Help us bring your voice to the forefront!

Request for Submissions

The Indiana Disability Justice Task Force ( or “IDJ”) is looking for contributors for the online Disability Justice and Violence Prevention Resource Hub!  We can compensate you for your participation. If you are selected to be published, you will receive $250!  (Please be aware this could affect benefits and services for those who have them. Please seek out guidance.)

The IDJ Task Force is always looking for:

Along with your submission as outlined below, please also include:

  • The name you’d like associated with the publication.
  • Any organization or agency affiliation that you’d like included with the publication.
  • A brief bio that can be included with the publication.
  • A photo with an image description that can be included with the publication (if submission is in written, not video format).  If you’d like to learn about image descriptions and how to write them, please Read This.
  • Additional information about where people can find you and support your work, such as social media handles, website, etc.

Please submit questions and publications to Submissions will be accepted year-round on a rolling basis.  Please note that Online Hub coordinators are mostly volunteer-based, so please be patient as you wait for a response.  Once submitted, a Task Force member will confirm receipt.  Shortly after, you will receive edits or a confirmation that the submission is ready for publication along with an expected publication date.  Please be sure to confirm you are prepared for publication.  Once published, please share widely!


Publication Guidelines written by Skye Ashton Kantola, Assistant Director at Multicultural Efforts to End Sexual Assault,

Gaps & Opportunities for Prevention Infrastructure

The Indiana Abuse Prevention Disability Task Force (IDJ) conducted interviews with disability serving and governmental agencies in order to understand the processes by which people with disabilities can report abuse including sexual assault (SA). There are three state divisions, Bureau of Developmental and Disability Services (BDDS), Division of Aging, and the Department of Child Services (DCS) that have processes in place for reporting, following up after incidents, and to provide for or “cover” medical and legal care. After the Task Force identified mandatory state reporting procedures, they created flow charts depicting these practices to encourage transparency across sectors.

During this collaborative effort, these three common gaps in holistic care emerged following the official reporting of the incident:

In reviewing the flow charts, IDJ learned disability service providers follow the reporting requirements set by state agencies and offer support where they can with little to no interagency collaboration. Each state division, BDDS, Division of Aging & DCS, collects incident data and enforces mandated safety standards and when sexual abuse incidents are substantiated, a criminal legal process may begin. The safety of the person receiving services is paramount as is protecting provider organizations from liability for harm that may come to the person while receiving services. Advocacy or support for a person with ID/DD through the criminal legal system and/or healing process is not guaranteed. Additionally, organizations that provide rape crisis services do not typically house people with ID/DD, especially when there are caregivers in the person’s life. 

The IDJ makes the following recommendations to increase safe, stable, and nurturing relationships and environments in the state of Indiana

Education of disability service providers, victim service providers, and the community is needed to ensure survivors with disabilities are connected to the healing services they need following an incident of violence. Education on bodily autonomy, sexual literacy, and inappropriate touch is needed for people with disabilities so they can communicate their desires and report positive or harmful experiences. 

Mandated processes ensure reports are made to the appropriate authorities to ensure safety of the survivor as well as other consumers. However, these processes can feel sterile, and confusing and sometimes made against the will of the victim or person harmed. 

Advocates remind survivors of their rights, empower survivors to choose what is right for them, and provide emotional support to survivors in challenging situations. For survivors with disabilities to benefit from advocacy, disability organizations must be informed of this role and contact them when needed, and victim service providers must be educated on the unique needs and ways to communicate with survivors with disabilities. 

The gaps discussed in this document demonstrate a lack of communication and understanding between the disability justice movement and the anti-violence movement, which we believe is the outcome of the siloing of social problems and constructing one size fits all solutions through state systems. While legal justice is attempted and pursued, prosecution and conviction rates remain low, and restorative and healing practices are ignored when they involve people with ID/DD. Instead, restorative justice is personal and responsive to the needs of the individual survivor or person harmed; it is both survivor-centered and person-first, empowering the individual who was harmed to drive the investigative and reparative processes. 

The IDJ is connecting people with and without disabilities across disciplines to identify and address the existing gaps in service provision, education, and communication across sectors and levels of prevention. We are joining the concepts of survivor-centered services from the anti-violence movement with person-first services from the disability justice movement so that survivors with disabilities are empowered to lead self-directed lives, which includes what happens following an incident of violence. 


Analysis and info-graphic was created by Haleigh Rigger and Micca Stewart.  Haleigh Rigger is the statewide Rape Crisis Coordinator with Indiana Coalition Against Sexual Assault and Human Trafficking (ICESAHT), and Micca Stewart, Bureau of Quality and Improvement Services (BQIS), Indiana Family & Social Services Administration (FSSA), Post written by  Cierra Olivia Thomas-Williams, Prevention Specialist, Indiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence (ICADV),

Share your favorite resource to feature in the Hub

This Hub is a clearinghouse of resources that help people facilitate, teach, plan, evaluate and study sexual violence prevention and disability justice. We aim to present each resource in a useful, practical way and link directly to the resource so people can get to what they need quickly. Please keep that philosophy in mind when submitting resources. 

Help us expand this Hub and keep this resource Hub up-to-date and comprehensive by submitting your favorite publications, tools, programs, case studies, and more!

Many thanks to the National Coalition for Dialog and Deliberation for modeling this format.

Are you interested in sharing your voice? Check out our submission guidelines.

Cierra, Elder to Elder Post written by Cierra Olivia Thomas Williams, Prevention Specialist at Indiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence  

May, 2018, Miwok Ancestral Home lands on Mt. Tamalpias

Reporting & Restorative Justice in Indiana

Sexual Violence Reporting for People with Disabilities in Indiana

Sexual violence interventions of today (SV advocates, criminal legal centered aftermath, crisis shelters, SART teams) may need to be revised or altered to include supports and services for people with disabilities in general, and almost all services need specifically to be tailored to work for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their loved ones. Part of the process of ensuring that all people thrive is modifying current systems, like sexual violence intervention and prevention systems, locally and statewide to incorporate restorative services, support and opportunities for all people.

People with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) in the state of Indiana who are receiving support for independent living or residential services or people with I/DD who attend day or vocational rehabilitation programs (including nursing homes) are subject to follow state guidelines for reporting any abuse, including sexual assault. The reporting process is complicated and because it is an institutional process, rather than a healing endeavor, the process can leave those who caused harm and those who were harmed unsupported.

The Indiana Disability Justice Task Force in collaboration with People with Disabilities seeks to create a supportive and restorative infrastructure for people with disabilities and their families. To that end, this post represents what we know about the current abuse reporting structure in the state of Indiana for people with developmental and intellectual disabilities. The education subcommittee is working on providing additional information, such as agency specific abuse reporting protocols and what happens when APS or CPS is notified (green shape in chart)?

Sexual Violence (or abuse) Reporting Flow Chart, Bureau of Quality and Support Services Task force members who created the flow charts:

  • Micca Stewart, Bureau of Quality and Improvement Services (BQIS), Indiana Family & Social Services Administration (FSSA), Heather Dane, Bureau of Developmental Disability Services (BDDS), Indiana Family & Social Services Administration (FSSA),
  •, Cell: 317-460-6484, Office: 317-233-7420
  • Haleigh Rigger, Statewide Rape Crisis Coordinator, Indiana Coalition Against Sexual Assault and Human Trafficking (ICESAHT), created the disability services provider flow chart.

Reporting by Disability Services Providers

Download Chart PDF.

Reporting to Adult Protective Services

Download Chart PDF.

Reporting to the Division of Child Services

Download Hotline Chart PDF and CPS Intake Chart PDF.

The reporting systems as they currently exist in Indiana are still often fractured, focused on legal and state-involved solutions to violence, and often lack communication across agencies. For Indiana to shift towards transformative justice and restorative justice for survivors, and a more effective prevention practice, agencies must redouble their efforts to listen to and incorporate knowledge from survivors with disabilities. We hope that IDJ can help to begin this process.


This post represents the collective work of the Indiana Disability Justice Task Force. This post is written by Cierra Olivia Thomas Williams, Prevention Specialist at Indiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence (ICADV) and edited by Skye Ashton Kantola, Assistant Director at the Multicultural Efforts to End Sexual Assault (MESA).