Risk Factors for Sexual Violence Among People with Cognitive and Developmental Disabilities

The Abuse Prevention Disability Task Force completed a literature review in 2018-2019 to identify risk factors associated with sexual violence and people with cognitive and developmental disabilities. Sexual violence (SV) primary prevention requires increasing protective factors and reducing/eliminating sexual violence perpetration risk factors; and though the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have identified risk and protective factors for sexual violence perpetration, the research may not include people with cognitive and developmental disabilities. People with cognitive and developmental disabilities communicate using a variety of methods and some people do not use written or spoken “standardized” language. The result is hundreds of thousands of people are left out of scientifically designed SV data collection practices, such as NISVS and YRBSS. The task force literature review included science-based evidence (journal articles), practice-based evidence (toolkits), and practice wisdom (community resources) created after the year 2000.

These free and readily available resources reviewed (see citations below) generally associated risk factors with victimization and with disability increasing one’s risk for sexual violence victimization (as a result of structural inequities that place people with disabilities at greater risk). There were no clear findings to report beyond the CDC about risk and protective factors for perpetration. The task force organized the sexual violence risks for victimization across the social ecological model according to the level of their impact on people with disabilities, including cognitive and developmental disabilities. We are developing recommendations to pass along to those who are interested, so keep checking back.


  • Alriksson-Schmidt, A. I., Armour, B. S., & Thibadeau, J. K. (2010). Are Adolescent Girls With a Physical Disability at Increased Risk for Sexual Violence? Journal of School Health, 80, 361–367. doi:10.1111/j.1746-1561.2010.00514
  • Basile, K. C., Breiding, M. J., & Smith, S. G. (2016). Disability and Risk of Recent Sexual Violence in the United States. American Journal of Public Health, 106(5), 928–933. doi:10.2105/AJPH.2015.303004
  • Cowley, Kelsey, Fellow, Self-Advocacy Resource and Technical Assistance Center. (2018). Starting the Conversation: A Toolkit for Self-Advocates to Talk About Sexual Violence in Their Community. Toolkit available online February 13, 2020 at: https://selfadvocacyinfo.org/resource/starting-the-conversation-a-toolkit-for-self-advocates-to-talk-about-sexual-violence-in-their-community/
  • Davis, Leigh Ann, M.S.S.S.W., M.P.A., L.A.D. (2019). Resources, People with Intellectual Disability and Sexual Violence. The Arc. Retrieved online at May 20, 2019: https://www.thearc.org/sslpage.aspx?pid=2457
  • Euser, S. , Alink, L. R., Tharner, A. , IJzendoorn, M. H. and Bakermans‐Kranenburg, M. J. (2016). The Prevalence of Child Sexual Abuse in Out‐of‐home Care: Increased Risk for Children with a Mild Intellectual Disability. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 29: 83-92. doi:10.1111/jar.12160
  • Fredriksen-Goldsen, Karen I., Hyun-Jun Kim, and Susan E. Barkan (2012). Disability Among Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Adults: Disparities in Prevalence and Risk. American Journal of Public Health 102, e16_e21. doi.org/10.2105/AJPH.2011.300379
  • Hughes K, Bellis MA, Jones L, Wood S, Bates G, Eckley L, McCoy E, Mikton C, Shakespeare T, Officer A. (2012). Prevalence and risk of violence against adults with disabilities: a systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies. Lancet; doi:10.1016/S0410-6736(11)61851-5.
  • Keilty, J & Connelly, G. (2001). Making a statement: An exploratory study of barriers facing women with an intellectual disability when making a statement about sexual assault to police. Disability & Society, 16 (2), 273-291.
  • Krahn, Gloria L. PhD, MPH, Deborah Klein Walker, EdD, and Rosaly Correa-De-Araujo, MD, PhD (2015). Persons with Disabilities as an Unrecognized Health Disparity Population. American Journal of Public Health, Supplement 2, 2015, Vol. 105, No. S2., p. S198. Retrieved November 1, 2018 from: https://ajph.aphapublications.org/doi/pdf/10.2105/AJPH.2014.302182
  • National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, Division of Violence Prevention (2020). Risk and Protective Factors. Accessed online May 20, 2019 at https://www.cdc.gov/violenceprevention/sexualviolence/riskprotectivefactors.html
  • Normand, C.L. and Sallafranque‐St‐Louis, F. (2016), Cybervictimization of Young People With an Intellectual or Developmental Disability: Risks Specific to Sexual Solicitation. Journal ofApplied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 29:99-110. doi:10.1111/jar.12163
  • Plummer, S.-B., & Findley, P. (2012). Women With Disabilities’ Experience With Physical and Sexual Abuse: Review of the Literature and Implications for the Field. Trauma Violence Abuse 2012 13: 15. Accessed online May 21, 2019 at:
  • https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Patricia_Findley/publication/51787909_Women_With_Disabilities’_Experience_With_Physical_and_Sexual_Abuse/links/0deec5304c5a1c79d8000000.pdf
  • Taggart, L. & R. McMillan (2009). Listening to women with intellectual disabilities and mental health problems: a focus on risk and resilient factors. Journal of Intellectual Disabilities, 2009, vol 13(4) 321‒340. doi: 10.1177⁄1744629509353239
  • West Virginia Foundation for Rape Information and Services (2019). West Virginia S.A.F.E. Training and Collaboration Toolkit, Serving Sexual Violence Victims with Disabilities, B1.1 Sexual Violence 101. Sexual Victimization of Persons with Disabilities: Prevalence and Risk Factors Sexual Victimization of Persons with Disabilities: Prevalence and Risk Factors. West Virginia Foundation for Rape Information and Services. Accessed online May 20, 2019 at:
  • https://www.arcnj.org/file_download/eeead953-679c-4937-9f6e-596248f9261e


Research conducted and post written by  Cierra Olivia Thomas-Williams, Prevention Specialist, Indiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence (ICADV), cwilliams@icadvinc.org. Infographics created by Kat Chappell, Outreach and Operations Manager, Indiana Governor’s Council for People with Disabilities, kchappell@gcpd.in.gov. Post edited by Skye Ashton Kantola (she/they), Assistant Director at Multicultural Efforts to End Sexual Assault, kantola@purdue.edu.

Voices from the Margins – People with Disabilities on Desire

Elevatus is more than a training facility for sexual health competency for people with developmental and intellectual disabilities; it is a wealth of resources. The Elevatus newsletter is always full of free sexual health resources and goodies and this week’s newsletter is no exception. Click on the button below to access “Listening to Self-Advocates Voices: How Shameful, Negative Messages, and Fear-Based Sexuality Education Puts People At Risk”

Please read the Elevatus article and if you can, track down the original article  Restrictions, Power, Companionship, and Intimacy: A Metasynthesis of People with Intellectual Disability Speaking About Sex and Relationships by Rhonda S. Black and Rebecca R. Kammes, (Intellect Dev Disabil. 2020 Feb;58(1):65-81), pass it on!


Post written by  Cierra Olivia Thomas-Williams, Prevention Specialist, Indiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence (ICADV), cwilliams@icadvinc.org.

Webinar 9: Sex and Sense Ability: Disability, Sexuality, and Available Adaptations


When we challenge assumptions and acknowledge that people with disabilities can and often are people with sexual desires, we grant people with disability agency over their bodies and desires. Sex and pleasure are accessible to everyone with some creativity and an open mind. In this jam packed session we will hit on a multitude of topics related to sex and sexuality from practical adaptations, conversations with caregivers, navigating partnerships, body positivity and sex surrogacy. Sexual desire is a spectrum for us all, including people with disabilities. It’s time we talk about how we talk about sex, sexuality, desire and intimacy. From social media movements like #disabledpeoplearehot and #babewithmobilityaid to discussions with doctors and other service providers, the discussion is happening all around us. Join Em Mais and Skye Kantola as they share a queer inclusive perspective on navigating this complex topic. Everyone (over 18) and ready to engage openly is welcome and encouraged to attend! CC coming soon!

Webinar Outline
  • 5-10 minutes: Housekeeping & introductions
  • 20 minutes: Accessibility & Aids
  • 20 minutes: Communication & Sexuality
  • 10 minutes: Technology & Resources
  • 10 minutes: Q & A
  • Em Mais (they/them), Disability Advocate, Researcher, and Undergraduate Student at Indiana University
  • Skye Ashton Kantola (she and they), Program Coordinator, Multicultural Efforts to End Sexual Assault, kantola@purdue.edu
  • Cierra Olivia Thomas-Williams (she/her, Tech Moderator), Prevention Specialist, Indiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence
  • Note: Lane Banister and Em Mais originally created this curriculum and Em and Skye made some modifications to the curriculum for today’s webinar.

Closed Captions & Transcript created by Skye Ashton Kantola, MESA Program Coordinator
