Disability Justice and Violence Prevention Resource Hub

Webinar 12: Sexual Wellness for People with Cognitive and Developmental Disabilities as Sexual Violence Primary Prevention

A photo from the beginning of webinar 11. To the left are video streams (from top to bottom) of Skye, Jordan, Timotheus, Mary, and Cierra. To the right is a slide with the title, "Sexual Wellness of People with Cognitive Disabilities as Sexual Violence Primary Prevention." Below the title is the text, "Guest Panelists: Jordan Haisley, ICADV Disability Consultant; Dr. Mary Ciccarelli, Professor of Clinical Medicine and Clinical Pediatrics at Indiana University School of Medicine; Pam Malin, Disability Victim Advocate at Disability Rights Wisconsin; Cindy Bentley, Executive Director at People First Wisconsin; Timotheus Gordon, Research Asssistant at UIC." To the right of both of these reads, "April 3, 2020, Disability Justice & Sexual Violence Prevention, Webinar 12" and "Brought to you by Indiana Abuse Prevention Disability Task Force."

Image Description: A photo from the beginning of webinar 11. To the left are video streams (from top to bottom) of Skye, Jordan, Timotheus, Mary, and Cierra. To the right is a slide with the title, "Sexual Wellness of People with Cognitive Disabilities as Sexual Violence Primary Prevention." Below the title is the text, "Guest Panelists: Jordan Haisley, ICADV Disability Consultant; Dr. Mary Ciccarelli, Professor of Clinical Medicine and Clinical Pediatrics at Indiana University School of Medicine; Pam Malin, Disability Victim Advocate at Disability Rights Wisconsin; Cindy Bentley, Executive Director at People First Wisconsin; Timotheus Gordon, Research Asssistant at UIC." To the right of both of these reads, "April 3, 2020, Disability Justice & Sexual Violence Prevention, Webinar 12" and "Brought to you by Indiana Abuse Prevention Disability Task Force."

Sexual Wellness for People with Cognitive Disabilities as Sexual Violence Primary Prevention

Contextualizing sexual wellness for people with disabilities as a strategy for SVPP across the social ecological model; Risk Factors for SV for People with Disabilities related to sexual wellness; What kinds of things does a sexual wellness instructor need to consider for program adaptation? How should we address consent?

Webinar Outline

Closed Captions & Transcript created by Skye Ashton Kantola, MESA Program Coordinator

Webinar 12: Sexual Wellness for People with Cognitive and Developmental Disabilities as Sexual Violence Primary Prevention
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