assistance.
- Services: 24-hour crisis line; emergency, temporary shelter; Residential or non-residential one-on-one counseling and support groups for adult and child survivors; 24-hour sexual assault survivor support advocacy; Legal advocacy; Community education for community groups, service providers, schools, and churches.
- Location: 12490 Marshall Street, Crown Point, Indiana 46307-4856
- 24hr Crisis Line: 1(800) 254-1286
- Office Phone: (219) 662-7066
- Fax: (219) 662-7041
- Email: https://www.stjudehouse.org/contact/
- Website: https://www.stjudehouse.org/
The Caring Place, Inc.
- Type: domestic violence and sexual violence shelter and crisis center
- Mission: The Caring Place, Inc. provides service and shelter for victims of violence and their children, through education and awareness, we empower all members of the community to live in peace.
- Services: 24-hour crisis line; emergency, temporary shelter; goal planning; counseling and support groups; social and legal advocacy; Legal advocacy; referrals; Community education; The Amanda Forum teen dating violence education task force
- Location: 607 Bullseye Lake Rd, Valparaiso, IN 46384
- 24hr Crisis Line: 1.800.933.0466
- Office Phone: 219-464-0840
- Email: http://thecaringplacenwi.org/contact/
- Website: http://thecaringplacenwi.org/
Indiana University Northwest – Title IX
Hoosier Hills Pact
- Type: domestic violence shelter and youth services
- Mission: We facilitate change in the lives of people and we challenge organizational systems for the purpose of improving the change process.
- Services: domestic violence shelter; transitional housing; victim advocacy; juvenile delinquency prevention; youth and family intervention services; intensive case management; community corrections day reporting, community transition, group services, and community service restitution
- Location: 35 N. Public Square, Salem, IN 47167
- Phone: 812-883-3318
- Website: http://www.pactchangeslives.com/hoosier-hills-pact/
- Type: domestic violence and sexual violence shelter and crisis center
- Mission: to empower survivors of domestic abuse, sexual violence, and human trafficking through a wide range of supportive services and advocacy.
- Services: emergency shelter; sexual violence support services; legal advocacy support and educational groups; transitional housing; prevention programs; human trafficking support services
- Location and Transitional Housing: 401 S. Washington, Bloomington, IN 47401
- 24hr Crisis Line: (812) 336-0846
- Phone: (812) 337-4510
- Fax: (812) 337-4511
- Email: communications@middlewayhouse.org
- Website: https://middlewayhouse.org/
- Type: child advocacy center
- Mission: To provide a neutral, child-friendly center to investigate alleged child abuse and neglect in Indiana, while keeping the comfort and safety of the child the first priority.
- Services: Child and Family Advocacy; First Responder Training; Mental Health co-located in Avon and Bloomington; Forensic Medical Exams co-located in Bloomington; Darkness to Light Stewards of Children Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Trainings; Body Boundaries – body safety classes for elementary school students; Staying Safe in a Digital World – body/internet safety classes for middle and high school students; My Buddy Therapy Dog program
- Location: 365 S Park Ridge Road Ste. 103, Bloomington, IN 47401
- Phone: 812-822-1570
- Email: https://susiesplace.org/contact-us/
- Website: https://susiesplace.org/
- Type: domestic violence and sexual violence shelter and crisis center
- Mission: Alternatives Incorporated strives to eradicate domestic and sexual violence through education, prevention, and intervention in Central Indiana.
- Services: pre-school program, after-school weekday program during the summer, on-site pet sheltering, provider training, prevention education for teens, bystander intervention training for alcohol-serving establishments, Emergency shelter, Transitional Housing (for a maximum of two years), 24-Hour crisis call center, 24-Hour crisis response team, Emergency and essential transportation, Case management and ancillary services, Sexual assault intervention and treatment, Support, referral, and advocacy for victims of domestic and sexual violence
- Location: Anderson, IN
- 24-Hour Crisis Line: (866) 593-9999
- Email: https://www.alternativesdv.org/contact
- Website: https://www.alternativesdv.org/
Domestic Violence Network
- Type: domestic and sexual violence education and capacity building organization
- Mission: to change the culture that leads to domestic violence through advocacy, education, and collaboration in the community at large.
- Services: community education, webinars, and requested trainings; education and technical assistance for schools, resources for parents, and education for youth; community action network; Baker One initiative to pre-emptively identify and prevent domestic violence; protective order assessments; Service Equality Task Force to ensure LGBTQ+ inclusion in domestic and sexual violence prevention and intervention efforts; Higher Education Impact Team and Title IX education; resources and networking opportunities for advocates
- Location: 9245 N. Meridian Street, Suite 235, Indianapolis, IN 46260
- Phone: (317) 872-1086
- Email: https://dvnconnect.org/contact/
- Website: http://www.dvnconnect.org/
Madison County Sexual Assault Treatment Center
St. Vincent Anderson Regional Sexual Assault Treatment Center
- Type: domestic violence and sexual violence shelter and crisis center
- Mission: Alternatives Incorporated strives to eradicate domestic and sexual violence through education, prevention, and intervention in Central Indiana.
- Services: pre-school program, after-school weekday program during the summer, on-site pet sheltering, provider training, prevention education for teens, bystander intervention training for alcohol-serving establishments, Emergency shelter, Transitional Housing (for a maximum of two years), 24-Hour crisis call center, 24-Hour crisis response team, Emergency and essential transportation, Case management and ancillary services, Sexual assault intervention and treatment, Support, referral, and advocacy for victims of domestic and sexual violence
- Location: Anderson, IN
- 24-Hour Crisis Line: (866) 593-9999
- Email: https://www.alternativesdv.org/contact
- Website: https://www.alternativesdv.org/
Beacon of Hope Crisis Center
- Type: domestic violence and sexual violence crisis center
- Mission: Alternatives Incorporated strives to eradicate domestic and sexual violence through education, prevention, and intervention in Central Indiana.
- Services: Crisis Call Advocacy Support and Referral Services, Criminal Justice advocate support, Domestic Violence Advocacy, Economic Sustainability Program, Foster Pet Program, Prevention Empowerment Program, Sexual Assault Advocacy, Purple Sneakers Outreach and Education Program
- Location: 6920 S. East Street, Suite B, Indianapolis, IN 46227
- Office Phone: 317-731-6131
- Crisis Line: 317-731-6140
- Fax: 317-731-6132
- Email: https://www.beaconofhopeindy.org/contact.html
- Website: https://www.beaconofhopeindy.org/
Center for Victim and Human Rights
- Type: interpersonal violence legal support
- Mission: to empower and advance the safety of victims through legal representation and educational outreach.
- Services: Protection Orders; Humanitarian Immigration Relief; Crime Victim Rights Enforcement; Paternity / Child Custody; Title IX support
- Location: 6920 S. East Street, Suite B, Indianapolis, IN 46227
- Phone: (317) 610-3427
- Email: Contact@cvhr.org
- Website: http://www.cvhr.org/
Center of Hope: Community East Hospital
- Type: Medical facility for sexual assault
- Services: Specialized Medical Care by a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) and Medical Forensic Exam Adults/Adolescents only
- Location: 1500 N Ritter Ave, Indianapolis, IN 46219
- Phone: (317) 355-4673
- Cost: Free
Center of Hope: Community North Hospital
- Type: Medical facility for sexual assault
- Services: Specialized Medical Care by a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) and Medical Forensic Exam Adults/Adolescents only
- Location: 7150 Clearvista Dr, Indianapolis, IN 46256
- Phone: (317) 355-4673
- Cost: Free
Center of Hope: Community South Hospital
- Type: Medical facility for sexual assault
- Services: Specialized Medical Care by a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) and Medical Forensic Exam Adults/Adolescents only
- Location: 1402 East County Line Road South, Indianapolis, IN 46227
- Phone: (317) 355-4673
- Cost: Free
Center of Hope: Methodist Hospital
- Type: Medical facility for sexual assault
- Services: Specialized Medical Care by a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) and Medical Forensic Exam Adults/Adolescents only
- Location: 701 N Senate Ave, Indianapolis, IN 46202
- Phone: (317) 962-3600
- Cost: Free
Center of Hope: St. Francis Hospital
Center of Hope: St. Vincent Hospital
Center of Hope: IU Riley Hospital
- Type: Medical facility for sexual assault
- Services: Specialized Medical Care by a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) and Medical Forensic Exam Adults/Adolescents , Specialized Medical Care by a American Board of Pediatrics (ABP) certified Child Abuse Pediatrician
- Location: 705 Riley Hospital Dr. Indianapolis, IN 46206
- Phone: (317) 944-5000
- Cost: Free
Coburn Place Safe Haven
- Type: domestic violence shelter and crisis center
- Mission: Coburn Place empowers victims of intimate partner violence to live as survivors.
- Adult Services: Individual advocacy and case management, individual and family therapy (provided to residential clients or by referral), support groups, criminal justice/court advocacy, victim compensation fund assistance, address confidentiality assistance, HopeLine cellphone assistance, financial literacy and economic empowerment curricula, housing advocacy and education, permanent housing placement and referrals, GED tutoring and education advancement, health/wellness education, healthy relationship classes/groups, pre-arranged childcare for appointments/services, budget-stretching direct aid (as available) for food, medical, and transportation assistance, employment/career readiness, substance abuse prevention/treatment referrals
- Children’s Age Appropriate Services: Indoor and outdoor play/development spaces, Individual advocacy and case management, individual and family therapy (provided to residential clients or by referral)support groups, financial literacy and economic empowerment curricula, homework help and tutoring, literacy, GED tutoring and education advancement, computer lab, health/wellness education and activities, healthy relationship classes/groups, anti-bullying programs, personal safety, field trips, after-school programs and school break camps, civic engagement and philanthropic activities, employment/career readiness, substance abuse prevention/treatment referrals
- Income-Based Services: six to 24 months of on-site transitional housing; six to 12 months of community-based transitional housing
- Location: 604 East 38th Street, Indianapolis, IN 46205
- Phone: 317-923-5750
- Email: https://coburnplace.org/contact-us/
- Website: https://coburnplace.org/
Desert Rose Foundation, Inc.
- Type: domestic violence and sexual violence shelter and crisis center
- Mission: Desert Rose Foundation, Inc. is a faith-based nonprofit organization whose mission is to provide transitional shelter for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault, as well as the services needed to break the cycle of abuse in families.
- Services: shelter for up to 2 years for women with or without children; free individual counselling for adults and children; case management and life skills development; Domestic and Youth Violence Education; Youth and Teen Support Groups; Youth Tutoring; community outreach and education
- Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1754, Martinsville, IN 46151
- Phone: 765-342-7673
- Email: http://www.desertrose.cc/ContactUs.aspx
- Website: http://www.desertrose.cc/
Domestic Violence Network
- Type: domestic and sexual violence education and capacity building organization
- Mission: to change the culture that leads to domestic violence through advocacy, education, and collaboration in the community at large.
- Services: community education, webinars, and requested trainings; education and technical assistance for schools, resources for parents, and education for youth; community action network; Baker One initiative to pre-emptively identify and prevent domestic violence; protective order assessments; Service Equality Task Force to ensure LGBTQ+ inclusion in domestic and sexual violence prevention and intervention efforts; Higher Education Impact Team and Title IX education; resources and networking opportunities for advocates
- Location: 9245 N. Meridian Street, Suite 235, Indianapolis, IN 46260
- Phone: (317) 872-1086
- Email: https://dvnconnect.org/contact/
- Website: http://www.dvnconnect.org/
Families First Indiana
- Type: mental health and violence related family support
- Mission: to ensure equal housing opportunities by eliminating housing discrimination through advocacy, enforcement, education and outreach.
- Services: Mental health counseling for individuals, couples, and families, Support groups, Community education & trainings, 24-hr crisis/suicide intervention hotline, Parenting education, Substance use education & outpatient treatment programs, Domestic violence education & support, Sexual assault survivor counseling & advocacy, Father Engagement Case Management, In-home family preservation counseling & case management
- Main Location: 2240 N. Meridian Street, Indianapolis, IN 46208
- Additional Location: 13 North State Street, Suite 141, Greenfield, IN 46140
- Phone: 317-634-6341
- Fax: 317-464-9575
- Email: info@familiesfirstindiana.org
- Website: https://www.familiesfirstindiana.org/
Latino Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence, Inc.
- Type: domestic violence and sexual violence crisis center
- Mission: The Latino Coalition is a statewide nonprofit organization that provides support and advocacy to Latino victims of domestic violence and sexual assault. The Latino Coalition also provides program coordination and skills training to assist service providers and member programs to develop, enhance, and improve their programs, policies, and services to be more linguistically and culturally competent.
- Services: Bilingual Counseling and Advocacy; cultural competency and immigration training to legal professionals, law enforcement officers, prosecutors, and other victim service providers; Fosters the development of local bilingual victim assistance networks and technical assistance to enhance the continuity of support for Latino victims; reporting and access to protective orders or other legal services; collaborates with bilingual/bicultural attorneys to provide legal presentations and individual consultation to community members and service providers across the state; Victim Immigrant Services and Assistance; support group for Latina victims and survivors of domestic violence; resource referral
- Location: 300 East Fall Creek Parkway North Drive, Suite 250, Indianapolis, IN 46205
- Phone: 1-866-442-4627
- Fax: (317) 926-4672
- Email: latinoinfo@indianalatinocoalition.org
- Website: http://www.indianalatinocoalition.org/
Legacy House
- Type: interpersonal violence crisis center
- Mission: to provide no cost trauma counseling and advocacy services to victims of violence.
- Services: counseling and advocacy; courtroom support; assistance with preparing petitions for emergency protective orders and victim compensation applications; shelter and social service referrals
- Location: lower level of the Eskenazi Center – North Arlington, 2505 North Arlington Avenue, Indianapolis, Indiana 46128
- Phone: (317) 554-5272
- Website: http://www.hhcorp.org/hhc/index.php/programs/legacy-house
Marion County Child advocacy center
- Type: child advocacy center
- Mission: The Child Advocacy Center is a child-focused center dedicated to providing children a safe and comfortable place where highly trained child interviewers talk to children in private, child-friendly interview rooms.
- Services: safe, supportive, child-friendly environment for child victims of abuse and neglect, their families, and the multidisciplinary professionals who investigate and address these problems
- Location: 4134 North Keystone Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46205
- Phone: (317) 327-6900
- Fax: 317-327-4527
- Email: kimberly.rasheed@indy.gov
- Website: https://incacs.org/centers/marion-county-child-advocacy-center-2/
Sheltering Wings
- Type: domestic violence shelter
- Mission: Extending the love and compassion of Christ to people in circumstances of domestic abuse.
- Services: emergency shelter; community and professional education; Men IN Action; Youth Council
- Mailing Address: PO Box 92, Danville, IN 46122
- Office Phone: 317-718-5460
- Crisis Line: 317-745-1496
- Email: https://shelteringwings.org/stay-connected/
- Website: https://shelteringwings.org/
The Julian Center
- Type: domestic violence, sexual violence, and stalking crisis center
- Mission: to assist survivors through collaborative advocacy and support to achieve long-term safety, stability and self-sufficiency.
- Services: 24-Hour Crisis Line; Emergency Shelter; counseling and support groups; Empowerment Support Program to support survivors to work toward financial and emotional autonomy; Sexual Assault Advocacy; Law Enforcement Advocacy; New Life Transitional Housing; Permanent Supportive Housing; Community Engagement programs; free legal representation for a variety of non-criminal needs; Extended Support Advocacy program and case management
- Location: 2011 N. Meridian Street, Indianapolis, IN 46208
- Phone: 317.920.9320
- Website: https://www.juliancenter.org/
Indiana University Purdue University – Indianapolis- IU Health CenterSexual Assault Crisis Service
- Mission: The Sexual Assault Crisis Service (SACS) team is here to help any member of the IU community who has experienced an assault. SACS is a special part of CAPS and is staffed by counselors who specialize in working with those who have withstood sexual violence
- Services: crisis consultation, individual and group counseling, and assistance with referrals for medical care.
- Location: 4719 Indiana Avenue, Walker Plaza 220.
- Phone: 317-274-2548
- 24-hour crisis line: (812) 855-8900
- Website: https://healthcenter.indiana.edu/counseling/Sexual-Assault-Crisis-Service.shtml
Sexual Assault Prevention, Intervention and Response Task Force.
- Services: Counseling and Psychological Services
- Locations: Coleman Hall, room 100 and Campus Center Walker Plaza 220, suite 213-
- Phone: 317-274-5715
- Email: saadv@iupui.edu
- Website: https://sapir.iupui.edu/
Butler University Title IX
- Services: The University offers services and external resources, some of which may be accessed 24 hours a day, so that a student may choose what she or he would find most helpful and healing.
- Location: 4600 Sunset Avenue, Indianapolis, Indiana 46208
- Title IX coordinator : Sahrah Diaz
- Phone: 800-368-6852
- Email: sbarnes@butler.edu
DeVry University–Indiana Title IX
- Title IX Coordinator: Paul Herbst
- Location on campus: ADA/504 Coordinator
- Phone: 630-960-8019
- Email: TitleIX@devry.edu
Marian University Title IX
Heminger House
- Type: domestic violence and sexual violence shelter and crisis center
- Mission: to break the cycle of violence and poverty by providing a caring, healing, and educational service for victims of abuse, including safe, emergency housing and related programs. It is our intent to prepare victims, and their families, so that they can learn to make independent, productive choices, which will assist them in living independently in a healthy, positive, and safe environment.
- Services: emergency shelter; residential and non-residential crisis services; support groups; 24 hour crisis line
- Mailing Address: PO Box 4, Plymouth, IN 46563
- 24hr Crisis Line & Office Phone: (574) 936-7233
- Fax: (574) 936-4722
- Email: info@hemingerhouse.com
- Website: https://www.hemingerhouse.com/
The Beaman Home
- Type: domestic violence shelter and crisis center
- Mission: to provide shelter, education and confidential services to survivors of domestic violence, and sexual assault.
- Services: Emergency shelter and rapid re-housing program; case management; legal advocacy; support for those still living with harmful partners and those who have left harmful partners; counseling; self-sufficiency education; SYNC Up! youth healing program;
- Location: 533 N. Niles Avenue, South Bend, IN 46617
- Office Phone: (574) 267-7701
- 24hr Crisis Line: 877-725-9363
- Email: https://www.thebeamanhome.com/contact-us/
- Website: https://www.thebeamanhome.com/
The Casie Center
- Type: child advocacy center
- Mission: The CASIE Center provides a comprehensive and coordinated multidisciplinary team approach to the problem of child abuse, with a particular emphasis on sexual abuse. The goal of the Center is to provide a safe, supportive, child-friendly environment for child victims of abuse and neglect, their families, and the multidisciplinary professionals who investigate and address these problems.
- Services: Forensic interviews; medical clinic with pediatric sexual assault nurse examiners (SANEs); prevention of educational neglect program
- Location: 533 N. Niles Avenue, South Bend, IN 46617
- Phone: (574) 282-1414
- Email: https://www.casiecenter.org/contact-us
- Website: https://www.casiecenter.org/
Ancilla College Title IX
- Type: Campus Sexual Assault Resource Center
- Mission: Ancilla College is committed to providing a safe environment for all. As such, sex discrimination and sexual misconduct are not .
- Services: resources available for educating employees and students on the definition, nature, evidence and consequences of sexual discrimination, sexual harassment and sexual violence
- Location: 9601 S. Union Road, Plymouth, IN 46563
- Title IX Coordinator: Scott P. Horch-Residence Life
- Phone: (574) 936–8898 | (866) 262–4552 ext 347
- Website: https://www.ancilla.edu/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/7-12-17-TitleIX-Brochure.pdf
Crisis Connection, Inc.
- Type: domestic violence and sexual violence crisis center
- Mission: We promote individual accountability and respect to end domestic violence and sexual assault through confidential crisis intervention, victim advocacy, primary prevention education, and collaboration with community partners.
- Direct Client Services: 24-Hour Hotline; Crisis Intervention/Counseling; Safety Planning; Assistance with Filing Protective Orders; Safe Housing Options; Limited Emergency Transportation; Support Groups; access to a Sexual Assault Response Team that includes an exam performed by a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE); Personal Advocacy; Law Enforcement Advocacy; Medical Advocacy; Provide information/referral for Food, Rent Assistance, Back-to-School Supplies; Services to the Deaf; Emergency Translation Services; Pet Care Programs as appropriate; Victim Assistance Services
- Educational Services: Batterer’s Intervention Program for Men and Domestic Abuse Intervention Program for Women who are violent; Primary Prevention Practices; School Curriculum (age-specific) on various topics; Speakers/Resources available for Youth-Serving Organizations, Clubs, Faith Communities, Parents, and other community entities; Professional Resources for educators, providers, and professionals; Natural Helpers Peer-Helping Program Facilitation; Coaching Boys into Men Program
- Mailing Address: P.O. Box 903, Jasper, IN 47547
- Dubois County Office: 812.482.1555
- Perry County Office: 812.547.8878
- Pike County Office: 812.809.4495
- Email: info@crisisconnectioninc.org
- Website: https://crisisconnectioninc.org/
Middle Way House
- Type: domestic violence and sexual violence shelter and crisis center
- Mission: to empower survivors of domestic abuse, sexual violence, and human trafficking through a wide range of supportive services and advocacy.
- Services: emergency shelter; sexual violence support services; legal advocacy support and educational groups; transitional housing; prevention programs; human trafficking support services
- Location: 123 Cooper St. (Door 3 in Work One Office), Loogootee, IN 47553
- Transitional Housing: 401 S. Washington, Bloomington, IN 47401
- 24hr Crisis Line: (812) 336-0846
- Phone: (812) 295-2993
- Fax: (812) 295-4093
- Email: communications@middlewayhouse.org
- Website: https://middlewayhouse.org/
Family Service Association of Howard County
- Type: domestic violence and sexual violence shelter and crisis center
- Mission: To promote healthy families and empower vulnerable individuals and families through education, prevention, and crisis intervention programs.
- Services: 24 hour crisis line; sexual assault advocates; child safety education programs; Teen Dating Violence Prevention Education; 45 day Crisis Shelter; Rapid Re-Housing Program; Weekly support groups; 1 on 1 case management services; healthy families education and baby care resources and support; Jackson Street Commons (permanent, supportive housing for chronically homeless veterans); youth substance abuse prevention; Prevent Child Abuse Howard County
- Location: 618 S. Main Street, Kokomo, IN 46901
- Phone: 765.457.9313
- Fax: 765.868.4122
- 24-Hour Crisis Line: 877-482-4222
- Email: artinot@fsahc.org
- Website: https://fsahc.org/
- Type: sexual assault crisis center and medical facility
- Mission: We listen and offer choices for healthcare needs, reporting options, and resources to begin a journey of healing. We are forensic nurses making a difference for victims of sexual assault in Northeast Indiana.
- Services: medical forensic exams for children and adults; therapy referrals; information and referrals for college/university students and military personnel
- Location: 1420 Kerrway Ct., Fort Wayne, IN 46805
- Phone: 260-423-2222
- Fax: 260-423-2220
- Email: info@fwsatc.org
- Website: https://fwsatc.org/
Desert Rose Foundation, Inc.
- Type: domestic violence and sexual violence shelter and crisis center
- Mission: Desert Rose Foundation, Inc. is a faith-based nonprofit organization whose mission is to provide transitional shelter for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault, as well as the services needed to break the cycle of abuse in families.
- Services: shelter for up to 2 years for women with or without children; free individual counselling for adults and children; case management and life skills development; Domestic and Youth Violence Education; Youth and Teen Support Groups; Youth Tutoring; community outreach and education
- Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1754, Martinsville, IN 46151
- Phone: 765-342-7673
- Email: http://www.desertrose.cc/ContactUs.aspx
- Website: http://www.desertrose.cc/
Middle Way House
- Type: domestic violence and sexual violence shelter and crisis center
- Mission: to empower survivors of domestic abuse, sexual violence, and human trafficking through a wide range of supportive services and advocacy.
- Services: emergency shelter; sexual violence support services; legal advocacy support and educational groups; transitional housing; prevention programs; human trafficking support services
- Location and Transitional Housing: 401 S. Washington, Bloomington, IN 47401
- 24hr Crisis Line: (812) 336-0846
- Phone: (812) 337-4510
- Fax: (812) 337-4511
- Email: communications@middlewayhouse.org
- Website: https://middlewayhouse.org/
Monroe County Victim Assistance Program
- Type: interpersonal violence legal advocacy
- Mission: to seek justice, promote greater public safety, and assist victims of crimes.
- Services: violence prevention education; legal advocacy for survivors; victims of violent crime compensation fund
- Location: 301 N. College Avenue, Room 211 Bloomington, IN 47404
- Phone: 812 ) 349-2893
- Fax: (812) 337-4511
- Email: vap@co.monroe.in.us
- Website: http://www.monroeprosecutor.us/victims-assistance-program/
Susie’s Place
- Type: child advocacy center
- Mission: To provide a neutral, child-friendly center to investigate alleged child abuse and neglect in Indiana, while keeping the comfort and safety of the child the first priority.
- Services: Child and Family Advocacy; First Responder Training; Mental Health co-located in Avon and Bloomington; Forensic Medical Exams co-located in Bloomington; Darkness to Light Stewards of Children Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Trainings; Body Boundaries – body safety classes for elementary school students; Staying Safe in a Digital World – body/internet safety classes for middle and high school students; My Buddy Therapy Dog program
- Location: 365 S Park Ridge Road Ste. 103, Bloomington, IN 47401
- Phone: 812-822-1570
- Email: https://susiesplace.org/contact-us/
- Website: https://susiesplace.org/
Indiana University – Bloomington – IU Health CenterSexual Assault Crisis Service
- Mission: The Sexual Assault Crisis Service (SACS) team is here to help any member of the IU community who has experienced an assault. SACS is a special part of CAPS and is staffed by counselors who specialize in working with those who have withstood sexual violence
- Services: crisis consultation, individual and group counseling, and assistance with referrals for medical care.
- Location: Sexual Assault Crisis Services, CAPS (for students) ,IU Health Center 4th floor
- Phone: (812) 855-5711
- 24-hour crisis line: (812) 855-8900
- Website: https://healthcenter.indiana.edu/counseling/Sexual-Assault-Crisis-Service.shtml
Family Crisis Center
- Type: domestic and sexual violence shelter & crisis center
- Mission: To provide quality emergency shelter and transitional living in a supportive environment with prevention and intervention services while advocating for the rights of survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault
- Services: 24 Hour Crisis Hotline; Case Management; Referral Services; Youth Services; Legal Advocacy; Sexual Assault Advocacy; Emergency shelter and transitional housing; Clothing Pantry; Weekly Support Group; Community Outreach and Education
- Mailing Address: PO Box 254, Crawfordsville, IN 47933
- Phone: 1-800-370-4103
- Email: andyf@familycrisisshelter.org
- Website: https://sites.google.com/site/familycrisisshelter/home
Family Support Services of West Central Indiana
- Type: family services; child maltreatment prevention and intervention; domestic and sexual violence crisis center
- Mission: to prevent child abuse, neglect and domestic violence through education, guidance, intervention and supportive services.
- Services: healthy families program with life skills and child care support; free child care (TOTS Time); youth council (CYCLE); court Advocacy; Protective Orders; Safe Shelter; Domestic Violence Education; Safety Plans; Referrals; Women’s, Teen’s and Children’s Support Groups; On-going Support; Educational Groups and programming; prevention coalition
- Location: 16 South Jackson Street, Greencastle, IN 46135
- Phone: (765) 653-4820
- Email: https://fsswci.net/contact-us
- Website: https://fsswci.net/
Sheltering Wings
- Type: domestic violence shelter
- Mission: Extending the love and compassion of Christ to people in circumstances of domestic abuse.
- Services: emergency shelter; community and professional education; Men IN Action; Youth Council
- Mailing Address: PO Box 92, Danville, IN 46122
- Office Phone: 317-718-5460
- Crisis Line: 317-745-1496
- Email: https://shelteringwings.org/stay-connected/
- Website: https://shelteringwings.org/
Desert Rose Foundation, Inc.
- Type: domestic violence and sexual violence shelter and crisis center
- Mission: Desert Rose Foundation, Inc. is a faith-based nonprofit organization whose mission is to provide transitional shelter for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault, as well as the services needed to break the cycle of abuse in families.
- Services: shelter for up to 2 years for women with or without children; free individual counselling for adults and children; case management and life skills development; Domestic and Youth Violence Education; Youth and Teen Support Groups; Youth Tutoring; community outreach and education
- Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1754, Martinsville, IN 46151
- Phone: 765-342-7673
- Email: http://www.desertrose.cc/ContactUs.aspx
- Website: http://www.desertrose.cc/
Domestic Violence Network
- Type: domestic and sexual violence education and capacity building organization
- Mission: to change the culture that leads to domestic violence through advocacy, education, and collaboration in the community at large.
- Services: community education, webinars, and requested trainings; education and technical assistance for schools, resources for parents, and education for youth; community action network; Baker One initiative to pre-emptively identify and prevent domestic violence; protective order assessments; Service Equality Task Force to ensure LGBTQ+ inclusion in domestic and sexual violence prevention and intervention efforts; Higher Education Impact Team and Title IX education; resources and networking opportunities for advocates
- Location: 9245 N. Meridian Street, Suite 235, Indianapolis, IN 46260
- Phone: (317) 872-1086
- Email: https://dvnconnect.org/contact/
- Website: http://www.dvnconnect.org/
Sheltering Wings
- Type: domestic violence shelter
- Mission: Extending the love and compassion of Christ to people in circumstances of domestic abuse.
- Services: emergency shelter; community and professional education; Men IN Action; Youth Council
- Mailing Address: PO Box 92, Danville, IN 46122
- Office Phone: 317-718-5460
- Crisis Line: 317-745-1496
- Email: https://shelteringwings.org/stay-connected/
- Website: https://shelteringwings.org/
Susie’s Place
- Type: child advocacy center
- Mission: To provide a neutral, child-friendly center to investigate alleged child abuse and neglect in Indiana, while keeping the comfort and safety of the child the first priority.
- Services: Child and Family Advocacy; First Responder Training; Mental Health co-located in Avon and Bloomington; Forensic Medical Exams co-located in Bloomington; Darkness to Light Stewards of Children Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Trainings; Body Boundaries – body safety classes for elementary school students; Staying Safe in a Digital World – body/internet safety classes for middle and high school students; My Buddy Therapy Dog program
- Location: 7519 Beechwood Centre Rd, Avon, IN 46123
- Phone: (317) 272-5696
- Email: https://susiesplace.org/contact-us/
- Website: https://susiesplace.org/
North Central Indiana Rural Crisis Center
- Type: domestic violence and sexual violence shelter and crisis center
- Mission: to help end domestic violence in Jasper, Newton, and Pulaski counties by providing temporary shelter and services to victims and children of domestic violence and/or sexual assault through education, advocacy, and community intervention.
- Services: Emergency Shelter; advocacy; resources and referrals; education
- Mailing Address: PO Box 212, Rensselaer, IN, 47978
- Phone: (800) 933-0374
- Email: crisiscenter87@gmail.com
- Website: https://www.facebook.com/rensselaercrisiscenter/
Valley Oaks Health
- Type: child advocacy center; domestic violence intervention
- Mission: We listen and offer choices for healthcare needs, reporting options, and resources to begin a journey of healing. We are forensic nurses making a difference for victims of sexual assault in Northeast Indiana.
- Services: The CAC conducts forensic interviews with children between the ages of three to seventeen who have reported instances of sexual abuse/assault, physical abuse, and in some instances have witnessed a crime. The children and their families are referred to mental health services if necessary. The Batterers Intervention Program (BIP) is designed to help participants gain practical information on how to change abusive and controlling behavior, increase willingness to change abusive behavior, develop understanding that acts of violence can be related to attempts to maintain control over partners.
- Location: 131 West Drexel Parkway, Rensselaer, IN, 47978
- Crisis Line: (800) 859-5553
- Phone: (219) 866-4194
- Fax: (219) 866-4197
- Email: https://valleyoaks.org/contact/
- Website: https://valleyoaks.org/service/batterers-intervention-program-bip/
Center for Nonviolence
- Type: domestic violence prevention and intervention education and support
- Mission: The Center for Nonviolence provides education, support, and advocacy to end domestic and other forms of violence while modeling equality and power sharing.
- Services: women’s support and education programs; Mujeres Unidas; mother’s intervention program; women’s intervention program; batterer’s intervention program; anger management/violence intervention program for youth; critical thinking program for youth; FACES leadership school-based program to prevent violence among elementary school children; LGBTQ+ youth support group
- Location: 235 West Creighton Avenue, Fort Wayne, Indiana, 46807-1311
- Phone: 260-456-4112
- Fax: 260-456-1086
- Email: http://www.centerfornv.org/ContactUs.aspx
- Website: http://www.centerfornv.org/
Fort Wayne Sexual Assault Treatment Center
- Type: sexual assault crisis center and medical facility
- Mission: We listen and offer choices for healthcare needs, reporting options, and resources to begin a journey of healing. We are forensic nurses making a difference for victims of sexual assault in Northeast Indiana.
- Services: medical forensic exams for children and adults; therapy referrals; information and referrals for college/university students and military personnel
- Location: 1420 Kerrway Ct., Fort Wayne, IN 46805
- Phone: 260-423-2222
- Fax: 260-423-2220
- Email: info@fwsatc.org
- Website: https://fwsatc.org/
YWCA of Northeast Indiana
- Type: community center; domestic violence and sexual assault shelter and crisis center
- Mission: YWCA Northeast Indiana is dedicated to eliminating racism, empowering women, and promoting peace, justice, freedom, and dignity for all.
- Services: addition recovery; domestic violence services: safe shelter, a 24-hr domestic violence crisis line, case management, safety planning, advocacy and aftercare for anyone affected by domestic violence; sexual assault services: crisis intervention, counseling and support groups, 24-hr sexual assault crisis line; Dress for Success; free community education
- Location: 5920 Decatur Road, Fort Wayne, IN 46816
- Phone: 260.424.4908
- Fax: 260.420.5202
- Domestic Violence Crisis Line: 800.441.4073
- Sexual Assault Crisis Line: 260.426.7273
- Email: https://ywcanein.com/contact-us
- Website: https://ywcanein.com/
Safe Passage, Inc. & Safe Place Sexual Assault Center
- Type: domestic violence and sexual violence crisis centers
- Mission: to provide help, healing and hope to build a community free of domestic and sexual violence. Through extensive services and support to victims of domestic and sexual violence and innovative community based prevention programming, we strive to build safe, stable nurturing relationships and communities.
- Services: safe shelter; File a Protective Order; Counseling and Support Groups; Legal Advocacy; Housing, Education, and Employment support; life skills training; domestic violence and sexual violence education; prevention education
- Mailing Address: PO Box 235, Batesville, Indiana 47006
- Sexual Violence Crisis Line: 1-877-733-1990
- Domestic Violence Crisis Line: 1-812-933-1990
- Email: https://safeplaceforhope.org/email
- Website: https://www.safepassageinc.org/
- Website: https://safeplaceforhope.org/
Albion Fellows Bacon Center
- Type: domestic violence and sexual violence shelter and crisis center
- Mission: Albion Fellows Bacon Center strategically works to prevent domestic and sexual violence and to empower victims through advocacy, education, support services, and collaborative partnerships.
- Services: legal advocacy, crisis advocacy, crisis response, support groups, emergency shelter for all genders as well as children, prevention education
- Mailing Address: P.O. Box 3164, Evansville, IN 47731
- Office Phone: 1-812-422-9372
- Domestic Violence 24-Hour Crisis Line: 1-812-422-5622
- Sexual Assault 24-Hour Crisis Line: 1-812-424-7273
- Email: info@albionfellowsbacon.org
- Website: https://www.albionfellowsbacon.org/
Crisis Connection, Inc.
- Type: domestic violence and sexual violence crisis center
- Mission: We promote individual accountability and respect to end domestic violence and sexual assault through confidential crisis intervention, victim advocacy, primary prevention education, and collaboration with community partners.
- Direct Client Services: 24-Hour Hotline; Crisis Intervention/Counseling; Safety Planning; Assistance with Filing Protective Orders; Safe Housing Options; Limited Emergency Transportation; Support Groups; access to a Sexual Assault Response Team that includes an exam performed by a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE); Personal Advocacy; Law Enforcement Advocacy; Medical Advocacy; Provide information/referral for Food, Rent Assistance, Back-to-School Supplies; Services to the Deaf; Emergency Translation Services; Pet Care Programs as appropriate; Victim Assistance Services
- Educational Services: Batterer’s Intervention Program for Men and Domestic Abuse Intervention Program for Women who are violent; Primary Prevention Practices; School Curriculum (age-specific) on various topics; Speakers/Resources available for Youth-Serving Organizations, Clubs, Faith Communities, Parents, and other community entities; Professional Resources for educators, providers, and professionals; Natural Helpers Peer-Helping Program Facilitation; Coaching Boys into Men Program
- Mailing Address: P.O. Box 903, Jasper, IN 47547
- Dubois County Office: 812.482.1555
- Perry County Office: 812.547.8878
- Pike County Office: 812.809.4495
- Email: info@crisisconnectioninc.org
- Website: https://crisisconnectioninc.org/
Hoosier Hills Pact
- Type: domestic violence shelter and youth services
- Mission: We facilitate change in the lives of people and we challenge organizational systems for the purpose of improving the change process.
- Services: domestic violence shelter; transitional housing; victim advocacy; juvenile delinquency prevention; youth and family intervention services; intensive case management; community corrections day reporting, community transition, group services, and community service restitution
- Location: 35 N. Public Square, Salem, IN 47167
- Phone: 812-883-3318
- Website: http://www.pactchangeslives.com/hoosier-hills-pact/
YWCA of Evansville
- Type: community center; domestic violence and sexual assault shelter and crisis center
- Mission: To eliminate racism, empower women, and promote peace, justice, freedom, and dignity for all.
- Services: racial justice, economic justice, and women’s empowerment advocacy; domestic violence shelter; emergency shelter; residential recovery program; youth after school and mentoring program; elder fitness program
- Location: 118 Vine Street, Evansville, IN 47708
- Phone: (812) 422-1191
- Fax: (812) 422-8705
- Email: ywca@ywcaevansville.org
- Website: https://www.ywcaevansville.org/
Desert Rose Foundation, Inc.
- Type: domestic violence and sexual violence shelter and crisis center
- Mission: Desert Rose Foundation, Inc. is a faith-based nonprofit organization whose mission is to provide transitional shelter for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault, as well as the services needed to break the cycle of abuse in families.
- Services: shelter for up to 2 years for women with or without children; free individual counselling for adults and children; case management and life skills development; Domestic and Youth Violence Education; Youth and Teen Support Groups; Youth Tutoring; community outreach and education
- Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1754, Martinsville, IN 46151
- Phone: 765-342-7673
- Email: http://www.desertrose.cc/ContactUs.aspx
- Website: http://www.desertrose.cc/
Family Support Services of West Central Indiana
- Type: family services; child maltreatment prevention and intervention; domestic and sexual violence crisis center
- Mission: to prevent child abuse, neglect and domestic violence through education, guidance, intervention and supportive services.
- Services: healthy families program with life skills and child care support; free child care (TOTS Time); youth council (CYCLE); court Advocacy; Protective Orders; Safe Shelter; Domestic Violence Education; Safety Plans; Referrals; Women’s, Teen’s and Children’s Support Groups; On-going Support; Educational Groups and programming; prevention coalition
- Location: 16 South Jackson Street, Greencastle, IN 46135
- Phone: (765) 653-4820
- Email: https://fsswci.net/contact-us
- Website: https://fsswci.net/
Middle Way House
- Type: domestic violence and sexual violence shelter and crisis center
- Mission: to empower survivors of domestic abuse, sexual violence, and human trafficking through a wide range of supportive services and advocacy.
- Services: emergency shelter; sexual violence support services; legal advocacy support and educational groups; transitional housing; prevention programs; human trafficking support services
- Location: Head Start Building, 911 W Hillside, Spencer, IN 47460
- Transitional Housing: 401 S. Washington, Bloomington, IN 47401
- 24hr Crisis Line: (812) 336-0846
- Phone: (812) 829-1660
- Fax: (812) 829-4580
- Email: communications@middlewayhouse.org
- Website: https://middlewayhouse.org/
Council on Domestic Abuse (CODA)
- Type: domestic violence and sexual violence shelter and crisis center
- Mission: the elimination of domestic abuse and sexual assault through societal change and the empowerment of abused individuals and their minor children.
- Services: emergency shelter, legal advocacy, children’s programs, education for youth, teens, college/university students, businesses, providers, and educators, support services and resource referral, sexual assault victim advocacy, prevention education, internships
- Location: Terre Haute, IN
- 24-Hour Crisis Line: 800-566-2632
- Email: http://www.codaterrehaute.org/contact.html
- Website: http://www.codaterrehaute.org/
Albion Fellows Bacon Center
- Type: domestic violence and sexual violence shelter and crisis center
- Mission: Albion Fellows Bacon Center strategically works to prevent domestic and sexual violence and to empower victims through advocacy, education, support services, and collaborative partnerships.
- Services: legal advocacy, crisis advocacy, crisis response, support groups, emergency shelter for all genders as well as children, prevention education
- Mailing Address: P.O. Box 3164, Evansville, IN 47731
- Office Phone: 1-812-422-9372
- Domestic Violence 24-Hour Crisis Line: 1-812-422-5622
- Sexual Assault 24-Hour Crisis Line: 1-812-424-7273
- Email: info@albionfellowsbacon.org
- Website: https://www.albionfellowsbacon.org/
Crisis Connection, Inc.
- Type: domestic violence and sexual violence crisis center
- Mission: We promote individual accountability and respect to end domestic violence and sexual assault through confidential crisis intervention, victim advocacy, primary prevention education, and collaboration with community partners.
- Direct Client Services: 24-Hour Hotline; Crisis Intervention/Counseling; Safety Planning; Assistance with Filing Protective Orders; Safe Housing Options; Limited Emergency Transportation; Support Groups; access to a Sexual Assault Response Team that includes an exam performed by a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE); Personal Advocacy; Law Enforcement Advocacy; Medical Advocacy; Provide information/referral for Food, Rent Assistance, Back-to-School Supplies; Services to the Deaf; Emergency Translation Services; Pet Care Programs as appropriate; Victim Assistance Services
- Educational Services: Batterer’s Intervention Program for Men and Domestic Abuse Intervention Program for Women who are violent; Primary Prevention Practices; School Curriculum (age-specific) on various topics; Speakers/Resources available for Youth-Serving Organizations, Clubs, Faith Communities, Parents, and other community entities; Professional Resources for educators, providers, and professionals; Natural Helpers Peer-Helping Program Facilitation; Coaching Boys into Men Program
- Mailing Address: P.O. Box 903, Jasper, IN 47547
- Dubois County Office: 812.482.1555
- Perry County Office: 812.547.8878
- Pike County Office: 812.809.4495
- Email: info@crisisconnectioninc.org
- Website: https://crisisconnectioninc.org/
YWCA of Evansville
- Type: community center; domestic violence and sexual assault shelter and crisis center
- Mission: To eliminate racism, empower women, and promote peace, justice, freedom, and dignity for all.
- Services: racial justice, economic justice, and women’s empowerment advocacy; domestic violence shelter; emergency shelter; residential recovery program; youth after school and mentoring program; elder fitness program
- Location: 118 Vine Street, Evansville, IN 47708
- Phone: (812) 422-1191
- Fax: (812) 422-8705
- Email: ywca@ywcaevansville.org
- Website: https://www.ywcaevansville.org/
Albion Fellows Bacon Center
- Type: domestic violence and sexual violence shelter and crisis center
- Mission: Albion Fellows Bacon Center strategically works to prevent domestic and sexual violence and to empower victims through advocacy, education, support services, and collaborative partnerships.
- Services: legal advocacy, crisis advocacy, crisis response, support groups, emergency shelter for all genders as well as children, prevention education
- Mailing Address: P.O. Box 3164, Evansville, IN 47731
- Office Phone: 1-812-422-9372
- Domestic Violence 24-Hour Crisis Line: 1-812-422-5622
- Sexual Assault 24-Hour Crisis Line: 1-812-424-7273
- Email: info@albionfellowsbacon.org
- Website: https://www.albionfellowsbacon.org/
Crisis Connection, Inc.
- Type: domestic violence and sexual violence crisis center
- Mission: We promote individual accountability and respect to end domestic violence and sexual assault through confidential crisis intervention, victim advocacy, primary prevention education, and collaboration with community partners.
- Direct Client Services: 24-Hour Hotline; Crisis Intervention/Counseling; Safety Planning; Assistance with Filing Protective Orders; Safe Housing Options; Limited Emergency Transportation; Support Groups; access to a Sexual Assault Response Team that includes an exam performed by a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE); Personal Advocacy; Law Enforcement Advocacy; Medical Advocacy; Provide information/referral for Food, Rent Assistance, Back-to-School Supplies; Services to the Deaf; Emergency Translation Services; Pet Care Programs as appropriate; Victim Assistance Services
- Educational Services: Batterer’s Intervention Program for Men and Domestic Abuse Intervention Program for Women who are violent; Primary Prevention Practices; School Curriculum (age-specific) on various topics; Speakers/Resources available for Youth-Serving Organizations, Clubs, Faith Communities, Parents, and other community entities; Professional Resources for educators, providers, and professionals; Natural Helpers Peer-Helping Program Facilitation; Coaching Boys into Men Program
- Mailing Address: P.O. Box 903, Jasper, IN 47547
- Dubois County Office: 812.482.1555
- Perry County Office: 812.547.8878
- Pike County Office: 812.809.4495
- Email: info@crisisconnectioninc.org
- Website: https://crisisconnectioninc.org/
YWCA of Evansville
- Type: community center; domestic violence and sexual assault shelter and crisis center
- Mission: To eliminate racism, empower women, and promote peace, justice, freedom, and dignity for all.
- Services: racial justice, economic justice, and women’s empowerment advocacy; domestic violence shelter; emergency shelter; residential recovery program; youth after school and mentoring program; elder fitness program
- Location: 118 Vine Street, Evansville, IN 47708
- Phone: (812) 422-1191
- Fax: (812) 422-8705
- Email: ywca@ywcaevansville.org
- Website: https://www.ywcaevansville.org/
Porter County Pact
- Type: interpersonal violence intervention and rehabilitation program
- Mission: We facilitate change in the lives of people and we challenge organizational systems for the purpose of improving the change process.
- Services: community corrections day reporting and electronic monitoring services, community transition, community service restitution; substance abuse intervention programs
- Location: 1356 W. Lincolnway, Valparaiso, IN 46385
- Phone: 219-462-1127
- Website: http://www.pactchangeslives.com/porter-county-pact/
Porter Regional Hospital
- Type: sexual assault medical facility
- Services: sexual assault medical/forensic exam, Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) available
- Location: 85 East US Hwy 6, Valparaiso, IN 46383
- Phone: 219-983-8311
- Cost: Free
St. Jude House
- Type: domestic violence and sexual violence shelter and crisis center
- Mission: St. Jude House is a safe emergency shelter and provider of services for victims of domestic violence and their dependent children. We provide housing, advocacy and compassionate assistance.
- Services: 24-hour crisis line; emergency, temporary shelter; Residential or non-residential one-on-one counseling and support groups for adult and child survivors; 24-hour sexual assault survivor support advocacy; Legal advocacy; Community education for community groups, service providers, schools, and churches.
- Location: 12490 Marshall Street, Crown Point, Indiana 46307-4856
- 24hr Crisis Line: 1(800) 254-1286
- Office Phone: (219) 662-7066
- Fax: (219) 662-7041
- Email: https://www.stjudehouse.org/contact/
- Website: https://www.stjudehouse.org/
The Caring Place, Inc.
- Type: domestic violence and sexual violence shelter and crisis center
- Mission: The Caring Place, Inc. provides service and shelter for victims of violence and their children, through education and awareness, we empower all members of the community to live in peace.
- Services: 24-hour crisis line; emergency, temporary shelter; goal planning; counseling and support groups; social and legal advocacy; Legal advocacy; referrals; Community education; The Amanda Forum teen dating violence education task force
- Location: 607 Bullseye Lake Rd, Valparaiso, IN 46384
- 24hr Crisis Line: 1.800.933.0466
- Office Phone: 219-464-0840
- Email: http://thecaringplacenwi.org/contact/
- Website: http://thecaringplacenwi.org/
Valparaiso University – Counselling Center- SAAFE Center
Albion Fellows Bacon Center
- Type: domestic violence and sexual violence shelter and crisis center
- Mission: Albion Fellows Bacon Center strategically works to prevent domestic and sexual violence and to empower victims through advocacy, education, support services, and collaborative partnerships.
- Services: legal advocacy, crisis advocacy, crisis response, support groups, emergency shelter for all genders as well as children, prevention education
- Mailing Address: P.O. Box 3164, Evansville, IN 47731
- Office Phone: 1-812-422-9372
- Domestic Violence 24-Hour Crisis Line: 1-812-422-5622
- Sexual Assault 24-Hour Crisis Line: 1-812-424-7273
- Email: info@albionfellowsbacon.org
- Website: https://www.albionfellowsbacon.org/
YWCA of Evansville
- Type: community center; domestic violence and sexual assault shelter and crisis center
- Mission: To eliminate racism, empower women, and promote peace, justice, freedom, and dignity for all.
- Services: racial justice, economic justice, and women’s empowerment advocacy; domestic violence shelter; emergency shelter; residential recovery program; youth after school and mentoring program; elder fitness program
- Location: 118 Vine Street, Evansville, IN 47708
- Phone: (812) 422-1191
- Fax: (812) 422-8705
- Email: ywca@ywcaevansville.org
- Website: https://www.ywcaevansville.org/
North Central Indiana Rural Crisis Center
- Type: domestic violence and sexual violence shelter and crisis center
- Mission: to help end domestic violence in Jasper, Newton, and Pulaski counties by providing temporary shelter and services to victims and children of domestic violence and/or sexual assault through education, advocacy, and community intervention.
- Services: Emergency Shelter; advocacy; resources and referrals; education
- Mailing Address: PO Box 212, Rensselaer, IN, 47978
- Phone: (800) 933-0374
- Email: crisiscenter87@gmail.com
- Website: https://www.facebook.com/rensselaercrisiscenter/
Pulaski Memorial Hospital
- Type: sexual assault medical facility
- Services: sexual assault medical/forensic exam, Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) available
- Location: 616 East 13th Street Winamac, IN 46966
- Phone: 574-946-2100
- Cost: Free
Family Crisis Center
- Type: domestic and sexual violence shelter & crisis center
- Mission: To provide quality emergency shelter and transitional living in a supportive environment with prevention and intervention services while advocating for the rights of survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault
- Services: 24 Hour Crisis Hotline; Case Management; Referral Services; Youth Services; Legal Advocacy; Sexual Assault Advocacy; Emergency shelter and transitional housing; Clothing Pantry; Weekly Support Group; Community Outreach and Education
- Mailing Address: PO Box 254, Crawfordsville, IN 47933
- Phone: 1-800-370-4103
- Email: andyf@familycrisisshelter.org
- Website: https://sites.google.com/site/familycrisisshelter/home
Family Support Services of West Central Indiana
- Type: family services; child maltreatment prevention and intervention; domestic and sexual violence crisis center
- Mission: to prevent child abuse, neglect and domestic violence through education, guidance, intervention and supportive services.
- Services: healthy families program with life skills and child care support; free child care (TOTS Time); youth council (CYCLE); court Advocacy; Protective Orders; Safe Shelter; Domestic Violence Education; Safety Plans; Referrals; Women’s, Teen’s and Children’s Support Groups; On-going Support; Educational Groups and programming; prevention coalition
- Location: 16 South Jackson Street, Greencastle, IN 46135
- Phone: (765) 653-4820
- Email: https://fsswci.net/contact-us
- Website: https://fsswci.net/
Putnam County Victim Assistance Program
Sheltering Wings
- Type: domestic violence shelter
- Mission: Extending the love and compassion of Christ to people in circumstances of domestic abuse.
- Services: emergency shelter; community and professional education; Men IN Action; Youth Council
- Mailing Address: PO Box 92, Danville, IN 46122
- Office Phone: 317-718-5460
- Crisis Line: 317-745-1496
- Email: https://shelteringwings.org/stay-connected/
- Website: https://shelteringwings.org/
DePauw University – Health Wellness Center
- Mission: DePauw University seeks to keep all students, faculty and staff informed of the resources available to them to help prevent, report and respond to incidents of sexual misconduct.
- Services: Individual counselling, crisis assessment, therapist assisted online treatment
- Location: 800 S. Locust Street Hogate Hall Greencastle, IN 46135
- Phone: (765) 658-4268
- Fax: (765) 658-4554
DePauw University – Title IX
- Title IX coordinator: Renee Madison
- Location: 313 S. Locust St. Greencastle, IN 46135-1736
- Phone: 765-658-4914
- Email: reneemadison@depauw.edu
A Better Way
- Type: domestic violence and sexual violence shelter and crisis center
- Mission: To reduce domestic abuse, sexual assault and suicide in our community through shelter services, crisis intervention and prevention initiatives.
- Services: shelter and services for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault, a walk-in Rape Crisis Center, advocacy, individual trauma-informed counseling, support groups, transitional housing, a 24-hour crisis line for persons in any type of crisis, education + referrals, a suicide hotline, bullying, teen dating violence and domestic violence prevention programs, and a check-in call service for elderly or disabled homebound persons.
- Location: Muncie, IN
- Office Phone: 765-747-9107
- 24-Hr Crisis Line: 765-288-4357
- Email: familynetw@aboutspecialkids.org
- Website: https://abetterwaymuncie.org/
St. Vincent – Randolph
- Type: sexual assault medical facility
- Services: sexual assault medical/forensic exam, Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) available
- Location: 409 Greenville Ave. Ste 100 Winchester, In. 47394
- Phone: 765-584-0929
Jennings County Council on Domestic Violence
- Type: domestic violence and sexual violence crisis center
- Mission: Empowering those in crisis with the necessary information
- and resources to stay safe and free from domestic violence.
- Services: Harm assessment and education; Listening with a non-judgmental ear; Information and Referral; Outreach Materials; Court Advocacy including help filling out and filing Protective Orders; Community Education; Business and School Presentations; Support Group; emergency shelter
- Location: Not listed
- Phone: 812-346-1592
- Email: http://www.jccdv.org/contact.php
- Website: http://www.jccdv.org/
Safe Passage, Inc. & Safe Place Sexual Assault Center
- Type: domestic violence and sexual violence crisis centers
- Mission: to provide help, healing and hope to build a community free of domestic and sexual violence. Through extensive services and support to victims of domestic and sexual violence and innovative community based prevention programming, we strive to build safe, stable nurturing relationships and communities.
- Services: safe shelter; File a Protective Order; Counseling and Support Groups; Legal Advocacy; Housing, Education, and Employment support; life skills training; domestic violence and sexual violence education; prevention education
- Mailing Address: PO Box 235, Batesville, Indiana 47006
- Sexual Violence Crisis Line: 1-877-733-1990
- Domestic Violence Crisis Line: 1-812-933-1990
- Email: https://safeplaceforhope.org/email
- Website: https://www.safepassageinc.org/
- Website: https://safeplaceforhope.org/
Rush County Victim Assistance and Phoenix House
- Type: domestic violence and sexual violence shelter and crisis center
- Mission: RCVA/Phoenix House helps victims of abuse rebuild shattered lives and gain self-reliance.
- Services :assistance with legal and mental health services, GED/college classes, parenting and job-related training, and child-related issues; emergency shelter
- Mailing Address: PO Box 303, Rushville, Indiana 46173
- Phone: 765-938-1555
- Fax: 765-561-3419
- Email: rcva924@frontier.com
- Website: http://www.rcvaphoenix.org/
Rush Memorial Hospital
- Type: sexual assault medical facility
- Services: sexual assault medical/forensic exam, Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) available
- Location:1300 North Main Street Rushville, IN 46173
- Phone: 765-932-7474; 765-932-7040
- Cost: Free
Family Justice Center of St. Joseph County
- Type: domestic violence, sexual violence, and elder abuse crisis center
- Mission: Our mission is to stop intimate partner violence, sexual assault, and abuse; make victims safer, hold batterer’s accountable; provide long-term support for victims, survivors and their children through collaboration and coordinated services.
- Services: Confidential assessments and safety planning; Advocacy and support for primary and secondary survivors; Crisis intervention both in person and over the phone; Information regarding protective orders and assistance preparing a petition; Counseling services and support groups; Civil legal assistance and referrals; Resource room with access to a computer, printer, phone, and our resource library; Children’s play space (supervision may not be available); Additional resource referrals
- Location: 533 North Niles Avenue, South Bend, IN 46617
- Phone: (574) 234-6900
- Trabajadora social Hispanohablante: (574)-310-8432
- Email: familyjusticecenter@fjcsjc.org
- Website: https://fjcsjc.wordpress.com/
The Casie Center
- Type: child advocacy center
- Mission: The CASIE Center provides a comprehensive and coordinated multidisciplinary team approach to the problem of child abuse, with a particular emphasis on sexual abuse. The goal of the Center is to provide a safe, supportive, child-friendly environment for child victims of abuse and neglect, their families, and the multidisciplinary professionals who investigate and address these problems.
- Services: Forensic interviews; medical clinic with pediatric sexual assault nurse examiners (SANEs); prevention of educational neglect program
- Location: 533 N. Niles Avenue, South Bend, IN 46617
- Phone: (574) 282-1414
- Email: https://www.casiecenter.org/contact-us
- Website: https://www.casiecenter.org/
YWCA of North Central Indiana
- Type: community center; domestic violence and sexual assault shelter and crisis center
- Mission: YWCA is dedicated to eliminating racism, empowering women and promoting peace, justice, freedom and dignity for all.
- Services: Financial Literacy; Getting Ahead Classes/Bridges Out of Poverty; Securing and Keeping a Job; 24 hour crisis line; Healing Pathways Domestic Violence Program; substance abuse intervention program; teen dating violence prevention education; services for women who are sexual assault survivors including: emergency shelter, lethality assessments, food, clothing, and personal necessities, case management, legal advocacy, sexual assault counseling, childcare during programming, advocacy and referrals, access to healthcare services, outreach concerning sexual assault and date rape; non-residential services for men who are survivors of sexual assault
- Location: 1102 S. Fellows Street, South Bend, IN 46601
- Phone: (574) 233-9491
- Fax: (574) 233-9616
- Email: ywca@ywcancin.org
- Website: https://www.ywcancin.org/
Bethel University Title IX
Indiana University South Bend – Health and Wellness center
University of Notre Dame – Counselling center
- Mission: The University Counseling Center’s goal is to assist students in meeting the challenges that are an integral part of their Notre Dame experience
- Services: variety of crisis services, including walk-in crisis services during business hours, after-hours helpline and urgent crisis services via telephone after hours, sexual assault resources, Warm Line, a non-emergency consultation service, and other services.
- Location: University of Notre Dame Notre Dame, IN 46556. The University Counseling Center is located on the third floor of Saint Liam Hall. Saint Liam Hall is located next to Stanford and Keenan Halls.
- Phone: 574-631-7336
- Fax: 574-631-5643
- Website: https://ucc.nd.edu/
Jennings County Council on Domestic Violence
- Type: domestic violence and sexual violence crisis center
- Mission: Empowering those in crisis with the necessary information
- and resources to stay safe and free from domestic violence.
- Services: Harm assessment and education; Listening with a non-judgmental ear; Information and Referral; Outreach Materials; Court Advocacy including help filling out and filing Protective Orders; Community Education; Business and School Presentations; Support Group; emergency shelter
- Location: Not listed
- Phone: 812-346-1592
- Email: http://www.jccdv.org/contact.php
- Website: http://www.jccdv.org/
Domestic Violence Network
- Type: domestic and sexual violence education and capacity building organization
- Mission: to change the culture that leads to domestic violence through advocacy, education, and collaboration in the community at large.
- Services: community education, webinars, and requested trainings; education and technical assistance for schools, resources for parents, and education for youth; community action network; Baker One initiative to pre-emptively identify and prevent domestic violence; protective order assessments; Service Equality Task Force to ensure LGBTQ+ inclusion in domestic and sexual violence prevention and intervention efforts; Higher Education Impact Team and Title IX education; resources and networking opportunities for advocates
- Location: 9245 N. Meridian Street, Suite 235, Indianapolis, IN 46260
- Phone: (317) 872-1086
- Email: https://dvnconnect.org/contact/
- Website: http://www.dvnconnect.org/
Turning Point Domestic Violence Services
- Type: domestic violence and sexual violence shelter and crisis center
- Mission: to work towards the prevention and the elimination of dating and domestic violence.
- Services: 24hr crisis line; emergency shelter; transitional housing; Children’s program: Family case management, support groups, domestic violence education, safety planning, tutoring and school liaisojn services; non-residential services: goal setting and advocacy, danger assessments, information and referrals, domestic violence and sexual assault information, educational support groups, legal advocacy, case management, and individual safety planning; legal support; Servicios de albergue de emergencia; prevention programs and education for community and professionals; additional resources and referrals
- Mailing Address: P.O. Box 103, Columbus, IN, 47202
- Office Phone: 812-379-5575
- 24hr Crisis Line: 1-800-221-6311
- Website: https://www.turningpointdv.org/
Albion Fellows Bacon Center
- Type: domestic violence and sexual violence shelter and crisis center
- Mission: Albion Fellows Bacon Center strategically works to prevent domestic and sexual violence and to empower victims through advocacy, education, support services, and collaborative partnerships.
- Services: legal advocacy, crisis advocacy, crisis response, support groups, emergency shelter for all genders as well as children, prevention education
- Mailing Address: P.O. Box 3164, Evansville, IN 47731
- Office Phone: 1-812-422-9372
- Domestic Violence 24-Hour Crisis Line: 1-812-422-5622
- Sexual Assault 24-Hour Crisis Line: 1-812-424-7273
- Email: info@albionfellowsbacon.org
- Website: https://www.albionfellowsbacon.org/
Crisis Connection, Inc.
- Type: domestic violence and sexual violence crisis center
- Mission: We promote individual accountability and respect to end domestic violence and sexual assault through confidential crisis intervention, victim advocacy, primary prevention education, and collaboration with community partners.
- Direct Client Services: 24-Hour Hotline; Crisis Intervention/Counseling; Safety Planning; Assistance with Filing Protective Orders; Safe Housing Options; Limited Emergency Transportation; Support Groups; access to a Sexual Assault Response Team that includes an exam performed by a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE); Personal Advocacy; Law Enforcement Advocacy; Medical Advocacy; Provide information/referral for Food, Rent Assistance, Back-to-School Supplies; Services to the Deaf; Emergency Translation Services; Pet Care Programs as appropriate; Victim Assistance Services
- Educational Services: Batterer’s Intervention Program for Men and Domestic Abuse Intervention Program for Women who are violent; Primary Prevention Practices; School Curriculum (age-specific) on various topics; Speakers/Resources available for Youth-Serving Organizations, Clubs, Faith Communities, Parents, and other community entities; Professional Resources for educators, providers, and professionals; Natural Helpers Peer-Helping Program Facilitation; Coaching Boys into Men Program
- Mailing Address: P.O. Box 903, Jasper, IN 47547
- Dubois County Office: 812.482.1555
- Perry County Office: 812.547.8878
- Pike County Office: 812.809.4495
- Email: info@crisisconnectioninc.org
- Website: https://crisisconnectioninc.org/
YWCA of Evansville
- Type: community center; domestic violence and sexual assault shelter and crisis center
- Mission: To eliminate racism, empower women, and promote peace, justice, freedom, and dignity for all.
- Services: racial justice, economic justice, and women’s empowerment advocacy; domestic violence shelter; emergency shelter; residential recovery program; youth after school and mentoring program; elder fitness program
- Location: 118 Vine Street, Evansville, IN 47708
- Phone: (812) 422-1191
- Fax: (812) 422-8705
- Email: ywca@ywcaevansville.org
- Website: https://www.ywcaevansville.org/
Heminger House
- Type: domestic violence and sexual violence shelter and crisis center
- Mission: to break the cycle of violence and poverty by providing a caring, healing, and educational service for victims of abuse, including safe, emergency housing and related programs. It is our intent to prepare victims, and their families, so that they can learn to make independent, productive choices, which will assist them in living independently in a healthy, positive, and safe environment.
- Services: emergency shelter; residential and non-residential crisis services; support groups; 24 hour crisis line
- Mailing Address: PO Box 4, Plymouth, IN 46563
- 24hr Crisis Line & Office Phone: (574) 936-7233
- Fax: (574) 936-4722
- Email: info@hemingerhouse.com
- Website: https://www.hemingerhouse.com/
IU Health Starke Memorial Hospital
- Type: sexual assault medical facility
- Services: sexual assault medical/forensic exam, Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) available
- Location: 102 East Culver Road-PO Box 339 Knox, IN 46534-2216
- Phone: 574-772-1130
- Cost: Free
The Caring Place, Inc.
- Type: domestic violence and sexual violence shelter and crisis center
- Mission: The Caring Place, Inc. provides service and shelter for victims of violence and their children, through education and awareness, we empower all members of the community to live in peace.
- Services: 24-hour crisis line; emergency, temporary shelter; goal planning; counseling and support groups; social and legal advocacy; Legal advocacy; referrals; Community education; The Amanda Forum teen dating violence education task force
- Location: 607 Bullseye Lake Rd, Valparaiso, IN 46384
- 24hr Crisis Line: 1.800.933.0466
- Office Phone: 219-464-0840
- Email: http://thecaringplacenwi.org/contact/
- Website: http://thecaringplacenwi.org/
The Casie Center
- Type: child advocacy center
- Mission: The CASIE Center provides a comprehensive and coordinated multidisciplinary team approach to the problem of child abuse, with a particular emphasis on sexual abuse. The goal of the Center is to provide a safe, supportive, child-friendly environment for child victims of abuse and neglect, their families, and the multidisciplinary professionals who investigate and address these problems.
- Services: Forensic interviews; medical clinic with pediatric sexual assault nurse examiners (SANEs); prevention of educational neglect program
- Location: 533 N. Niles Avenue, South Bend, IN 46617
- Phone: (574) 282-1414
- Email: https://www.casiecenter.org/contact-us
- Website: https://www.casiecenter.org/
Fort Wayne Sexual Assault Treatment Center
- Type: sexual assault crisis center and medical facility
- Mission: We listen and offer choices for healthcare needs, reporting options, and resources to begin a journey of healing. We are forensic nurses making a difference for victims of sexual assault in Northeast Indiana.
- Services: medical forensic exams for children and adults; therapy referrals; information and referrals for college/university students and military personnel
- Location: 1420 Kerrway Ct., Fort Wayne, IN 46805
- Phone: 260-423-2222
- Fax: 260-423-2220
- Email: info@fwsatc.org
- Website: https://fwsatc.org/
Steuben County Victim Assistance and Community Anti-Violence Alliance
No known sexual violence or domestic violence resources exist in Sullivan County. Please refer to Clay County, Greene County, Knox County, and/or Vigo County.If you know of any relevant resources in this county, please let us know by sending them to indisabilityjustice@gmail.com.
Safe Passage, Inc. & Safe Place Sexual Assault Center
- Type: domestic violence and sexual violence crisis centers
- Mission: to provide help, healing and hope to build a community free of domestic and sexual violence. Through extensive services and support to victims of domestic and sexual violence and innovative community based prevention programming, we strive to build safe, stable nurturing relationships and communities.
- Services: safe shelter; File a Protective Order; Counseling and Support Groups; Legal Advocacy; Housing, Education, and Employment support; life skills training; domestic violence and sexual violence education; prevention education
- Mailing Address: PO Box 235, Batesville, Indiana 47006
- Sexual Violence Crisis Line: 1-877-733-1990
- Domestic Violence Crisis Line: 1-812-933-1990
- Email: https://safeplaceforhope.org/email
- Website: https://www.safepassageinc.org/
- Website: https://safeplaceforhope.org/
Franciscan Health (St. Elizabeth East Regional Hospital)
- Type: sexual assault medical facility
- Services: sexual assault medical/forensic exam, Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) available
- Location: 1701 South Creasy Lane Lafayette, IN 47905.
- Phone: 765-502-4901
- Cost: FREE
Purdue University – Center for Advocacy, Response, and Education (CARE)
- Mission: The Center for Advocacy, Response, and Education (CARE) in the Office of the Dean of Students provides support and advocacy services to students who have experienced sexual assault, relationship violence, or stalking incidents.
- Services: Advocacy and support, Work and Housing accommodations.
- Location: Duhme Hall, Room 143, West Lafayette, IN 47906
- Phone: 765-495-2273
- Email: care@purdue.edu
Alternatives, Inc.
- Type: domestic violence and sexual violence shelter and crisis center
- Mission: Alternatives Incorporated strives to eradicate domestic and sexual violence through education, prevention, and intervention in Central Indiana.
- Services: pre-school program, after-school weekday program during the summer, on-site pet sheltering, provider training, prevention education for teens, bystander intervention training for alcohol-serving establishments, Emergency shelter, Transitional Housing (for a maximum of two years), 24-Hour crisis call center, 24-Hour crisis response team, Emergency and essential transportation, Case management and ancillary services, Sexual assault intervention and treatment, Support, referral, and advocacy for victims of domestic and sexual violence
- Location: Anderson, IN
- 24-Hour Crisis Line: (866) 593-9999
- Email: https://www.alternativesdv.org/contact
- Website: https://www.alternativesdv.org/
Family Service Association of HowardCounty
- Type: domestic violence and sexual violence shelter and crisis center
- Mission: To promote healthy families and empower vulnerable individuals and families through education, prevention, and crisis intervention programs.
- Services: 24 hour crisis line; sexual assault advocates; child safety education programs; Teen Dating Violence Prevention Education; 45 day Crisis Shelter; Rapid Re-Housing Program; Weekly support groups; 1 on 1 case management services; healthy families education and baby care resources and support; Jackson Street Commons (permanent, supportive housing for chronically homeless veterans); youth substance abuse prevention; Prevent Child Abuse Howard County
- Location: 618 S. Main Street, Kokomo, IN 46901
- Phone: 765.457.9313
- Fax: 765.868.4122
- 24-Hour Crisis Line: 877-482-4222
- Email: artinot@fsahc.org
- Website: https://fsahc.org/
Franciscan Health (St. Elizabeth East Regional Hospital)
- Type: sexual assault medical facility
- Services: sexual assault medical/forensic exam, Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) available
- Location: 1701 South Creasy Lane Lafayette, IN 47905.
- Phone: 765-502-4901
- Cost: FREE
No known sexual violence or domestic violence resources exist in Union County. Please refer to Fayette County, Franklin County, Rush County, and/or Wayne County.If you know of any relevant resources in this county, please let us know by sending them to indisabilityjustice@gmail.com.
Albion Fellows Bacon Center
- Type: domestic violence and sexual violence shelter and crisis center
- Mission: Albion Fellows Bacon Center strategically works to prevent domestic and sexual violence and to empower victims through advocacy, education, support services, and collaborative partnerships.
- Services: legal advocacy, crisis advocacy, crisis response, support groups, emergency shelter for all genders as well as children, prevention education
- Mailing Address: P.O. Box 3164, Evansville, IN 47731
- Office Phone: 1-812-422-9372
- Domestic Violence 24-Hour Crisis Line: 1-812-422-5622
- Sexual Assault 24-Hour Crisis Line: 1-812-424-7273
- Email: info@albionfellowsbacon.org
- Website: https://www.albionfellowsbacon.org/
Deaconess Hospital/Deaconess Gateway
- Type: sexual assault medical facility
- Services: sexual assault medical/forensic exam, Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) available
- Location: 600 Mary Street Evansville Indiana 47747
- Cost: Free
St. Mary’s Medical Center
- Type: sexual assault medical facility
- Services: sexual assault medical/forensic exam, Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) available
- Location: 3700 Washington Avenue Evansville, IN 47750
- Phone: 812-485-4637
- Cost: Free
YWCA of Evansville
- Type: community center; domestic violence and sexual assault shelter and crisis center
- Mission: To eliminate racism, empower women, and promote peace, justice, freedom, and dignity for all.
- Services: racial justice, economic justice, and women’s empowerment advocacy; domestic violence shelter; emergency shelter; residential recovery program; youth after school and mentoring program; elder fitness program
- Location: 118 Vine Street, Evansville, IN 47708
- Phone: (812) 422-1191
- Fax: (812) 422-8705
- Email: ywca@ywcaevansville.org
- Website: https://www.ywcaevansville.org/
Council on Domestic Abuse (CODA)
- Type: domestic violence and sexual violence shelter and crisis center
- Mission: the elimination of domestic abuse and sexual assault through societal change and the empowerment of abused individuals and their minor children.
- Services: emergency shelter, legal advocacy, children’s programs, education for youth, teens, college/university students, businesses, providers, and educators, support services and resource referral, sexual assault victim advocacy, prevention education, internships
- Location: Terre Haute, IN
- 24-Hour Crisis Line: 800-566-2632
- Email: http://www.codaterrehaute.org/contact.html
- Website: http://www.codaterrehaute.org/
Council on Domestic Abuse (CODA)
- Type: domestic violence and sexual violence shelter and crisis center
- Mission: the elimination of domestic abuse and sexual assault through societal change and the empowerment of abused individuals and their minor children.
- Services: emergency shelter, legal advocacy, children’s programs, education for youth, teens, college/university students, businesses, providers, and educators, support services and resource referral, sexual assault victim advocacy, prevention education, internships
- Location: Terre Haute, IN
- 24-Hour Crisis Line: 800-566-2632
- Email: http://www.codaterrehaute.org/contact.html
- Website: http://www.codaterrehaute.org/
Susie’s Place
- Type: child advocacy center
- Mission: To provide a neutral, child-friendly center to investigate alleged child abuse and neglect in Indiana, while keeping the comfort and safety of the child the first priority.
- Services: Child and Family Advocacy; First Responder Training; Mental Health co-located in Avon and Bloomington; Forensic Medical Exams co-located in Bloomington; Darkness to Light Stewards of Children Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Trainings; Body Boundaries – body safety classes for elementary school students; Staying Safe in a Digital World – body/internet safety classes for middle and high school students; My Buddy Therapy Dog program
- Location: 630 Wabash Avenue, Suite 209, Terre Haute, IN 47807
- Phone: 812-244-1113
- Email: https://susiesplace.org/contact-us/
- Website: https://susiesplace.org/
Terre Haute Regional Hospital
- Type: sexual assault medical facility
- Services: sexual assault medical/forensic exam, Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) available
- Location: 3901 S. Seventh Street Terre Haute, IN 47802
- Phone: 812-237-1622
- Cost: Free
Union Hospital
- Type: sexual assault medical facility
- Services: sexual assault medical/forensic exam, Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) available
- Location: 1606 N. 7th St., TerreHaute, IN 47804
- Phone: 812-238-7896
- Cost: Free
Family Service Society, Inc.
- Type: family wellness center; therapy center; child maltreatment center; domestic violence and sexual assault crisis center (survivor support and treatment for adults and children who cause harm)
- Mission: Family Service Society, Inc. exists to encourage, empower and educate children, adults and families to change their lives for good.
- Services: General Clinical Programs/Family Focused Therapy; assessment of child maltreatment; Employee Assistance Programs (EAP); Managed Care Services (MCS) for companies and organizations; treatment for sexually abusive adults and children; home-based case management; substance abuse treatment program; school based services
- Location: 123 W. Hill St, Wabash, IN 46992
- Domestic Violence Emergency Hotline: 765-664-0701
- Office Phone: 765-662-9971
- Email: famservices@famservices.com
- Website: http://www.famservices.com/
Fort Wayne Sexual Assault Treatment Center
- Type: sexual assault crisis center and medical facility
- Mission: We listen and offer choices for healthcare needs, reporting options, and resources to begin a journey of healing. We are forensic nurses making a difference for victims of sexual assault in Northeast Indiana.
- Services: medical forensic exams for children and adults; therapy referrals; information and referrals for college/university students and military personnel
- Location: 1420 Kerrway Ct., Fort Wayne, IN 46805
- Phone: 260-423-2222
- Fax: 260-423-2220
- Email: info@fwsatc.org
- Website: https://fwsatc.org/
Beyond the Violence by Valley Oaks Health
- Type: domestic violence and sexual assault crisis center
- Mission: We listen and offer choices for healthcare needs, reporting options, and resources to begin a journey of healing. We are forensic nurses making a difference for victims of sexual assault in Northeast Indiana.
- Services: Prevention education; Therapy; Case management; Support group at the local women’s safe house; Domestic violence/sexual assault advocacy 24 hours a day; Legal advocacy; Access to the 911 cell phone program; Assistance with writing protection orders
- Location: 41 North Long Avenue, Attica, IN, 47918
- Crisis Line: (800) 859-5553
- Phone: (765) 762-6187
- Fax: (765) 762-6188
- Email: https://valleyoaks.org/contact/
- Website: https://valleyoaks.org/service/domestic-violence/
Hope Springs Safe House
- Type: domestic violence shelter
- Mission: To provide an accepting, loving, home environment in the Spirit of Jesus where residents can recover from the effects of domestic violence.
- Services: Emergency shelter; transitional housing; resources and referrals
- Mailing Address: PO Box 244, Attica, IN 47918
- Phone: 765.764.5212
- Email: HopeSprings076@gmail.com
- Website: https://www.hopespringssafehouse.com/
St. Vincent – Williamsport Hospital
- Type: sexual assault medical facility
- Services: sexual assault medical/forensic exam, Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) available
- Location: 412 North Monroe Street Williamsport, IN 47993
- Phone: 765-762-4000
- Cost: Free
Albion Fellows Bacon Center
- Type: domestic violence and sexual violence shelter
- Mission: Albion Fellows Bacon Center strategically works to prevent domestic and sexual violence and to empower victims through advocacy, education, support services, and collaborative partnerships.
- Services: legal advocacy, crisis advocacy, crisis response, support groups, emergency shelter for all genders as well as children, prevention education
- Mailing Address: P.O. Box 3164, Evansville, IN 47731
- Office Phone: 1-812-422-9372
- Domestic Violence 24-Hour Crisis Line: 1-812-422-5622
- Sexual Assault 24-Hour Crisis Line: 1-812-424-7273
- Email: info@albionfellowsbacon.org
- Website: https://www.albionfellowsbacon.org/
Deaconness Gateway
- Type: sexual assault medical facility
- Services: sexual assault medical/forensic exam, Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) available
- Location: 4011 Gateway Blvd. Newburgh, IN 47630
- Phone: 812-842-3030
St. Mary’s Warrick Hospital
- Type: sexual assault medical facility
- Services: sexual assault medical/forensic exam, Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) available
- Location: 1116 Millis Avenue Boonville, IN 47601-2292
- Phone: 812-897-7276
YWCA of Evansville
- Type: community center; domestic violence and sexual assault shelter and crisis center
- Mission: To eliminate racism, empower women, and promote peace, justice, freedom, and dignity for all.
- Services: racial justice, economic justice, and women’s empowerment advocacy; domestic violence shelter; emergency shelter; residential recovery program; youth after school and mentoring program; elder fitness program
- Location: 118 Vine Street, Evansville, IN 47708
- Phone: (812) 422-1191
- Fax: (812) 422-8705
- Email: ywca@ywcaevansville.org
- Website: https://www.ywcaevansville.org/
Hoosier Hills Pact
- Type: domestic violence shelter and youth services
- Mission: We facilitate change in the lives of people and we challenge organizational systems for the purpose of improving the change process.
- Services: domestic violence shelter; transitional housing; victim advocacy; juvenile delinquency prevention; youth and family intervention services; intensive case management; community corrections day reporting, community transition, group services, and community service restitution
- Location: 35 N. Public Square, Salem, IN 47167
- Phone: 812-883-3318
- Website: http://www.pactchangeslives.com/hoosier-hills-pact/
Genesis of Richmond
Reid Hospital
- Type: sexual assault medical facility
- Services: sexual assault medical/forensic exam, Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) available
- Location: 1100 Reid Parkway Richmond, IN 47374
- Phone: 765-983-3249
- Cost: Free
Earlham College – Title IX
- Title IX coordinator: Stephanie A. Bishop
- Location: Carpenter Hall, West Basement, Suite 005, Earlham College 801 National Road West Richmond, Indiana
- Phone: 765-983-1628
- Email: bishost@earlham.edu
Earlham College – Confidential Resources for Survivors of Sexual Violence
- Mission: Earlham College will respond to and investigate all reports of sex/gender harassment, discrimination and misconduct both in Richmond and in off-campus programs (subject to the laws and policies of particular countries and host institutions), and will report crimes to local law enforcement consistent with the wishes of the victim and in compliance with the law.
- Services: Individual counselling, crisis assessment, therapist assisted online treatment
- Location: https://www.uburst.com/cgi-bin/ureserve/hosted/earlham.pl
- Phone: 765-983-1432
- Email: sanfoje@earlham.edu
Adams Wells Crisis Center
- Type: domestic violence shelter
- Mission: provides food, shelter, clothing, and essential and supportive care in a safe and secure environment.
- Services: Through an extensive referral network of resources in Adams and Wells Counties, assistance with basic needs are addressed, including: housing, employment, training and job placement, education and counseling; weekly support groups; domestic violence and safety planning;
- Mailing Address: PO Box 253, Decatur, IN 46733
- Office Phone: 1-877-728-9800
- Email: ShelterMgrAWCC@gmail.com
- Website: http://www.adamswellscrisiscenter.com/
Center for Nonviolence
- Type: domestic violence prevention and intervention education and support
- Mission: The Center for Nonviolence provides education, support, and advocacy to end domestic and other forms of violence while modeling equality and power sharing.
- Services: women’s support and education programs; Mujeres Unidas; mother’s intervention program; women’s intervention program; batterer’s intervention program; anger management/violence intervention program for youth; critical thinking program for youth; FACES leadership school-based program to prevent violence among elementary school children; LGBTQ+ youth support group
- Location: 235 West Creighton Avenue, Fort Wayne, Indiana, 46807-1311
- Phone: 260-456-4112
- Fax: 260-456-1086
- Email: http://www.centerfornv.org/ContactUs.aspx
- Website: http://www.centerfornv.org/
Fort Wayne Sexual Assault Treatment Center
- Type: sexual assault crisis center and medical facility
- Mission: We listen and offer choices for healthcare needs, reporting options, and resources to begin a journey of healing. We are forensic nurses making a difference for victims of sexual assault in Northeast Indiana.
- Services: medical forensic exams for children and adults; therapy referrals; information and referrals for college/university students and military personnel
- Location: 1420 Kerrway Ct., Fort Wayne, IN 46805
- Phone: 260-423-2222
- Fax: 260-423-2220
- Email: info@fwsatc.org
- Website: https://fwsatc.org/
YWCA of Northeast Indiana
- Type: community center; domestic violence and sexual assault shelter and crisis center
- Mission: YWCA Northeast Indiana is dedicated to eliminating racism, empowering women, and promoting peace, justice, freedom, and dignity for all.
- Services: addition recovery; domestic violence services: safe shelter, a 24-hr domestic violence crisis line, case management, safety planning, advocacy and aftercare for anyone affected by domestic violence; sexual assault services: crisis intervention, counseling and support groups, 24-hr sexual assault crisis line; Dress for Success; free community education
- Location: 5920 Decatur Road, Fort Wayne, IN 46816
- Phone: 260.424.4908
- Fax: 260.420.5202
- Domestic Violence Crisis Line: 800.441.4073
- Sexual Assault Crisis Line: 260.426.7273
- Email: https://ywcanein.com/contact-us
- Website: https://ywcanein.com/
No known sexual violence or domestic violence resources exist in White County. Please refer to Benton County, Carroll County, Cass County, Jasper County, Pulaski County, and/or Tippecanoe County.If you know of any relevant resources in this county, please let us know by sending them to indisabilityjustice@gmail.com.
Center for Nonviolence
- Type: domestic violence prevention and intervention education and support
- Mission: The Center for Nonviolence provides education, support, and advocacy to end domestic and other forms of violence while modeling equality and power sharing.
- Services: women’s support and education programs; Mujeres Unidas; mother’s intervention program; women’s intervention program; batterer’s intervention program; anger management/violence intervention program for youth; critical thinking program for youth; FACES leadership school-based program to prevent violence among elementary school children; LGBTQ+ youth support group
- Location: 235 West Creighton Avenue, Fort Wayne, Indiana, 46807-1311
- Phone: 260-456-4112
- Fax: 260-456-1086
- Email: http://www.centerfornv.org/ContactUs.aspx
- Website: http://www.centerfornv.org/
Fort Wayne Sexual Assault Treatment Center
- Type: sexual assault crisis center and medical facility
- Mission: We listen and offer choices for healthcare needs, reporting options, and resources to begin a journey of healing. We are forensic nurses making a difference for victims of sexual assault in Northeast Indiana.
- Services: medical forensic exams for children and adults; therapy referrals; information and referrals for college/university students and military personnel
- Location: 1420 Kerrway Ct., Fort Wayne, IN 46805
- Phone: 260-423-2222
- Fax: 260-423-2220
- Email: info@fwsatc.org
- Website: https://fwsatc.org/
YWCA of Northeast Indiana
- Type: community center; domestic violence and sexual assault shelter and crisis center
- Mission: YWCA Northeast Indiana is dedicated to eliminating racism, empowering women, and promoting peace, justice, freedom, and dignity for all.
- Services: addition recovery; domestic violence services: safe shelter, a 24-hr domestic violence crisis line, case management, safety planning, advocacy and aftercare for anyone affected by domestic violence; sexual assault services: crisis intervention, counseling and support groups, 24-hr sexual assault crisis line; Dress for Success; free community education
- Location: 5920 Decatur Road, Fort Wayne, IN 46816
- Phone: 260.424.4908
- Fax: 260.420.5202
- Domestic Violence Crisis Line: 800.441.4073
- Sexual Assault Crisis Line: 260.426.7273
- Email: https://ywcanein.com/contact-us
- Website: https://ywcanein.com/
Resources compiled & post written by Skye Ashton Kantola, Assistant Director at Multicultural Efforts to End Sexual Assault (MESA)