Disability Justice and Violence Prevention Resource Hub

Community Strengths, Needs, & Desires Assessment

There is a severe shortage of information about self-reported experiences of bodily autonomy, hygiene, sexuality, safer sex education, sexuality, sexual autonomy, affirming relationships, and sexual harm among people with disabilities, especially information that is specific to Indiana. To begin to address this information gap, IDJ created our own survey with a coalition of people with disabilities and people without disabilities, self-advocates, service providers and professionals, and caregivers from 2019-2021.

The survey seeks to identify whether people with disabilities in Indiana are experiencing sexual violence, sexual harassment, and bodily restriction; and if people with disabilities in Indiana experience access to information about bodily autonomy, sexuality, and supported sexual and romantic decision-making.

We hope that this preliminary assessment sheds light on the magnitude of healthful and harmful experiences people with disabilities in Indiana are experiencing, especially regarding sexual and romantic wellness.

There are five infographics and plain text versions to explore these topics

Check out our infographics below! (Thank you to Skylar Kantola for creating these resources)

The Survey


Welcome to the official Community Strengths, Needs, and Desires Assessment (CSNDA) for people with disabilities in Indiana.  This survey was created by a coalition of people with disabilities and people without disabilities, self-advocates, service providers and professionals, and caregivers through the Indiana Disability Justice Task Force (IDJ).

Survey Purpose

This survey seeks to identify whether people with disabilities in Indiana are experiencing sexual violence, sexual harassment, and bodily restriction; and if people with disabilities in Indiana are experiencing access to information about bodily autonomy, sexuality, and supported sexual and romantic decision-making.  We hope that this preliminary assessment sheds light on the magnitude of healthful and harmful experiences people with disabilities in Indiana are experiencing, especially in regards to sexual and romantic wellness.

Who May Complete This Survey

Any adults with disabilities who are residing in Indiana may participate.  “Disability” for the purposes of this survey follows the social model for disability.  Therefore, disability may include developmental and cognitive disabilities, physical disabilities, mobility disabilities, sensory disabilities, chronic illness, neurodivergence, mental illness, etc.  Please feel free to invite a caregiver, friend, or other trusted support person to help you complete the survey.

Anonymity and Confidentiality

All information submitted in this survey will be completely anonymous as well as confidential.  The settings for this survey are such that no personally identifiable information will be collected.  Data analysts and project leaders will not be able to ever connect an individual survey to any individual person. The responses will be released only as part of a group summary in which no individuals’ answers can be identified.

Participation Options

Ways to participate in this survey include online or on a paper survey which can be mailed to you.  To request a paper survey be mailed to you, please email indisabilityjustice@gmail.com or text or call Skye Kantola at 317-721-4294.

Brief Guidance to Support Persons

If you are assisting a person with a disability to complete this survey,  be mindful to clearly convey the meaning of questions and response options.  Do not encourage a particular response to the questions based on your beliefs regarding the questions.​​​


Please find a list of definitions for various words used in this survey: https://indisabilityjustice.org/definitions-related-to-disability-justice-and-sexual-wellness/. We recommend that you open the Definitions page (by clicking on the link) in another tab for reference as you complete the survey.


Here is a list of statewide and by-county sexual violence and domestic violence resources in Indiana: https://indisabilityjustice.org/sexual-domestic-violence-organizational-resource-list/.
Here is a list of statewide and by-county disability services resources in Indiana: https://indisabilityjustice.org/disability-services-in-indiana-resource-list/.

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