Webinar 12: Sexual Wellness for People with Cognitive and Developmental Disabilities as Sexual Violence Primary Prevention


Contextualizing sexual wellness for people with disabilities as a strategy for SVPP across the social ecological model; Risk Factors for SV for People with Disabilities related to sexual wellness; What kinds of things does a sexual wellness instructor need to consider for program adaptation? How should we address consent?

Webinar Outline
  • 5 minutes: Housekeeping & introductions (Skye/Cierra)
  • 15 minutes: Sexual Violence Primary Prevention and Disability Justice (Skye/Cierra)
  • 40-60 minutes: Panel Conversation (Panelists)
  • 10 minutes: Attendee Questions (Skye/Cierra)
  • 5-10 minutes: Resource Recommendations (Crew)
  • Skye Kantola (she and they, Facilitator): Program Coordinator, Multicultural Efforts to End Sexual Assault, kantola@purdu.edu
  • Cierra Olivia Thomas-Williams (she/her, Presenter): Prevention Specialist, Indiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence, cwilliams@icadvinc.org
  • Jordan Haisley (she/her, Panelist), Disability Consultant, Indiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence
  • Dr. Mary Ciccarelli (she/her, Panelist), Professor of Clinical Medicine and Clinical Pediatrics at Indiana University School of Medicine
  • Pam Malin (she/her, Panelist), Disability Victim Advocate (she/her, Panelist), Disability Rights Wisconsin
  • Cindy Bentley, Executive Director (she/her, Panelist), People First Wisconsin
  • Timotheus Gordon (he/him, Panelist), Research Assistant, University of Illinois – Chicago

Closed Captions & Transcript created by Skye Ashton Kantola, MESA Program Coordinator


Voices from the Margins – People with Disabilities on Desire

Elevatus is more than a training facility for sexual health competency for people with developmental and intellectual disabilities; it is a wealth of resources. The Elevatus newsletter is always full of free sexual health resources and goodies and this week’s newsletter is no exception. Click on the button below to access “Listening to Self-Advocates Voices: How Shameful, Negative Messages, and Fear-Based Sexuality Education Puts People At Risk”

Please read the Elevatus article and if you can, track down the original article  Restrictions, Power, Companionship, and Intimacy: A Metasynthesis of People with Intellectual Disability Speaking About Sex and Relationships by Rhonda S. Black and Rebecca R. Kammes, (Intellect Dev Disabil. 2020 Feb;58(1):65-81), pass it on!


Post written by  Cierra Olivia Thomas-Williams, Prevention Specialist, Indiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence (ICADV), cwilliams@icadvinc.org.

Webinar 9: Sex and Sense Ability: Disability, Sexuality, and Available Adaptations


When we challenge assumptions and acknowledge that people with disabilities can and often are people with sexual desires, we grant people with disability agency over their bodies and desires. Sex and pleasure are accessible to everyone with some creativity and an open mind. In this jam packed session we will hit on a multitude of topics related to sex and sexuality from practical adaptations, conversations with caregivers, navigating partnerships, body positivity and sex surrogacy. Sexual desire is a spectrum for us all, including people with disabilities. It’s time we talk about how we talk about sex, sexuality, desire and intimacy. From social media movements like #disabledpeoplearehot and #babewithmobilityaid to discussions with doctors and other service providers, the discussion is happening all around us. Join Em Mais and Skye Kantola as they share a queer inclusive perspective on navigating this complex topic. Everyone (over 18) and ready to engage openly is welcome and encouraged to attend! CC coming soon!

Webinar Outline
  • 5-10 minutes: Housekeeping & introductions
  • 20 minutes: Accessibility & Aids
  • 20 minutes: Communication & Sexuality
  • 10 minutes: Technology & Resources
  • 10 minutes: Q & A
  • Em Mais (they/them), Disability Advocate, Researcher, and Undergraduate Student at Indiana University
  • Skye Ashton Kantola (she and they), Program Coordinator, Multicultural Efforts to End Sexual Assault, kantola@purdue.edu
  • Cierra Olivia Thomas-Williams (she/her, Tech Moderator), Prevention Specialist, Indiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence
  • Note: Lane Banister and Em Mais originally created this curriculum and Em and Skye made some modifications to the curriculum for today’s webinar.

Closed Captions & Transcript created by Skye Ashton Kantola, MESA Program Coordinator
