Surviving the Nursing Home

A sunflower blooming in the middle of a dried-up field.

Hi! My name is Angelo Edwards and I’m a resident at a healthcare facility (nursing home) in Muncie, Indiana. Here is a little background information about myself:


I had a single car accident in October 2011. I’ve been in and out of nursing homes the last ten years. I have about a total of about five years living in the nursing home and the other five I was able to live at home with the assistance of caregivers and nurses coming to my home. The first time I came to the nursing home, I was a  resident for almost three years.


Even at that time I had to become my own advocate and make phone calls and connections trying to find a place that was wheelchair accessible so I could try to go home. At that time I was in really bad shape but  was receiving therapy to get myself stronger and as independent as much as possible. It did take a lot of hard work and a lot of phone calls but I was finally able to find a home that was wheelchair accessible and big enough to bring my family back together under one roof. 


I was so excited to be going home. At this time I was 38 years old. All the way up to the morning that I was to leave,  things still weren’t in order. None of the equipment I needed immediately at home had not been ordered by the caseworker of the nursing home. A phone call was made to every place dealing with equipment to deliver whatever they had. I ended up with a old but decent bed, a hand pump Hoyer lift, a bedside potty chair. This wasn’t good because I couldn’t support myself to use the bathroom unless the chair was placed over the toilet. We had to  use the Hoyer sling to hold me over the toilet. The bed did lift at the head and foot but not enough to sit up.


Fortunately, an electric wheelchair had been given to me so I could use the other money to be able to get a few other nicer things like a better Hoyer lift and things to help me shower In the end though, I had to resort to getting bed baths.


I had to return to the nursing home due to a lack of staffing in the home healthcare field. Indiana Disability Justice asked me how I feel about living in the nursing home. All that I can say is I’m surviving.  


I don’t know how many times I have had to call the Director of Nursing (DON) to go over the same BS concerning a lack of care I and others receive. I’m set to take a shower twice a week or as many times as I supposedly want,  but that doesn’t happen.  Out of the last eight scheduled showers,  I have had three.  This has really been tough on me because I have always been anal about my hygiene.


I have wounds from not being turn from side to side every few hours. I have to use a wound vac machine to help with the healing process of wounds,  but the machine isn’t properly cared for.  The wound vac is scheduled by doctors orders to be changed every Monday,  Wednesday  and Friday. As I am writing this,  It’s almost 11pm Tuesday night, and it hasn’t been changed yet. It hasn’t been changed since Saturday. This could cause my wounds to not to heal correctly or get them infected. I also have other wounds and sores that are not being treated properly. Fortunately,  I have the opportunity to go to an outside wound center every two weeks for intervention. By the time you read this,  I would have had to be placed with a colostomy bag because of certain things not being done properly or regularly.


During May of 2020,   I got COVID in the nursing home.  I was placed in the hospital for nine months.     While I was fighting for my life,  I heard my things at the nursing home had been gone through.  Sure enough,  when I returned I found some of my things were missing.  I met with the old director,  the new director,  and the case manager.  After more than a year later,  nothing has been replaced. My wife repeatedly says niceness doesn’t get you nowhere nowadays.

 I have called the state to address these issues. 

I have had friends contact the state.  I have had family contact the state.  All the results being the same:  nothing being done.

They say the root of the poor quality care is there are so few aides.  I appreciate the aides that do their jobs well.  I don’t know what we would do without them.  I’m so blessed to still be able to speak out about my treatment I can only pray for those who can’t


Update on the Author:

Angelo Edwards first shared his story with IDJ at the end of 2021. As of June 2022, Angelo reported that after two years, his wounds have almost healed. The staffing at the nursing home has been a bit more consistent. Angelo is actively seeking getting out of the nursing home in order to get back to living his life! He is coordinating with agencies, friends, and family to do this. He can’t wait, and hopefully he will be in his new place by September! Angelo also happily reports having his first grandchild. He thanks God for helping him survive the nursing home.

Coping with Anxiety and Depression

There are many ways to cope with anxiety and depression. There are many ways to manage them. Courtney Parker shares a story and her artwork.

Roxy- a golden retreiever, sitting in the middle of a living room, looking happy. Her fur is completely golden.

This is my dog Roxy. She is a golden retriever. She was nine years old when she passed away. She was my very best friend before I met Brian, my partner. She wasn’t a trained therapy dog, but she was a big support to me and helped me with my emotions. I have severe anxiety and depression so day to day living can be very stressful sometimes. I love and miss Roxy everyday.

A drawing of two birds. Onve is a red cardinal siting on a branch with green leaves. The other bird is a blue jay sitting on a leafless branch.

Courtney also deals with her anxiety by drawing. She draws everything from imaginary creatures to animals to portraits of loved ones to Biblical imagery. The above picture is of two birds sitting on two brances.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR AND ARTIST: Courtney Parker has spina bifina. She has a young son. Courtney deeply loves her family and God.

IDJ Questions:

How do you deal with anxiety and depression? Does your organization offer safe spaces and offer time where employees and clients can use the techniques that they need to maintain or increase well-being? Why or why not?

Sadness vs Numbness

Give me sadness
With its grey skies
My heart ripped into two

Let me sob
Let listen to gut wrenching songs
Let me write dark and dreary poetry
Let me share my woes to all
About the unfairness and hurt
That my senses perceive whenever I breathe

Yes, give me this sadness, that has a clear cause
This sadness that I hate: Give me that: For my own sake

Sadness is natural; a part of human life
Barely on the spectrum
When I compare it to Numbness.

Grey skies vs blackness nothing
Heart in two vs non-feeling beats

An inorganic place called the Abyss
Where Numbness holds myself
Not song, word, or voice allowed
Not even the grace of sadness can present itself

Just me and Numbness
And empty thoughts of blankness
No one in; no one out
Unbearable Disconnection

The world’s simple notion of depression as sad sadness
Gives no justice to the Numbness of the Abyss
So, please, may I have sadness?

Jody has short black hair with her left side shaven. Her glasses are reddish, her sweather is dark purple, her earrings are black, and her grin is huge.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Jody Michele Powers

Jody Powers is an independent consultant for the Indiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence, where she serves on the leadership. committee of Indiana Disability Justice and is the Hub Coordinator of the IDJ website. Jody is also a licensed Christian minister, whose faith motivates her to promote the human dignity of all people. Jody has cerebral palsy with visual and speech impairments. She uses a power chair for mobility. She deals with clinical depression and PTSD, unseen disabilities that affect her life as much as her seen disabilities.



Unscrewed your lies from inside
my mind

Thwarted unworthiness
which dictated who I was

The runt of some impoverished litter
how dared I not survive?
Otherwise, what does it say about society
when we do not save the least of these?

My existence depends on your benevolence
you pay me in tax from the scraps
you render Caesar
I’m no believer.

Remove your black boot from my neck,
I don’t need your rations, fascist.
I won’t be stranded by your standards
of intelligence or

Ableism likes its women blade thin
starved till we’re dizzy bled out
and white like glutted milk
for children
it deems we dare not feed
until we fit.

Ableism lets me breathe
provided I am blank and grateful as
a grave made from milestones that pulverized my C-curved spine.
This able life is a lie
cleansed by the Savior who did not die.
I’m saved by His grace.
I don’t have to try, victory’s within me.


About the Author: Stacye Robinson

Stacye Robinson received a Master of Arts degree from Ball State University in 2013. She now lives in Indianapolis with her husband Ryne and Robinson.